It didn't take long for Neal to walk down the stairs and down the long hallway to Savage's study. There was one security guard patrolling the hallway, though his shift was cut short by the Unnatural. As Neal stepped over the unconscious body of the guard, he noticed the door he was looking for. As expected, the door was rigged with an alarm and keypad for entry. "Nice, but not good enough." Neal said with a smirk as he walked down the hall to a dark area and disappeared into the shadows.
Unfortunately for Neal, Savage's lab was nicely lit. The only shadows that were available for teleporting were under the three long tables in the middle of the room. Trying to crawl out from under one of the tables, the Darkling hit his head on the edge. "Blast!" Neal said as he stood up next to the table. Fortunately, there were no beakers or test tubes on top of this particular lab table. As Neal eyed the room for Savage's computer, he noticed the strange canisters lining the shelves on the far right wall. "Mad scientist... check." He muttered with a shake of his head as he walked over to the desk with the computer console.
After clicking the mouse to get the computer out of it's sleep mode, Neal began looking around the desktop to find the files he needed. Where did you put those files, Savage... the Darkling thought as he browsed through folder after folder of test results, saved communications and photos of different "experiments". Finally finding a folder entitled "Blood formula", Neal quickly opened the file and found the documents he had been looking for.
Quickly rummaging through the draws of the desk, Neal found a pack of new disks, which he quickly opened and pop a blank CD into the CD drive. After inserting the disc, Neal clicked the option to download the file to the disc. When the first disc was finished, the Darkling inserted another disc into the reader and made a second copy. "This was actually easy..." Neal said with a grin as he put the two discs into CD sleeves. At that moment, the sound of an alarm going off echoed through the room. "Blast! One of those guards must have regained consciousness early!" The Darkling said through gritted teeth as he stuck the discs into his trench coat pocket and ducked under one of the lab tables, disappearing into the shadows with a ripple..... Just as three burly security guards burst into the room.
"Ahh, I see...." Karl trailed off as he watched Gwen make her way to the male vamp in the room. Deciding to take this time to hopefully meet the Princess, Karl nonchalantly made his way over to the refreshment table and got himself a plate of cheese cubes along with a glass of punch. Nowhere near as good as a raw steak or fresh, warm blood, but it will do for now. the Hybrid thought as he sipped his glass of fruit flavored drink, all the while watching Elisabeth dance with the various young men in the room.
When there was a break in the traffic, Karl put aside his plate and punch glass and made his way over to Elisabeth, who was in-between dance partners at the moment. "May I have this dance?" the Hybrid asked with a bow and boyish smile.
(((is this O.K, Marshy?)))
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Mark felt Stella go and cringed "No!" he yelled and quickened his pace so that before he knew it he was in the camp. He drew his sword -as it was better fit for close combat than his guns- and attacked a man who seemed to be backing away from... "Terrance? he thought before slicing the man open. Then with a jump he flipped over a few men who were trying to attack him and landed next to the white tiger. "What's happening!" Mark yelled then yelled "Braka!" after that a fireball was sent hurling towards two men.
Brand was surrounded by many men who were pelting tranquilizer bolts at him but they merely bounced of his scaly hid. With a lash of his tale he took out five men took off.
If you ain't first, you're last.
Kes emitted an amused snort at the absurdity of the suggestion the voice had made. "Oh yes, what a shame," she sneered as she wrenched her suitcase closed. Dragging it down from the bed, she left it by the door as she began looking for her boots. "I wouldn't be able to look lovely while I'm being-" she doubled over all of a sudden with a gasp, her hand flying to her head.
Gritting her teeth in sudden rebellion, Kes exposed her waning mental strength to fighting the intrusion, furious with him for the attempt. "Get out," she hissed, flaming pupils narrowing to snake-like slits as she succeeded in throwing up another shield around her mind before his teasing exploration went too far.
It wasn't strong enough to last, but perhaps it would last her long enough to get away from him. Kes collapsed against the bed when the pain that resisting had brought on subsided, noticing her boots lying on the floor. Grabbing them, she ignored the dull ache in the back of her head as she pulled them on.
He wasn't going to give up, she knew, but then again neither was she.
Richard had seen the princess enter before, but had been caught in a conversation with one of the other dignitaries' wives. He watched as Elisabeth was immersed in her own exchanges, whisked away by others, feeling his chances with her slowly slipping away. His glass of champagne was full for the second time that evening, soon to be a third if the evening kept up this way.
He stared down into the amber liquid as the woman he was listening to continued to babble on. Chancing a glance upward with a nod, Richard spotted a familiar pretty face. Feeling somewhat relieved, he excused himself from the miserable interlude, making his way over to where Emmaline stood.
"Hello again," he greeted her with a bored smile, noticing the man next to her who was cleaning his glasses on his tattered coat. Hook returned the lenses to their rightful position just over his nose, blinking his vision back into focus with a confused expression as Richard came into view...addressing his wife?
Kate ran out of inspiration to write something intelligent, thus just programmed Graeme to follow after Cotton and glare every so often at Pavel until the group reached werewolf territory.
Hearing someone yell a warning, she looked up, not being able to draw her mouth off of one of her many victims. She knew somewhere in her head that she really needed to leave but couldn't. Risikia slowly tried to stand up while picking up the body to carry. She managed to pick it up and run into the forest.
Raine was timidly approached by a few men. She courteously accepted, not wanting to look to like a soar thumb, not dancing, it was a ball after all. The night ran on. Dancing, sitting, and most important of all watching.
He waited as the clock wore down. Johnny watched as the rain splashed outside. As the second hand barely hit the nine, he took his keys and locked up.
"Who knows," Curse replied with a smile, "Maybe we'll find some solution by then. Besides I have a few decades left...hopefully." She leaned forward and kissed Caerwyn's cheek. "You hungry?"
"I don't know," Zaref replied with a frown. He looked back towards the smoke signal that the chapel was sending up into the night. By now the soldiers had probably left with whoever they'd captured, but was there a point in going back? Everything was gone again...just when he'd found a home.
There was a growl nearby and Zaref whirled around with a frightened look.
"Don't be scared," Timothy offered, transforming from wolf form into a naked human mid-leap. He looked at the two vampires and then back at the smoke coming through the trees. "Looks like Terrance has dragged you all into a bit of trouble. He's good at that."
Cotton had been leading them cautiously on, away from the noise and smoke of their former home. Each step took them closer to werewolves, the last creatures he'd wanted to face- but with Satin, his own cousin, in such need he found himself unable to turn away. He'd already betrayed her and couldn't do it again.
Satin groaned as Pavel hefted her and began to lose sense of where or when they were as they traveled through the woods.
Stopping suddenly, Cotton looked at Graeme and Pavel before turning back to stare at the creature who had just stalked out of the foliage. It was definitely a werewolf of the pack- elongated limbs that made it look more monster than canine. It's fur was a deep brown and eyes the same color absorbed the moonlight and flashed as they moved back and forth over the group.
"We need help," Cotton began slowly. "We've come from the Unnatural cam-" he couldn't finish before the werewolf turned and howled loudly, a call to whoever else was nearby.
Terrance looked over at Mark and transformed suddenly into his human form, fur rippling away into shadow-speckled skin. The soldiers were retreating, weapons held out as they disappeared suddenly into the woods.
"I'm not sure," Terrance answered Mark, panting still from the fight. "It was a raid," he finally concluded, looking around and coughing. The elves, he and the dragon seemed to be the only ones left in the glade. The chapel was still burning, pouring out smoke as it collapsed in on itself.
"We have to get out of here," Mr. T. said with finality. "Go to the werewolves if we can and regroup."
Cyrano watched Melanie leave with a puzzled look. He wondered what it meant, this slight quickening of his pulse. Surely...he shook his head and looked around, trying to spot the quickest story in the room. The Queen and Princess were quite busy, but he didn't see the Crown Prince anywhere. Target decided, he began to walk through the crowd, looking for a short royal.
Elisabeth looked over as Karl spoke and bowed. She examined him a moment, slightly unnerved by the look in his eyes. She'd seen lust often enough to recognize it, but this was something different altogether. His eyes seemed strange somehow- animalistic. The observation took a moment, and her answer came a second later. She bent her own head slightly and then nodded, holding a hand out to him.
"It would be my pleasure," she offered, trailing off to indicate that she wished to know his name.
Why leave when we're going to have so much fun? Eslatar asked Kes mentally. He hadn't used his full strength yet and knew one misapplied blow could break her. However much training she'd received, there was little a vampire could do to resist invasion from their sire. Training... Eslatar mused and pressed his attack further, catching a glimpse of the answer before another shield went up. He smiled slowly, a feral expression that he couldn't suppress. Father...was it? he asked.
Relenting for a moment, Eslatar was distracted by the sight of Gwen heading over. She may fool these humans with some makeup and contacts but he had no doubt she was a vampire. Narrowing his eyes, he suddenly recognized her. Was her presence just a coincidence? Or was this another plot of the Family?
Emmaline shot a warning glance to Richard, knowing this was a situation that could bring quick disaster. If Hook thought they were hiding something...
"Nice to see you again as well Mr. Latch," she offered, trying to sound friendly and formal at the same time. Weaving an arm through her husband's she nodded to him, "This is my husband."
Emmaline hoped desperately that Richard wasn't dense...or one to hold grudges. She had blown him off earlier after all.
It's empty in the valley of your heart. The sun, it rises slowly as you walk. Away from all the fears. And all the faults you've left behind.
So long...for now.
Lucetta frowned at Kes's awkward movements.
"Are you drunk???" she exclaimed in horror. "You must be, acting so strangely. You know what happens to people who drink, don't you? They go crazy. Their livers shut down and they die." She paused. "But then, I suppose you've never had any problem with dying. Who's to say you're not still dead? You could be a zombie, or a vampire, or some such vile thing." She would have shuddered if she could, but as it was she could only frown disapprovingly.
Caerwyn smiled vaguely, thinking it would be strange to eat at this time of night, but suddenly hungry just the same.
Yes, I am, actually. He seemed slightly surprised, but he moved off the bed and took Curse's hand as he moved toward the door. As they moved downstairs, he asked something that he had been wondering for a while.
What do you like about living here? He looked up at her quizzically.
Selena started when the werewolf appeared and shifted into a human male. She did her best to ignore the scent of his blood as she stepped up next to Zaref.
"Who are you?" she asked with strained politeness. "And how do you know Terrance?"
Pavel jumped slightly as the monster in front of them suddenly howled. He held Satin tighter and took an instinctive step backwards, stopping abruptly when he realized that running away would do no good. Besides, this was bound to happen, seeing as they were in werewolf territory now.
Licking his lips nervously, he closed his eyes briefly and sent up a silent prayer to whoever might be listening, asking them to please spare him and the others.
Thomas caught sight of the reporter making his way around the room and suddenly feared he would be spotted. He needed to meld back into the crowd, however much he hated the notion. However when he moved to do so, he almost ran into a muscular man who looked like he was on security detail, for the coil attached to the back of his ear.
"Excuse me, sir," Thomas said quickly, backing up several steps. He turned to hurry back into the crowd, when he slammed face-first into the chest of the reporter who had been looking around. Losing his balance, Thomas tumbled to the ground.
Gwen smiled disarmingly as she approached Eslatar.
"Eslatar, darling, how are you?" she greeted him as one would an old friend. "I haven't heard from you in so long, I was afraid you had forgotten all about me." Her eyes appeared amused, as she thought of that time, those several hundred years ago.
Neal re-appeared a few minutes later in the woods a few feet away from Pepper. "I think now is a good time to leave." He said dryly as the sound of frantic voices drifted towards the forest and the dark outlines of men running about outside with flashlights could be seen.
"Karl, Karl Tomlinson. I'm an old acquaintance of Mrs. Scope." Karl offered as he took Elisabeth's hand. "How are you liking Ditto Town?" The Hybrid asked a few minutes later as he danced with the Princess.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Raine walked outside for a breath of fresh air, she took in a deep breath, all the different perfumes and colognes were making her queasy. She smelled a hint of smoke out there somewhere Someone must just be having a bonfire or something. She looked over towards the forest there was a tree on fire, Stupid kids. There was no time to waste outside, the firemen could take care of that, it was only one tree. Turning around and walking through the doors, she retook her place, like the movie was paused and when it finally played again there was no difference, except the character was a little bit wiser.
Still running into the forest Risika eventually let go of the body she had been carrying. She could still smell the blood, almost hear it calling to her, but it was far enough away that it didn't affect her as much. Finally reaching some underbrush she bent down, and covered herself hoping that they wouldn't find her.
Tying the last lace of her boot with her jaw set in firm determination, Kes trembled as she strained to hold her sire at bay from her thoughts. His strength was much greater than he was letting on, she could sense. Underestimation would be her downfall. He was just toying with her now, but when he tired of that? As soon as fun was no longer to be had… the game would end. His advantage would mean her loss. No, he wouldn’t win… she wouldn’t let him win.
Feeling a release in mental pressure as Eslatar was distracted, Kes scrambled up from the floor. Glancing down at the mess that she had overturned onto the floor, she bent down, snatching the silver butter knife out from beneath of the shattered porcelain. “I could use a drink,” Kes sighed, sliding the make-shift weapon into the back of her belt. Her eyes lit up as she stumbled upon an idea.
“Yes,” she murmured, mouth curving upwards. “He wants to play? Let him play.”
Grabbing her luggage, she left the room as it was, heading for the elevator. How many do you think I can drain before you find me? Kes’ suggestion dripped malevolence. Even Father’s special boy can’t save everyone, can he? came the whispering taunt across their mind’s interwoven web.
Feeling confused, Hook looked down at his arm where Emma’s hand was clasped, then back up again. He offered the man a slight smile, knowing that he should recognize him from… somewhere. Shouldn’t he? “Oh, um…” Latch. Hook knew that name… “Oh of course,” he recovered after a moment, feeling quite stupid as he realized who the man was. Richard Latch, the host for this torturous event.
Richard extended a hand, “Nice to meet the other half.”
“Lesser half, to be correct,” replied Hook, grasping Richard’s proffered hand. Something about this man irked Hook. He didn’t know what it was, but he felt the need to seem superior. By the way Richard’s eyes were starting to dull, Hook at least knew that he possessed the superior intellect.
Wincing with a cautious smile, Richard removed his hand from the older man’s grip before he lost the feeling in his fingers. “I’m afraid she does outshine you, Mister … You know, I believe I never did catch your last name,” Richard hinted, his gaze shifting to Emmaline.
“Hook,” offered a bristling Hook, smile remaining but stiffening as his imagination was burdened.
((So... I totally jinxed my working internet with that Cavern note. Since Graeme isn't needed for anything important right at this moment, I'm just going to post what I've had written for two days so that we can keep going. Marsh, you can drag Graeme wherever you need to.
Josh slid down from his branch tears in his eyes "They got Becca and Adam" Mark turned to his brother and half picked him up, half hugged him "And Stella, Where's Will?" he asked. Josh replied "He over there, behind the chapel, err what's left of it" he pointed in the direction he was referring to. Mark said "Go get him then come back here" Josh nodded and ran in that direction, Mark then checked on Brand "Are you alright?" the dragon was licking a patch of black scales that had been bloodied "I'm fine Mark, haven't had this much excitement in a long time while saying to Mr. T "Alright when Josh gets back we'll go, Brand follow us by air" he said the Terrance "What do you think the werewolf's response to Brand will be?"
If you ain't first, you're last.
Will was looking for any survivors around the chapel, but so far he hadn't found anyone, save for Hunter. Just then he saw Josh coming.
"Josh!" he exclaimed, glad to see a familiar face. "Where's Mark and Becca and Adam and Stella?"
Frodo Lives!
Sig by MissAravis
"Will come with me hurry" said Josh "Stella's been captured along with Adam and Rebecca and we are gathering around front hurry!" he said urgently.
Von watched the elf leave the building and radioed Jason again "the elf has left the building in a hurry, what should we do sir?" he asked, suspicions were raging his mind; what could make that unnatural leave in such a hurry? I mean Von wasn't sweating that bad.
If you ain't first, you're last.
Curse shrugged as they went down to the kitchen slowly. "I like it as well as anywhere I suppose and it seems I make them feel better by being here," she answered aloud. "And...if I'm in the woods I always am remembering the escape from Mr. Button," her voice cracked, "I don't like remembering that."
"I'm Terrance's brother," Timothy responded to Selena with a bit of a smirk, "But I think we can leave explanations for later. Abijah sent us out to find any stragglers and bring them to the pack for safety. Seems he's worried about his little Lark, seemed to think he owed you all something as well since Terrance has let her come and visit before."
Timothy turned his head quickly at a slight noise, eyes narrowed he took several breaths and turned back to look at the vampires. "We should go now," he concluded and transformed back into werewolf form.
Zaref started slightly at the sudden shift and watched Timothy warily. "I guess we should go?" he said, turning to look at Selena.
The werewolf looked at the group, eyes resting on Satin a moment before they moved over the other three. Finally, the animal nodded at them and then back towards the darkened forest.
"Looks like we're supposed to follow," Cotton breathed, relieved that the creature hadn't suddenly attacked.
"Lark...want..." Satin muttered, "Family..." before she finally lost consciousness, completely sagging in Pavel's arms.
The wolf gave an impatient growl and motioned to the woods again before stepping into the shadow.
Terrance watched the elves family reunion with growing impatience. He knew that they'd be formidable enemies to any other attackers, but at the moment the shapeshifter just wanted to get them safely away.
"I'm not sure what they'll think of Brand," Terrance replied, "But we'll never know unless we go. Are you all coming? Or not?"
Cyrano looked down at the small figure he'd slammed into. He grinned and helped the youth up, not believing his luck.
"Might want to watch where you're going- your majesty," Cyrano offered, glad his search had been cut short.
Elisabeth offered Karl a proper smile, "I'm afraid this ball is one of the few worthwhile things the town has offered- though that's hardly a statement for public consumption," she added the last with a slight wink and examined her partner more closely.
"You're not from here, are you?"
"That would be quite impossible," Eslatar replied with a tight smile offered to Gwen, "I'm afraid I haven't been in our type of society to ask about you. Come back for a bit of reminiscing?" He let his eyes examine her unashamedly, seeing very little difference from the alluring figure he'd come to know during her last 'visit'.
He was distracted suddenly by Kes's mental communication. Wincing, he put a hand to his head, wondering if she really knew what she was playing at. This time I won't underestimate sure you're ready for my response.
Emmaline suddenly wished she hadn't happened to visit the Unnaturals at the same time as Richard. Then she wouldn't have to worry about this awkward and frankly frightening conversation. Steeling herself mentally, Emmaline offered a gracious smile to Richard.
"Well, it was nice to see you again. I'm sure you're very busy with greeting all of your guests."
"Meet you back at camp then," Pepper offered and vanished with a wink, taking off towards the woods, unaware of the consequences of her appearance that night.
It's empty in the valley of your heart. The sun, it rises slowly as you walk. Away from all the fears. And all the faults you've left behind.
So long...for now.
"Alright." Neal replied as the zombie took off towards the camp. Glancing over his shoulder before disappearing into the shadows, Neal grinned thinking of the thrill of breaking into Savages house and stealing something from the mad man. In an instance, the tall, dark man disappeared into the shadows.
A minute or two later, Neal stepped out of the forest that surrounded the camp and.... What the.... The Darklings only thought as he looked around the clearing at the dead bodies and the church.... burning with only the skeletal remains of the structure left. Neal let several curses in various languages fly from his mouth as he looked around for any survivors. Spotting Terrance, Neal ran over to the shape-shifter. "What happened?" the Darkling asked as he watched one of the walls of the church implode.
"I do not believe that would make Mrs. Scope or any of the townspeople very happy. Though, it would give something for the papers to write about...." Karl said with a smile as Elisabeth looked him over.
"You're quite perceptive." The Hybrid said with some surprise. "But you are correct. I originally come from a small town located in the country-side near Dittotopia. It's been many, many years since I've been there. I mostly just go from town to town now, pretty much wherever I feel like going."
Karl was enjoying the dance and conversation with the Princess, though he also knew if he wanted to make his grand statement, he should probably leave soon. Glancing over at the male vampire in the room, Karl could see that Gwen was doing a good job of keeping herself occupied.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
"Well I never!" Lucetta gaped after Kes, then caught herself with a frown. Technically that was not true. She had experienced rudeness in all forms lately, and she should not have expected anything more or less from this woman. But still!
Grumbling to herself, she shifted through the mirrors in the hotel, looking for one that would lead to the ballroom.
Caerwyn tightened his hold on Curse's hand, looking up at her sympathetically. He did not know the full extent of what had happened during the massive break-out at Mr. Button's zoo, but he got the gist of it from snippets of conversations here and there and some mental vibes from Curse herself. Figuring it would be painful to talk about it, he sidestepped that topic.
So the Hooks are good parents to you then? It had been so long since Caerwyn had anyone remotely resembling parents, he was curious to know what Curse thought of the new authority figures in her life.
I mean, the woman seems like she is. But the man seems to dislike most of us Unnaturals. What does he think about having you here? A slight frown flickered across his forehead.
Selena was wary and not entirely sure if she should trust this werewolf who claimed to be Mr. T's brother, but they really did not have a lot of options at this point. Reaching over and threading her fingers through Zaref's, she gave him a slight grimace.
"Seems to be the only thing to do for now," she said, starting to follow the werewolf, wrinkling her nose at the smell.
Pavel hurriedly readjusted Satin in his arms so she did not slide out when she lost consciousness. He was glad suddenly to be a vampire as there was no way he could have carried her this far and this long without his extra strength. The smell of her blood was more resistible now, although his thirst had not abated. He struggled to keep it at bay however, knowing one misstep could get him killed. Meekly, he followed the others after the werewolf.
He had only taken a couple steps when he started in surprise, almost dropping Satin. Right beside him was a gigantic black wolf. He trembled slightly as he saw the veiled hatred in the beast's eyes. Opening his mouth slightly, he started to call for help, not sure who this creature was. Before he could however, the wolf looked upon Satin and the gaze turned tender. Pavel knew then that this wolf was Indigo. For some reason that did not reassure him at all.
Thomas felt his ears and neck grow hot, but thankfully the blush did not have time to travel to his cheeks before he staunched it. Brushing off his suit, he glanced surreptitiously at Cyrano.
"I could blame you for running into me," he told the man somewhat loftily. "And have you escorted forcefully from the building." He paused. "But I won't. No need for both of us to have a completely unproductive evening." He loosened his tie again and gave a long-suffering sigh.
"I suppose you want an interview," he said, shifting his gaze over to where Elisabeth was dancing with a strange man who looked far too old for her. Besides that, he was looking at his half-sister in a way that made him uncomfortable. Thomas narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Perhaps he forgot his bow and quiver," Jason muttered dryly before connecting to Von with his radio. "Leave it be, Officer. We need as many men as we can here tonight." Besides, elves were not usually known for being the ones to cause trouble. Those were the vampires. His eyes flickered over to the vampire Richard Latch had brought. He was talking to a woman who looked slightly familiar but whose back was turned to him.
Gwen watched Eslatar curiously, her response to his question forgotten.
"Headache?" she asked with a mask of slight concern. She wondered vaguely if someone was trying to communicate with him. He seemed quite distracted. She knew some vampires could speak to each other through their minds, although she herself had never tried it. She wondered if she would be able to find Pavel using that method. Deciding to attempt it in a moment, she returned her gaze onto Eslatar, surveying him like he had her, pursing her lips slightly and thinking he looked every bit as dangerous and dashing as he had when she first met him.