Eliza looked at the back of the move and skimmed over the contents.
"that sounds like a good proposition" she said and held up both thumbs and grinned. "come on let's get this payed for." she threw out a random wink just to ad to the moment, she then pulled her money wallet out of her purse and headed up to the counter.
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
Declan attempted to lift up a card from the board. No sooner had he made the motion when Rosemunde's hand land square on Declan's forearm. "It's not your turn! It won't take that long!"
"Praying Mantis! Very good... for catching bugs! But not Tiger!" Declan responded in an oriental voice, then he pretended to be a tiger.
"Wha-Deck I wasn't even in a "praying mantis" like position." Rosemunde responded.
"Dude! You don't recognize the reference? It's The Forbidden Kingdom" Declan said.
Rosemunde chuckled, then play-rolled her eyes, "I got the reference, you only got me to watch the movie like ten times."
"Nine actually." Declan said, "By the way, would you like to go for number ten?"
"Maybe sometime later." Rosemunde said.
OOC:((Man it's been a long time since I last added... sorry for the absence if I caused any RP delay to anyone.))
"Lot's of Planets have a North!" ~ The Doctor
((OCC: That's alright Reep! Welcome back! )))
Cassandra shyly gave Weydon a smile "I am hungry." she said looking up at Maralyn with big soft brown eyes.
Maralyn patted her shoulder and motioned "Alright. How about both of you girls come into the kitchen. I'll get you a snack, and you both can get more acquainted" she ushered them both toward the door.
When both girls were seated, Cassy tugged on her long brown hair, feeling some what uncomfortable. She liked Maralyn already and Weydon seemed nice. "I like your name Weydon"
After talking with Micah for sometime, there was a loud wrap on the door. He looked at it for a minute then motioned for his cousin to keep quiet.
(OCC. Edit in the morning))
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Sydney smiled. "I've never seen The Forbidden Kingdom, but my sister has. Her ex-boyfriend made her watch it on their fifth-month anniversary." She snickered. "She dumped him soon afterward...for obvious reasons."
Rosamunde laughed. "Wow, yeah, that's not exactly a romantic movie to watch." She turned to her cousin, "Lenny, when you have a girlfriend, don't make her watch The Forbidden Kingdom, or anything like that..."
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
((OCC: That's alright Reep! Welcome back!
Cassandra shyly gave Weydon a smile "I am hungry." she said looking up at Maralyn with big soft brown eyes.
Maralyn patted her shoulder and motioned "Alright. How about both of you girls come into the kitchen. I'll get you a snack, and you both can get more acquainted" she ushered them both toward the door.
When both girls were seated, Cassy tugged on her long brown hair, feeling some what uncomfortable. She liked Maralyn already and Weydon seemed nice. "I like your name Weydon"
Weydon smiled. "Thanks! I like your name too."
Weydon didn't know quite what to say next. She wasn't used to talking to people close to her age. Finally she spoke up, "After we're done eating, we could go up to my room and play. I have some stuff I brought. And you can use it too."
She smiled shyly at Cassy. She had the feeling this was just the beginning of a long friendship.
Later, up in Weydon's room, the two girls were playing. Weydon had lended lots of toys to Cassy -- and they were the best of her toys too. (It was unusual of Weydon to be such a sharing girl, but she was going to take advantage of this moment. Friends didn't come along too often for her.)
"So, how long have you been coming here while your mom is gone?" she asked. "Have you known Maralyn long? I haven't. I used to live with Karver, but...not anymore."
Micah fidgeted on the couch, trying to keep his mouth shut. He hoped it wasn't someone his dad sent.
Since Ian was not answering, Justin texted him to let him know he was at teh door and wanted to visit.
My book on Amazon Kindle
http://www.amazon.com/Crowded-Deep-Rive ... 572&sr=8-1
Declan stared blankly at Sydney, "The Forbidden Kingdom is a must see." Then he turned to his cousin, "I wouldn't start a newbie off with that one, I would start with perhaps Way of the Dragon, House of the Flying Daggers or Jet Li's: Fearless."
"Lot's of Planets have a North!" ~ The Doctor
Sydney and Rosamunde looked at each other. Rosamunde laughed out loud, but Sydney stifled her giggle.
Rosamunde rolled the dice and said, "Oh, Lenny, you're so strange..."
"But awesome," Sydney added. "I didn't think I was gonna find awesome friends around here..."
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
While watching The Proposal, Amanda said to Elizabeth, "I totally need to work on my acting. Can you believe what those girls said to us last week when they said we weren't good enough actresses? Jerks."
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http://www.amazon.com/Crowded-Deep-Rive ... 572&sr=8-1
Eliza almost missed Amanda's comment but she caught the gist of it. "what? oh, yeah, I mean, no I can't believe it. I mean, I've been acting since I was about five, I even got a few 'feature presentation' offers, I only turned them down because I wasn't sure I was ready to move away from my aunt yet... I really didn't understand that whole situation" she sighed and let herself slip back into movie land.
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
"I see" Nate replied "How is Justin and everyone doing?" he asked Peter, the waitor arrived with their food and Nate dived into his spaggeti "Dude, its been years since I've had real spaggeti"
If you ain't first, you're last.
Peter smiled, "He is doing great! He's enjoying his baby girl and forming a good friendship with Ian. Miley is cheerleading and we're trying to hook Johnny up with a girl. The guy's 26 it's high about time for a special someone in his life." He chuckled, then got serious again. "Jen and I are still dating and she is really nice and kind and generous towards everyone...unless their name is Stacey or Ally. Those girls are still causing trouble. She has made a new friend named Emmy, who is opposite of her. Emmy is pretty shy, but Jen is there for her. How's Kevin?"
Amanda twirled a long strand of hair around her finger. "We will show them, won't we?"
My book on Amazon Kindle
http://www.amazon.com/Crowded-Deep-Rive ... 572&sr=8-1
Amanda twirled a long strand of hair around her finger. "We will show them, won't we?"
Eliza only caught a snatch of the question. "will" and "Them" and then "won't we?"
"Oh- yeah, we'll see what we can do... But for now lets forget about the whole thing and just watch the 'major motion picture'." Eliza giggled slightly at at the half felt joke.
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
Determined, Amanda said, "Yeah." She watched Sandra Bullock's character, taking mental notes on acting in her head. "She is such a good actress."
My book on Amazon Kindle
http://www.amazon.com/Crowded-Deep-Rive ... 572&sr=8-1
Nate fell silent, then said "I don't know, last time I saw him was the night before I deployed, as far as I know he’s likely still out their” he said checking his watch, five fifteen. Plenty of time before he had to go.
If you ain't first, you're last.