Stargazer: yeah, well, I have gotten used to it
AslanIsTheBest: it's alright, though I wouldn't mind if we had AC but our electricity can't take it.....
johobbit yeah! I love their music (they were the first rock band I heard when I was little) and that song is awesome! I have an old tape player and an old copy of their album "Petra Praise: The Rock Cries Out" and I play it all the time! my favorite album of theirs......
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good Mortereve everyone!
Have we met? I can't seem to remember. I have been gone for too long though, so it doesn't surprise me. How are you doing?
I don't think we've officially met, but I have seen you around. I am alright, except for summer school. How about you?
I don't suppose you ever heard a show called Ranger Bill: Warrior of the Woodlands?
*thinks* Nope, doesn't ring a bell. It sounds exciting, though. I shall have to look it up.
Why were you touring the schools? Trying to recruit people to join your group, or some other reason?
Mostly we were just trying to establish that the Drama Club still existed because it had fallen by the wayside for awhile. And we wanted to let the high school seniors know that if they liked drama our college had stuff to offer.
It might just be your college though.
Yep, must be. Although some schools require three lab sciences so I suppose I shouldn't complain. Oooh! And I love the color you picked for me!
May I join?
=)) YES. Please do this.
Alrighty. I'll start it, as soon as I know how to start a club........are there rules about clubs, or do I just post in my sig that I'm starting one or what?
I realized that I made a mistake in my previous post. The copy of Jo's Boys that I found wasn't published in 1949. It was published in 1947.
Here's a list of everything I bought:
Tales from Watership Down by Richard Adams (a lovely little hardcover copy with a beautiful slipcover)
Laura Ingalls Wilder, A Family Collection (a compilation of articles that she wrote for a farm paper called the Ruralist)
Beauty by Robin McKinley (I love this book! The public library's copy is falling apart, so I thought I better get my own)
The Young Unicorns by Madeline L'Engle
The Light Princess by George MacDonald (with lovely illustrations by Maurice Sendak)
Little Men (the same edition as the Jo's Boys I bought last year!)
I hope to go back this weekend and see what else I can find, but in the meantime I need to study as I have two tests this week.
So...our internet service decided to go completely bonkers for a week and not work at all. Which means, our home has had no internet for a week! It didn't really matter that much, me being busy all last week and all, but still, it was very, very aggravating.
I think (hope and pray) we're getting a new service.
Anyway, many apologies for ignoring you guys for the past several days. It looks like the Square has been somewhat busy, which is nice. I'm seeing a couple new and unfamiliar faces (Hmm, there aren't really faces on NW forum--perhaps icons? avatars?) on the forum. Happy to see you here!
Well, I'm afraid I must be off now...a big hello and a hug to all and perhaps I can get on later sometime and make something of a proper post.
God bless, all! Have a lovely day!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*runs into the Square jumping excitedly for no particular reason*
Today was uncharacteristically (?) cold.. although to be honest I didn't really go outside, if you don't count the balcony. I see a lot of talk of ACs.. we've managed to survive without turning ours on so far, but soon I think our family will succumb.
And my room is the only room that doesn't have one.. *pouts*
*wonders how many.. erm, Fahrenheit there are to a Centigrade
Bella! Nice to see you.. *wishes there was a more normal-looking-waving-smiley* And it looks at you're doing well.
I'm doing excellently too, thanks. This summer has been very relaxed so far.
*climbs up the peach tree and snags a couple deliciouses*
*gasps*.. yummy.. Peaches are my absolute favourite fruit, well, at least when they're available - like now.
My brother just informed me that he has.. um, killed my iPod?! *must go and investigate*.. oh, he just means the battery's dead. Huh.
We are getting into the scorching hot time of year. Expecting 115F (46.6C) this week. Hotter later this month. Anything about 122F (50C), we don't fly as this goes outside the range of the engine performance charts.
Ohh.. this answers my wonderings above nicely. 50C? Really? I didn't know it got that hot anywhere in the US..
*skims and waves to various people*
Alrighty. I'll start it, as soon as I know how to start a club........are there rules about clubs, or do I just post in my sig that I'm starting one or what?
I would not be one to know these things, but I wouldn't think there would be any rules. Better to ask someone of more *authority* though.
Aww Ruby.. that's horrible about your internet dying, I hate it when that happens, especially during schooltime, when I have a lot of researching to do. Not helpful, and teachers can be very un-understanding. Anyway, hope you can get a new service soon.
Have a great mortereve, all!
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
! Newsflash !
Yesterday, the Epic One was not feeling quite himself. In fact, he was experiencing symptoms that led him to believe that he was suffering from a cold. Nevertheless, and after careful consideration of his condition, he went to work. Yet when he arrived he found that he was feeling a bit drowsy, and began wondering if he had taken his NightTime medication with his breakfast instead of its DayTime counterpart. The Epic One, suddenly doubting his Epicness, even hastened to mention to one of his coworkers that he was feeling rather "out if it," and added that he hoped there would be no emergency situation that he would need to respond to, as he did not feel "quite up to it."
Of course, 20 minutes later a small child jumped off the diving board and began thrashing and flailing about. The Epic One blew a long whistle, jumped off his stand, and reached the child just as he was beginning to sink.
A couple hours later, a former acquaintance of the Epic One, who had witnessed the rescue, described it as "Epic."
The moral of this story, my children, is this: not even sickness can override the Epic One's Epicness.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
50C? Really? I didn't know it got that hot anywhere in the US..
And then some. United States temperature extremes (click here).
I'm seeing a couple new and unfamiliar faces ... Happy to see you here!
Indeed. Likewise. I may be one of them in the "unfamiliar" category. I have not visited Town Square much over the last few years. Having taken a breaking from moderating has helped encourage me to visit in here again.
Enjoy! And my, but it is good to see you in the Square again.
... you mentioned walking in the heat. *counts the days until Autumn*
It is nice to be back in the Square again. Seriously considering not modding again, as I seem to enjoy myself by far more NOT being a mod. OK. Perhaps some limited duty time around December. I take Rachel Marie to the airport next Tuesday. She arrives in Ohio on Wednesday. She is under orders to take a lot of pictures. Likewise, counting the days till it cools off ... in October.
And if anyone is curious, I am totally self-sufficient when my wife is gone. I'm away from home for 20 days a month anyway.
*is semi-obsessed with Sky Sailing (another project of Adam Young's, the guy behind Owl City) at the moment*
Never heard of either band or person until mentioned in this post. Now Sky Sailing is showing up on my iTunes. Conspiracy? And the color codes are totally not behaving for me.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Mortereve, all!
*eyes her failuire of roast apples evily* When I made them, my mom couldn't help but interject, "Oh my! They look evil, like the apples in Snow White!" And they sure do... Something about the gaping holes in the middle and the dark cinnamon around them, and then the raisins. They look shrivelling and a little funny, heh.
D'aw, thank-you for the sympathy, Cep!
122F? Yikes! Is it relatively dry or humid there?
Cymru, likewise. =] You're truly the first person I've met who has this knack. Ooh, and are simply divine. The phrases are neat, and their occasional featured words or words-of-the-day. I've been having some fun using a 5-syllabled world for "beautiful" that I found on ^.^
Haha, how ironic 'bout the sleep therapist! Night is just the best time for writing, be it mystery thrillers or prarie stories.
Thank-you, Jo! How very exciting (though perhaps exhausting) about making your pool! I like the design. (Hee, good to know you like reading the dictionary, too.
I write all the words down to remember them, but if only I could actually remember them off-handedly. *ponders*)
Jojo! *receives the hug with glee and embraces the dear gel back!*
Eheh, you think it is? I thought it rather lame... but I suppose it could be terribly funny in the means that the word "squeak" is just such a funny word.
No, dear, you haven't lost your marbles... it's my turn, and its delay is due to me adding a little every day but I finally finished it and just gave it to my mom to go post. I'm having so much fun when I'm feeling down picking up your previous letters and they immediately flashing cheer on my face. ^^
*waves to daughter of the King* I don't know if we've met... perhaps we have, but you could call me Aitb or Bella (not from Twilight)! *extends hand in greeting*
Hello, hello, Ruby! 'S good to see you! D'aw, I'm sorry to hear about your internet.
I hope it starts to work!
Thank-you, Kathy! It's good to hear you're doing well and relaxed, summer's a good time for that, eh?
Ooh, peaches are just sublime, are they not? And little apricots too, but nothing can beat a good, fleshy peach. Wish I could really grow a peach tree!
Go heroic, Epic lys! *cheer*
And I'm done. I'd better go and finish my chores and cover up those ghastly apples which my family like. Adeiu!
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
*sneaks in* wow usually I'm a frequent poster and it's been, what, at least 5 days . I've been really busy. We now have a second exchange student. He's only with us for, well, he (Xabi) came Saturday night and then he and Iñigo left for NYC today and they're not coming back til Thursday and Xabi is leaving that same day to go with another family so we really only have him for three days. I actually cried when they left today. It's like a foreshadowing of when they leave on the 23rd. I'm so sad. I don't like to get exchange students b/c then you get attatched and never see them again
. We don't know Xabi extremely well yet but Iñigo feels like an older brother and I've always wanted an older brother so I'll just be really sad when they leave
Well the reason I've been absent is b/c we went to the White Mountains on Friday and Saturday. Then on Sunday we went to a World Cup part to watch the (awesome!) soccer game. And then yesterday was my sister's birthday- we went swimming, had a campfire, and then went to the drive in to watch Toy Story 3. To tell the truth, I really haven't missed the internet too much
Ali: not too hot? it was 102 degrees yesterday! are you really that cold?
I am so hot! then again, you have AC and I don't.....
Lol the heat just doesn't bother me . And I was outside most of the day too, so it's not the AC
That's crazy!
Haha, I know what it's like to have guys who don't want to dance.My brothers dance with me all the time, but they almost refuse to dance with other girls. It's like square dancing, you switch partners and stuff too, but they don't really like it so well.
Haha. I don't think he meant to hurt her that much .
Yeah in the dancing we do, some dances you switch partners and some you don't. Some guys will only dance with their sisters so they only dance the dances where you don't have to switch partners. Rather annoying when there are other girls needing partners . We have one family at our church and all the guys in their family always make the rest of the guys dance when there are still girls around
@ Ali. Yeah,I know the feeling. For me is was pretty much "you need to go to at least the community college..... but you can have a year off for a break".
It's still a good deal, IMO.
haha. I hate the pressure you get though, about what you're going to do. Everyone always asks what I want to do in colllege and I really have no idea. It's kinda hard too b/c my younger sister already has all these plans and ideas and I, the older one, is totally lost . Oh well, God will lead me where I'm supposed to go sometime
Sounds like fun! Though very tiring!
Oh nice! I have not played ultimate Frisbee in a long time!
Glad you will be okay![]()
lol yes I was very tired .
It's alot of fun...sometimes . I don't like playing with alot of people b/c then the taller guys will only pass to each other and most of them team doesn't get to play
Haha .
Why was it not at your house?...
b/c it was our friend's party! *is getting exasperated*
Yeah I bet you were walking on cloud 9
ok, is that supposed to in any way make fun of me
Oh yeah forgot about that
I guess I will let you be a lady
Why of course!
let me? I don't need your permission!
Who knows? Maybe they have nothing else to do?
Bah! You need to see him now!
send me a pic then!
Well I'm older than you!
Yes I guess I amNo I have not. Should I? The old one or the new one?
Do you find it funny that we have
's after almost every sentence?
not by much! When's your birthday?
The old one is the one I've seen. It's pretty good but there is some innapropriate stuff here and there. I want to see the new one too .
Haha yeah
Oh, that's neat! Where are they from?
the one we have now is from Spain and then the next one is from Japan .
it's 102 degrees here in New England!
You a fellow New Englander?
We're not used to such heat, eh?
you live in New England too? I'm in NH like Libby .
I missed Ali's birthday, didn't I?
I hope you had a wonderful one!!
yes you did . Thank you
. So, what have you been up to lately?
Glenny! (Oh Great One!
) Ooh, which five autographed cds do you have? If I were to collect anything, it would be autographed stuff; I have quite a few ticket stubs autographed by the stars of the show; a DVD; a CD; and three pictures now!
. BarlowGirl's How Can We Be Silent and Love and War, Falling Up's Dawn Escapes, Tenth Avenue North's The Light Meets the Dark, and Maeve's Whatever Befall. I have Relient K's autograph too, but it's on a fake VIP pass. I'm also collecting band stickers
*is semi-obsessed with Sky Sailing (another project of Adam Young's, the guy behind Owl City) at the moment*
I LOVE Sky Sailing! I can't wait until the CD comes out !
Minor service announcement. I'm noting that many new folks are in the Square, whom I've not got an "official color" for. If you like (or dislike) a color I use, let me know so I can try to be consistent.
I'm not really new but I like blue. Any shade. Pink isn't really my style .
Ali, have you gotten into any more McKillips?
no I have not, but I hope to soon! I really want to- I've just been too busy to pick up any new books
So much for summer meaning more time on the internet.. I'm actually finding.. that I can survive without the internet
Just kidding..
ditto! I'm actually spending less time on the computer and I don't miss it so much .
Ah, ok, cool.
I'll try and remember the name in case I come across it in a bookshop/library. PJ is better? Haha.
I take it you were tired when you wrote that?![]()
Oh, I should tell you - because I never get over to the music thread these days
- that I bought Calendar Days on iTunes the other day. I haven't even listened to it that much, but Bryce sounds really different and younger. Haha. It's cute. If you're still into TRS.
I put PJO b/c Percy Jackson and the Olympians .
Lucky!!!! I want it SO bad! What songs are best? I've only heard Saturday. Of COURSE I'm still in to TRS, are you kidding??? He's my most played artist, even over RK
. I'm trying to get RK higher and it's working- I just got obsessive with TRS after the concert
*waves to Jo, cep, Dani, and bella* how are you all?
oh and I can't forget *trumpet fanfare* The Epic One . *waves*
*enters into the now buzzing square*
Hey Everyone! Looks like you are all up and going now
So I went camping last night out in the hills with my brother and his wife and their kids and a few friends. It twas really fun! And very beautiful out there!
Ben: maybe you can send me some cold air then
it's hot like an oven today! yikes!
I am so hyper and hot and tired all at once!
You are always hyper! Does she always bounce off the walls Ali?
*gapes at Ben's ability to ride unicycles*
..... What? So, you ride unicycles and jump off 44 ft. bridges. Wow. I'm rather impressed.
;)) Haha Thank you
Now that's the ticket! Perfect camping weather! Soon it'll cool off to those kinds of temps here.
Yeah! In fact I just went camping last night! It was really fun!
Nice signature, Benjamin. Not sure which episode that comes from, though.
Thanks. Oh it's on the tip of my tongue!... *think think* Ah forget it! I will probably remember it tonight right before I go to sleep
Hehe, no. Just curious, because I used to ride one.. years ago. I've since, um, grown,
and can't ride it anymore, but.. that's awesome.
Are you back from Colorado yet? I guess I'll find out in the next few pages..
Oh really? Cool!
No I will be here till Sometime in September probably.
*waves to Ben* What have you been doing lately?
Well working! And then I went camping last night (as you can see above ) That was a ton of fun!
You been doing anything exciting?
As in a Mûmakil?
*gulp* Yeah something like that
You jumped 44 feet into a river, Ben? Wow, that's quite the jump! How did it feel? Exhilarating? Would you do it again? Did you have to hold your body like a pin, so no limbs would be flailing around?
Yeah it is! Yes very exhilarating! Well I actually did it two times in a row!
First (my future sister-in-law) Laura did it and then one of my other friends did it (a girl) And I was like; "No way am I going to be out done my a girl who is younger than me!" So I did it too. Then we all went up and did it a second time all at the same time. If you look on my Facebook under videos you can see both of the videos
I tried to do that but the younger girl actually let her arms out like she was sitting on a chair resting them and she got bruised a little but not too bad.
Well the reason I've been absent is b/c we went to the White Mountains on Friday and Saturday. Then on Sunday we went to a World Cup part to watch the (awesome!) soccer game. And then yesterday was my sister's birthday- we went swimming, had a campfire, and then went to the drive in to watch Toy Story 3. To tell the truth, I really haven't missed the internet too much
lol yes I was very tired
It's alot of fun...sometimes. I don't like playing with alot of people b/c then the taller guys will only pass to each other and most of them team doesn't get to play
b/c it was our friend's party! *is getting exasperated*
First and foremost! NOT B/C! IT IS BECAUSE!
*hides a laugh behind his hand* Oh I'm so sorry for getting you exasperated!
ok, is that supposed to in any way make fun of me
Not sure
let me? I don't need your permission!
Why of course you do!
send me a pic then!
I will try to do that
not by much! When's your birthday?
The old one is the one I've seen. It's pretty good but there is some innapropriate stuff here and there. I want to see the new one too
Haha yeah
I just told you what my birthday was! It is February 11th 1994
Oh I see.
Whew! Alright I'm going to go hang out with my little nephews
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Ali: yeah I've noticed I am so glad that Alexa has finally decided to participate on
! yay!
Ben: hehe
well, I do bounce off the walls at home.....I'd be interested in what Ali thinks of my behavior.....
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*is noticing for the first time that gender is listed under our avatars*
I remember when I used to spend lots of time guessing and getting it wrong!!
Aslanisbest - I've been having some fun using a 5-syllabled world for "beautiful" that I found on ^.^
Tsk! Tsk! No saying something like THAT and then not spilling the word!! 5 syllables. Five syllollibyls. Beautyficious. Loverallory. 1-2-3-4-5 Enchantingness. Hmmmm. *scratches head*
Hmmm. *is also pondering the wonderful hilarity of Avatar avatars*
Goodness, I feel less than "up" to these lengthy posts. Imagine.The.IRONY
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
Ok, I've felt too behind to come in here again... it's been that long. But, when I noticed Cymru was here...
Hullo, dearest Cymru! It's been simply ages! I say we need to plan a trip to the zoo or something... or a phone call. Ugh, I miss you!
Hullo, everyone else!
(we need a group hug smiley, methinks)
How is everyone? I'm sorry, not gonna skim several pages to find out. Not enough hours in the day, and all that rot.
I'm alright. Tired, and sore. (had a fun time at Six Flags on sunday, but it resulted in such a way. go figure. haha!) Missing camp dreadfully. Wishing I could hang out with people more, and that my parents would "just come home already". But yeah, other than that I'm fine.
Hello, PA!
Six Flags, huh? That's how that place usually makes me feel, too.
I'm going to be heading to DC this week and can't decide what I want to do with my free time. I've seen several things already, and I'm not entirely sure what's left. We'll see.
The big thing is - I've finally broken in my new flats - which means *I hope* my feet won't bleed from all the walking. In anticipating the upcoming trip, I have suddenly realized that I have grown terribly fond of being in airports and getting on planes, though I still can't explain why. Doesn't make much sense, but there it is. Maybe it's the guarantee of coffee and a book?
I already have my book checked out. *rubs hands*
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
DC? Wow! Have fun!
I think I have an idea of why you like airports... it's a great place for people watching. And as you well know, authors love that! (I kept trying to focus on that and other things, when I got delayed on the way to camp a few weeks ago) But yeah, a chance to read sounds good too. (though I don't think I could focus on a book, with all the racket airports cause. Talk about sensory overload!)
I hope your feet can stay ok during the trip! What book are you taking?
*Cor and Vern enter the Square to make a quick announcement*
We're back from vacation!!! The Royal Family had splendid time last week, though we did miss all of your SquareOnions quite considerably.
I'm afraid a catch-up post by me will be arriving a bit later. It turns out our AC is on the way out, which means the castle is quite hot.... so I'm staying with my grandmother for the rest of the week. Anyway, I'll be making a catch-up post sometime this weekend.... so don't write up too many more pages!!!
Also, prayers would be most appreciated about getting a new AC. We're still not quite sure when we'll get a new one in. Hopefully soon....
*Cor and Vern take a quick dip in the pool before heading home to eat pasta*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)