I just went to watch "Inception" and my mind is kinda blown.. SO much went on in there, I almost need to see it again. Oh, and the VDT trailer was in front of it too.
Except it was kind of shortened..
Like, they didn't have the beginning part except when the went through the painting and then cut to.. much later on, when they were on the islands or something.. and then everything sort of sped up and all of a sudden it was over.
Ah well.
*welcomes Ben back*
Oh I see.... Well the price probably dropped quite a bit since when my friend bought theirs...
Yeah, probably. I ordered them and they arrived yesterday. I haven't had chance to listen to more than.. say, 10 minutes of it though.
Four hours of sleep, AC? Eh. I don't blame you; I'd be the officially-most-exhausted-person-ever, too. I don't do well at all with only a few hours. Glad you all had a good time, though!
Yep, I had a pretty bad headache the next day. But it's all good.
Anyway. It's my dad's birthday and I'm sick.
Aww. *sends lots of get well wishes*
Lol I'm EST so yeah, 12 hours .
Oh, really? Cool.
lol the new version is better, besides that I wish they had kept the line "the shy boy sees that he could be free" instead of "the blue bird sees that she could be free". Btw, it was another project called Seagull Orchestra, not the song. Actually, I think Sky Sailing is just one whole grouping of all these songs from his different earlier projects.
Aww.. he should've kept the line.. *didn't even know it was there*
Ah yeah, it probably is something like that. But I'm pretty sure the title "An Airplane Carried Me To Bed" was what he titled his 11 tracks, or something, in his parent's basement? I'm not sure. The details of that myspace blog are a little fuzzy in my brain.
Oh btw - I think my CD's coming tomorrow. Or maybe the day after.
wow. I will die if I have to take those end of the year Junior exams.
End of year exams are the worst.. plus, it doesn't even make sense because you're just cramming the information into your head the night or two before the exam and then forgetting it soon after.. at least, that's what I did, the only year that I took them. But with different subjects one after another it's impossible to actually test your knowledge.. French and German exams in the same day? Get real.
lol yeah I'd be like "hi from...my friend...on the internet?"
Well, it'd probably be okay if she doesn't speak too much English, as you said.
I just laughed so hard at the paragraph about you thinking Ben fell off a mountain.
Bye everyone.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Hey hey hey!
*thinks crabs from Finding Nemo*
Oh, really? Cool.
haha yep .
Aww.. he should've kept the line..
*didn't even know it was there*
Ah yeah, it probably is something like that. But I'm pretty sure the title "An Airplane Carried Me To Bed" was what he titled his 11 tracks, or something, in his parent's basement? I'm not sure. The details of that myspace blog are a little fuzzy in my brain.
Oh btw - I think my CD's coming tomorrow.Or maybe the day after.
actually that line is in Brielle- my mistake .
An Airplane Carried Me to Bed is a line from Sailboats I think. I don't know much about the whole project, just really that it was written before OC .
ack you are soooo lucky! I want it soooooooooooooooo bad! Ugh! Well, enjoy it .
End of year exams are the worst.. plus, it doesn't even make sense because you're just cramming the information into your head the night or two before the exam and then forgetting it soon after.. at least, that's what I did, the only year that I took them.
But with different subjects one after another it's impossible to actually test your knowledge.. French and German exams in the same day? Get real.
do you know that most students only retain 3% of what they learned in school? I don't get why you get taught so much that you'll never use. I like it in Spain b/c after two years in high school, they have you decide if you're going to take a more arts oriented career or math/science. So depending on what you choose, you don't have to take classes for the other. That's pretty sweet.
Well, it'd probably be okay if she doesn't speak too much English, as you said.
yeah she doesn't
I just laughed so hard at the paragraph about you thinking Ben fell off a mountain.
I freak out easily
Mortereve all!
*waves to NN95 and leaves*
*waves back* How are you, Aslans Country? Do you have a shorter nickname?
*waves to Rosa*
I was just telling Libby last night that you hadn't been on in a while
. Welcome back! That camp looks like fun! I'm going to have to try to go to a camp again sometime...
Well, I'm glad I'm missed!
Thanks, we had a great time. I'd certainly recommend it!
I've seen the first four episodes now. Be forewarned- it's pretty sad already! How much is uploaded?
Sad already? That stinks. I hated the few sad episodes in Season 1, like when Roy got killed, and when Marian agreed to marry Guy. I hope the majority of Season 2 isn't sad... Anyway, I guess it's better than Season 3, eh?
Only 3 episodes are uploaded.
Wow, so little to catch up on, lately! Mortereve, all.
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Hello everyone. It is me again, making my once in a hungry( @ gazer) moon appearance. I hope that ya'll are doing well.
Miss Rose, the Moot was a blast, your sister is hilarious.
I hope that you are feeling much better and that your dad had a good birthday.
Just wanted to say hello, and try to re-introduce myself to the Square.Also, following Jo's orders.
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
Mortereve, all!
Well, first and foremost, I would like to wish our "gem" of the square a very special day. (Sorry, couldn't resist the pun...) Happy Birthday, Ruby!!! *throws confetti on her* I hope you have a wonderful birthday today, showered with blessings and joy.
Today has been so fast-going! Because I woke up at 10:31, I presume, accounts to that but really? 1:45 already? I guess I better do my chores after this. Procrastination is a blast... I sort of got carried away writing... My story is sooooo dumb right now, but I'm having fun using such a convenient creative outlet.
"I'm not a good writer, but a good rewriter" I guess. It's coming off very Magicians Nephew-ish... but we'll see.
Apart from that, my poor kitty has up and gotten bit, cut, or stung or something on her poor baby paw. The poor creature. The swelling has gone down from yesterday, but I'm praying it's not infected. I s'pose I'll bathe it in some salt water. If it doesn't heal by Wednesday, we probably'll go to the vet or earlier than that... but things like this keep constantly reminding me of how I need to trust the Lord more.
Oh! And yesterday, we were walking home because we took the wrong bus and ended up having a grand time. We bought a Spicy Italian foot long from Subway stocked with cooling vegetables and spicy stuff, walked around, viewed several book stores and then found a lovely little park with flowers, benches, and a handsome large monument of Abe Lincoln. So we sat and ate and then climbed up to Abe, marveled at the size, and then progressed further home. There was a garden center nearby where they had all sorts of flowers, ornamental peppers, garden supplies, fountains and many things to view. It was just entirely too lovely. I saw two names for flowers which I thrilled over their fairy-kiness-- "Mystic Spire" and "Dreamland Coral." Aren't those just enchanting names? Mother promised we'd go back there later and I simply can't wait. I also can't wait 'till college where I get to study botany and become more well versed in flowers and their poetic names.
And an update! Miss CS, my older, responsible sister whom I am so proud of that my cup spills over, has passed her permit test. Woohoo! Now for BTW-Behind the wheel. They have a whole bunch of confusing acronymns. I think it's, NTFTRS! Now time for the real stuff!
Sounds like you had a fun day in Boston, Gtg! Wait!! You climbed a Bunker Hill monument?? You're now encountering a very envious history buff. That is very neat.
I've not been doing much lately. Crocheting, reading, writing... the usual. For the first time in my life, I'm actually looking forward to school when I can actually do something. (Well, looking forward to everything but Geometry, Physics, and Spanish.
O for Bio and Algebra now gone!) Also we're looking forward to VBS at church.
What about you?
I really like your sig, btw! Sky Sailing's Album has got me almost addicted. It's sooo pretty.
*waves back to Bella* Hey, nice to meet you!! Thank goodness your name isn't from Twilight. I have an unhealthy abhorrence for that whole franchise thing, in general. It isn't so much the actual story as it is the screaming fangirls (and middle-aged women) and the fact that I'm being bombarded with proomotional stuff for it everywhere I go. Even in my dentist's office for crying out loud. Is nothing sacred?!
And you too! (A question, do you have a nickname? =]) Oh, yes, I'm glad t'isn't from there, too.
I can only (very, very heartily) ditto your laments on this whole ughy epidemic that's swept over those of our population. Petty, petty days. (And, granted, I was a little amused at your laments but I agree with them all the way. )
BTW, I saw you mentioned looking forward to Coldplay's new album in the moosic thread. You like Coldplay, then? Me too! What's your favourite album of theirs? ^.^
L. Because it sounds cool to say, is fun to write in cursive, and when in names has a very melodious sound. *continues conversation* Would you rather be a deep-sea-diver or a rock-climber?
Ooh, yes, L is very pretty-sounding. In cursive it's fun to write, but proves difficulty to me in calligraphy, but it still is beatiful. And it is very melodious, ahee!
ooh, this one goes without thinking-- rock climber!! Being underwater in any water biome is perfectly daunting for me.... I just envision seeing a killer whale in the distance or a blue wale or (oh horror!) a shark and then it coming closer...and closer...and closer and that music playing and then! *shudders* [/drama]
*thinks up good question* If you could have any unusual ice-cream flavour not confined to only sweet tastes, what would you pick?
*reads the information of Mel's mysterious project*
Ahaha...well, which dress was it that you believe I posted on Modcloth?
The hint at the dress's awesomeness is loverly! The hat and the dress match prettily--you win in my book! =]
Thank-you for the birthday wishes to my dad, Kathy! I will definitely pass it on to him. ^.^ Oh, yes, the scrumptious quote... Anne's such a dear, mhm?
*accepts them gratefully* Dried ones taste pretty good if you soak them for awhile 'undrying' them, as it were.
That is would be.
My perfect pitch isn't very good at all, it basically goes as far as hearing the white keys on a piano and naming them at any time. And maybe other instruments, but I can't pick notes out of songs and name them, or sing a given note or anything. I have a friend that does it perfectly, and that's pretty cool.
I imagine they do. Dried peaches actually taste very tasty in trail mix with other dried fruit and nutes. Random thought: If dried grapes have an exclusive name, raisins, I wonder why dried peaches don't?
"isn't very good at all"?! That is very good, to name the white keys on the piano and name them. I'm always mixed up on them...
Your friend sounds very impressive. Wish I could borrow her skillz for my piano exam.
So, what have you been doing lately, Miss Kathy?
I'm glad that your eye is better, Miss R, and that your summer is being quite nice!
Mhm, roast apples are very good but I'm 100% sure your mom makes them more scrumptious than I did. What kind of apples does she use, if I may ask?
*waves to Ben and Lys*
Ahh, I'm sorry you can't get the Narnia action figures, Cymru! They sound like something indeed.
*waves to Aiden* =]
*notes with glee that there's a Ruby-Winter post and leans back to read enjoyment packed in a post!*
KK! It's good to see you around! How've you been doing?
Hm. Catchup took only about a half-hour. That's not too bad! I'll now linger a bit further until I decide I had better to and finish my chores.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
comes in singing "Contact" by Falling Up
Ben: yeah, Ali told me about you climbing a mountain and I see you broke your phone. did you drop it off a cliff?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Well, I'm glad I'm missed!
Thanks, we had a great time. I'd certainly recommend it!
of course you are
cool- maybe I'll look in to it .
Sad already? That stinks. I hated the few sad episodes in Season 1, like when Roy got killed, and when Marian agreed to marry Guy. I hope the majority of Season 2 isn't sad... Anyway, I guess it's better than Season 3, eh?
Only 3 episodes are uploaded.
those were so sad! But actually, I don't think as sad as this. I was bawling so much . Yeah I hope it isn't all sad. Lol, I'm still deciding if I'm going to watch season 3 or not- it sounds horrible
aww, well I hope you can watch it soon!
Bella: aww poor kitty . I hope she's all right!
Sounds like you had a fun day in Boston, Gtg! Wait!! You climbed a Bunker Hill monument?? You're now encountering a very envious history buff.
That is very neat.
I've not been doing much lately. Crocheting, reading, writing... the usual. For the first time in my life, I'm actually looking forward to school when I can actually do something. (Well, looking forward to everything but Geometry, Physics, and Spanish.
O for Bio and Algebra now gone!) Also we're looking forward to VBS at church.
What about you?
I really like your sig, btw! Sky Sailing's Album has got me almost addicted. It's sooo pretty.
yes- a ton of fun! Yes! Lol- I'm a history buff too so I know how you must feel . It was a little tiring but not as bad as I thought it would be- I didn't realize how tall it was til we got to the top and the rooftop gardens were faaaar below us
. One of my friends dropped two pennies down and it took them 8 seconds to fall to the bottom! When we went down, I and two of my friends sang that song from Les Mis (look down look down you'll always be a slave) and then we sang "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera at the top of our lungs and had a ton of people giving us weird looks- along with our families being thoroughly ashamed to be seen with us
. Oh those are all fun things to do though! I think I need to pick up crocheting again. Aww you don't like Geometry? Or Spanish! Lol I loved Geometry but I hate Algebra to the core
. I love Bio thought but Chem is AWFUL! I can't stand it! Too much Algebra
I'm not doing too much. Reading alot since I have not mami picks til August 15. I have a ton of McKillips to read and I'm going to try and read Silas Marner and The Princess and the Goblin too .
Thank you! Yes I adore it! It's very beautiful and whimsical. Totally my style. Do you like Owl City?
Hey all! Hope all is going well here in the square and out of the square!
As I promised my camping trip story....
*copies and pastes from word document where he wrote it*
So for my camping trip!....
I left here on Thursday about 10 am and got into camp around 11-ish, set up camp and just hung around for the day not doing anything really. We (Brother and his wife and their children) had something that had a really weird name that started with a F, for supper, it was where you get some cheese hot where it is boiling a bit, and then you take some bread or anything really and dip it in the cheese. It was pretty good, except that it was really rich! So after just a little I was done with the cheese, but I ate a ton of shrimp!
Then after supper we went to a meeting (not sure if I told you all but this was a church camp out).
Then I went to bed .
Friday I decided I was going to hike up the mountain that was by us. So I set off!...
First I had to cross a river that was rushing very quickly! If I had lost my footing (which was not the easiest thing to keep) I would have been swept away and might have broken a bone, or been knocked out, which would have ended up… Lets just say that it would not have been good at all if I would have slipped!
Then I hiked forever! Up hills down cliffs! And finally made it to a creek where I took a long drink, for I had not brought a water bottle, yes, yes stupid, but I was feeling very woodsy and I knew I could get a drink from little creeks along the way, anyway! After I took a drink and started climbing again and in about 30-45 minutes I had hit tree line. It was a steep hill, but not too crazy steep, the little rocks were slipping a little if you did not get the right footing. I climbed up that for at least an hour till I was so parched from not drinking (and had to breath really hard which did not help with the dry throat!) and so hungry that I was starting to get a little weaker. But I thought it was a cool experience to feel that way like what you read in the books where they are parched and it was hard to swallow. Of course I was not that parched but it was hurting to swallow! So I decided not to go to the peak (which I had just got sight of) because it would have taken me quite a while longer (about another hour maybe), and it was a long hike back down! So I just turned around and started back. It took a while till I got to the creek, and I drank up good! But I was still very hungry! And was starting to shake a little from hiking so much without food. But I count it as a fun experience to have been that hungry and thirsty . Anyway I made it back to the river, asking God most of the way down to make it easier to cross because I was so hungry and more weak (and a little shaky) then I was crossing it the first time. And what would you know? When I crossed it, it was easier and it looked like it was not as deep, and when I looked at a big boulder that was sticking out of the water, the water mark had moved down so that was really cool!
So I got back to the camp safely and ate up good!
Next day (Saturday) we had a group breakfast with all the people with the church and that was pretty fun. After that we did a cool game called an “Orienteering race”, where one person (in this case the pastor) goes out and sets some flags in different places, and then makes clues to where they are. So we split up into four teams, and each team and a flag color, and then we all went out and started looking for the flags. Me and my team ended up in third place-due to some complications and misunderstandings ( just thought I would throw that in there
), but it was a ton of fun!
Then on Sunday we came back and my Mom and some of my siblings where here form Florida, and so that was nice to see them!
So that is my camping trip story! Hope it did not waste too much of your time reading it
Now for catchup!
OH MY GOSH! *tackle hug* you don't know how worried I was about you! The last text I got from you was on Friday morning saying you were going to go climb a mountain! Can you imagine what was going through my head! oh my gosh he fell off. He so fell off. *weep*
I'm pretty imaginative. Oh but *hug* I'm glad you're ok
Haha! Never thought about that! I might have died or something Thanks! I'm glad I'm ok too!
Ok you were ornery, I was hyper
Too true...
It is not prideful to ask a man *ahem* to go back and check for something he forgot first!
*edit* so I got tired of prolonging it and decided to go check what we were talking about since you were too lazy and selfish to do it yourself and it was about you telling me that I needed your permission to be a lady. Which I DO NOT!
Right but when you will not give it up it is probably because of pride
Oh I see, curiosity got the better of you
Alright I guess you do not
I'm going to do it when you are not expecting it! So you can wait all you want but it's not coming till I'm ready
episodes 3 and 4 were so sad! I was bawling! I can't believe
SpoilerWill's dad is dead! Seeing Lucas cry was like a stab in my heart! When guys cry it's always 10x more sad than when a girl cries. I'm so sad about Allan too! I wish he had just confessed
I guess it is pretty sad .... HAHA JOKE! It was sad!
Is it Lucas? I thought it was Luke? I guess I remembered wrong...
Yeah it sure does backfire when you don't confess something right away!
we can chat for quite a while...about nothing...if we're on at the same time
well Ben forgot part of it too and won't go check what we were talking about! *shoves Ben*
Yeah really!
*looks around* Rose I think I fly just hit me, do you know where it is at? I can't find it.
*welcomes Ben back*
Yeah, probably. I ordered them and they arrived yesterday.I haven't had chance to listen to more than.. say, 10 minutes of it though.
Oh really? Cool! Hope you like them
I just laughed so hard at the paragraph about you thinking Ben fell off a mountain.
*finds amusement in this comment*
*waves back to Bella*
Ben: yeah, Ali told me about you climbing a mountain and I see you broke your phone. did you drop it off a cliff?
Well actually when I crossed the river (as you can read above) I threw my shoes and my phone and some other items across but it just happened that my phone landed just wrong and... Yeah anyways
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*comes in brushing Bella's confetti off of her*
Yes, well, if you have not heard the news yet. Today is my sweet sixteenth. Thank you to everyone who has sent me or posted a birthday wish on the forum!
I love you all very much and am extremely sad that I haven't been able to get on here more often as of recent.
My mother asked me this morning what it felt like to be sixteen. I told her, it didn't feel much different from fifteen. I guess that's the way it always works. She and I get to go "make up" shopping sometime soon. Sixteen is when us girls in our family are officially allowed to wear make-up. I'm not sure if I'll start wearing it or not. As a little girly-girl I used to really love and put it on (all little girls do), but now I find it very impractical and a bit of a nuisance to wear (especially during a dance recital). Ah, well. I guess that's part of growing up.
My sister, Moon, took me out to lunch and then we went shopping. We had a lot of fun! She bought me (as my b-day present) The Man From Snowy River movie and Return to Snowy River. *squees* I'm such a fan-girl when it comes to that movie. But it is seriously like my child-hood all-time bestest favoritist movie ever!! I'm such a sucker for pretty horse movies with great soundtracks. I'm determined to get the sheet-music for that movie as soon as possible.
Another thing we got for fun was Relient K's Apathetic ep and The Anatomy of Tongue In Cheek albums. *squees again* I didn't think I liked older Relient K, but they do grow on you. I recently got one of my friends "hooked" on Relient K. She's a huge fan of Owl City (which I'm proud to say, I hooked her on that too) and I was just waiting for her to listen and like Relient K.
My dad, in honor of my sixteenth birthdays, is going to take me to Baker Bookstore. It's a family tradition to take us out to a book store for our sixteenth birthday. I'm not much of a bookworm, but I've been reading a lot more as of late and with Moon moving away, there are some books which I will probably want to nab for myself. Not to mention, Christian book stores are loaded with great piano sheet music.
So, my day has been fairly exciting. Right now, my sisters are cooking my birthday dinner and we are all packing and getting ready to leave tomorrow. For tomorrow we join my mother, the rest of my siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and my grandmother. Excitingness!!! I've been so busy this month, I really haven't seen much of my family. And I am beginning to miss them terribly.
I spent all last week at a church camp in the mountains and the last couple of days I just got so depressed and home-sick. Being here with my dad and some of my sisters has really helped, but I can't wait to see the rest of them!!
Sadly, I probably won't be able to get on here for about another week. When school kicks back in (which is sooner than I thought), I shall be once more tied to my desk and probably will have more time to get on here. If I don't have more time, I'll at least be able to get on here more frequently. Our internet connection is up and working again, which is very, very nice!
I hope you all are having a wonderful day. God bless you all!!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Dani: sounds like you had a great birthday! Old Relient K does grow on you- when I first got Anatomy I didn't like it much but I love it now . I wouldn't really reccomend their first CD though- there are only a few good songs on it.
We (Brother and his wife and their children) had something that had a really weird name that started with a F, for supper, it was where you get some cheese hot where it is boiling a bit, and then you take some bread or anything really and dip it in the cheese.
Fondue. I've made it before- a cheese one and chocolate one- delicious !
Then after supper we went to a meeting (not sure if I told you all but this was a church camp out).
nope you didn't tell us, but that's cool .
Friday I decided I was going to hike up the mountain that was by us. So I set off!...
by yourself?!
sounds like you had an interesting climb. That would be fun to do. We hiked up a hill last summer with some friends and we drank out of streams too but we brought water bottles along as well .
ooh that game sounds like a ton of fun! I'll have to play it sometime .
Haha! Never thought about that! I might have died or something
Thanks! I'm glad I'm ok too!
yes you could have! That's what I thought! You have no idea...well never mind .
Too true...
Right but when you will not give it up it is probably because of pride
Oh I see, curiosity got the better of you
Alright I guess you do not![]()
or me sticking up for you having common decency!
oh you are soooo annoying sometimes. Aha and you admit it!
I'm going to do it when you are not expecting it! So you can wait all you want but it's not coming till I'm ready
fine, whatever
. But don't forget!
I guess it is pretty sad
.... HAHA JOKE! It was sad!
Is it Lucas? I thought it was Luke? I guess I remembered wrong...
Yeah it sure does backfire when you don't confess something right away!
I was gonna say...!
I think it's Lucas...Idk
Yeah really!
*looks around* Rose I think I fly just hit me, do you know where it is at? I can't find it.
Well actually when I crossed the river (as you can read above) I threw my shoes and my phone and some other items across but it just happened that my phone landed just wrong and... Yeah anyways
wow seriously? Well I guess you'll just have to log in to your email more often .
Hello again everyone.
First of all, happy birthday Ruby! I'm glad that you had a good one.
AitB, I have been doing well. Only two weeks until college starts; I am getting excited.
Ben, sounds like you had quite the adventure! I'm glad that you survived it unscathed.
We are watching Alice in Wonderland at the moment. Third time now. Still good.
Alright, I'm off. I hope that y'all have a marvelous mortereve. Talk atchya'll later. God Bless.
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
Wow, I just helped make 300 water balloons.
...Random? And now my fingers are shredded to pieces because I couldn't figure out the right way to tie them.
Plus, there are another 300 waiting for us tomorrow.
actually that line is in Brielle- my mistake .
An Airplane Carried Me to Bed is a line from Sailboats I think. I don't know much about the whole project, just really that it was written before OC .
ack you are soooo lucky! I want it soooooooooooooooo bad! Ugh! Well, enjoy it .
Oh, it is? Wait, the old version, or the new version?
Yeah.. I think I read something like he made 11 tracks in his parents' basement.. *looks it up*. Yep, read this blog.
It didn't come.
On Amazon it said it releases today but when I looked at the email it said it's not getting here until the 30th at least.
So you're not getting it then? Or at least not yet?
do you know that most students only retain 3% of what they learned in school? I don't get why you get taught so much that you'll never use. I like it in Spain b/c after two years in high school, they have you decide if you're going to take a more arts oriented career or math/science. So depending on what you choose, you don't have to take classes for the other. That's pretty sweet.
3%?? That's low. It's true.. I wonder this every time I'm stuck in a class not learning anything I can ever see doing anything with. Ohh, I think they have a similar system in some Japanese private schools, or something.. and in the UK you can pick 4 subjects to study in your last two years. Well, I suppose I'll get to do that, because I have to go back, and I really don't want to, but that's another matter.
*waves back* How are you, Aslans Country? Do you have a shorter nickname?
*waves back once again* I'm doing great, thanks. Summer's been very good.
And you?
Oh, you can call me Kathy, or AC - although I started confusing that one every time someone mentioned air conditioning a while back. Oh, and is it okay to call you 'NN95' by the way?
It sounds like a code or something.
*waves to Kingskid* Welcome back to the Square.
Apart from that, my poor kitty has up and gotten bit, cut, or stung or something on her poor baby paw. The poor creature. The swelling has gone down from yesterday, but I'm praying it's not infected.
Aww, that's horrible. Hope she's okay.
Oh, yes, the scrumptious quote... Anne's such a dear, mhm?
Definitely.. oh, I really want to read Green Gables now.
I imagine they do. Dried peaches actually taste very tasty in trail mix with other dried fruit and nutes. Random thought: If dried grapes have an exclusive name, raisins, I wonder why dried peaches don't?
"isn't very good at all"?! That is very good, to name the white keys on the piano and name them. I'm always mixed up on them...
Your friend sounds very impressive. Wish I could borrow her skillz for my piano exam.
So, what have you been doing lately, Miss Kathy?
Dried peaches? I thought we were talking of apricots?
Either way, hmm, they should have proper names...
Thank you, but it always ends up annoying me because I wish it was more perfect.
Ohh, me too. Can you imagine how easy the aural part would be?
Well, all this week I'm helping out at this sort-of-VBS-but-not-really kind of event at our church. Basically this team from the UK have come to run a program for the some of the local kids in the area. That probably doesn't make much sense, but it's the simplest explanation.
And what have you been doing lately, Miss Bella? (I know you talked about it at the beginning of your post but I'm going to ask anyway
Oh really? Cool! Hope you like them
Yeah, it's pretty good, except Peter's voice is really strange..
and I keep mixing it up with the movie lines, because I know them so well. So it sounds a bit odd.
And, wow, you had quite the adventure.
Am I too late? Happy Birthday Ruby!
Another thing we got for fun was Relient K's Apathetic ep and The Anatomy of Tongue In Cheek albums. *squees again* I didn't think I liked older Relient K, but they do grow on you. I recently got one of my friends "hooked" on Relient K. She's a huge fan of Owl City (which I'm proud to say, I hooked her on that too) and I was just waiting for her to listen and like Relient K.
Everything in this paragraph is awesome.
*wants Anatomy*
And it sounds like you had a great day overall.
Our internet connection is up and working again, which is very, very nice!
Yay! *celebrates*
Bye everyone!
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Happy belated birthday to Ruby!!!!
Kingskid: Moot sounded (and looked) like it was a blast!
*skims* *posts*
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Mortereve all!
Kk! Good to see you!
*waves to Aiden* =]
*waves back to Bella* How are you? How's summer been?
of course you are
cool- maybe I'll look in to it.
Well, our church has been going there for many years, so you have all of our recommendations!
those were so sad! But actually, I don't think as sad as this. I was bawling so much
. Yeah I hope it isn't all sad. Lol, I'm still deciding if I'm going to watch season 3 or not- it sounds horrible
aww, well I hope you can watch it soon!
Oh, they sure were! Interestingly, when I was watching through the season the first time, the saddest parts were then Roy was killed, and then Marian agreed to marry Guy, but when I watched through the second time, the saddest part was when Allan's brothers were killed. Huh. Anyway, I've decided long ago that I'm not going to watch season 3!
*waves back once again*
I'm doing great, thanks. Summer's been very good.
And you?
Oh, you can call me Kathy, or AC - although I started confusing that one every time someone mentioned air conditioning a while back.Oh, and is it okay to call you 'NN95' by the way?
It sounds like a code or something.
Great! Yeah, summer's been going great for me, too!
Haha, alright, Kathy it is, then. Yup, feel free to call me anything. It sounds, like a code, huh?
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
comes in singing ""May It Be" by Enya
Ben: wow, really? yikes! I'm just glad it was the phone and not you!
and as promised, my VBS pictures!
here they are:
and the rest:
... 1019559916
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are