Sounds great, kat. Eventually, narnianerd, our characters can meet up as well.
Sonny, as far as powers for Loren and Eliana's child, I can see it going either way (isn't that helpful? ) - he/she is a child of Ditto Town and thus may have had exposure to something that may result in powers. On the other hand, having an 'ordinary' child is great too! Depending on what you have in mind, you may not have to reveal anything soon; it may be a while before any latent powers show up (that's true with Molly and her siblings as well, but at the moment she's not going to have any special powers beyond those that are her birthright).
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
You say siblings gazer? As in more kids forthcoming form the Silvermoon clan?
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
well, last post of my introductory thread. My characters can start to get involved, if useful, in the main, or any side plot
Hail, Cameron Rhodes. May you always have the best mushrooms in the Shire, and keep a sharp watch out in service to King Peter.
Narniaweb Chamber Orchestra
Neutralist Party.
Defender of the Order of the Cricket
Nicely written, as always, leuth. I like the little verse at the end. It'd be fun to include your characters in the main plot.
You say siblings gazer? As in more kids forthcoming form the Silvermoon clan?
Oops, my secret is out. Last fall's NaNo is set in the future and includes siblings for Molly. Though I'd have to change the timing for them to appear in the Ditto Story any time soon.
But not to worry; Molly has to get a little bigger before another hatchling comes along.
Say, Sonny, a baby shower for Eliana's child would be fun. Would you like to wait until after the child is born? (And if so, how long in story terms might that be?) [/nosey]
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Dear Nosey,
You crack me up. Anyway... Any time is good! I know I should develop the DeHonds a little more before the "arrival", and perhaps a general baby shower where we could get interaction with other characters would be good.
And if so, how long in story terms might that be?
Uh, you gotta be kidding! Seriously though, I waited since 2006 till 2010 for Molly's birth - and it was only one story away... So I don't know how long it will be, but I guess Eliana's about halfway through her second trimester? That could make the birth a "year or two" in the future IRL, and I don't know how much time that would take in the story.
I've tentatively got a working laptop. I've got half a segment written and still have to write the other half. Sonny, expect something from me soon (I hope). Sorry for holding up the story on my end. I'm working on getting my files reorganized and stuff set up so I can go back to working from home once in awhile.
Looking forward to it, kat! Sorry to hear about all the troubles with your laptop.
I waited since 2006 till 2010 for Molly's birth - and it was only one story away...
I sincerely apologize for that long wait. It wasn't my intention to delay Molly's arrival for so long.
Please do what you think best for the DeHond's - I'll try to be patient. When the time comes, Abby will be glad to help out with shower details - unless, of course, something detains her in New York or something.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Awwww yeah. Now things are in motion.
Or some things anyway. More to come, hopefully soon!
Nice segment JP.
Welcome narnianerd to the Ditto Story! The first segment featuring his character is up! Thanks to Sonny and narnianerd for helping me keep their characters straight!
Kudos on a couple of nice segments!
JP, I'm curious to learn more about this 'Network.' The game is afoot, eh?
Nice job on the triple collaboration between starkat, Sonny, and narnianerd (way to jump right in!). I didn't expect the plot twist at the end!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
New segment of my own up. Now I am off to pm a few people.
Per request of Gazer, the PMs mentioned in Kat's post above are being transferred to the Library. OK, so next segment is Loren DeHond and Carmen heading into town... where we will meet with various important characters. Eliana has stayed home with Olivia. Those who we determine will go back to the DeHond's, uh, go... And we'll take it from there. I'm thinking that it will take a whole segment to get to the Emporium and talk to Lianna and meet Erik. Sound good?
(Sorry about the "spam", Gazer.)
It's not spam, Sonny - I quite enjoy receving story-related PMs! I just kept getting a full inbox.
By all means, feel free to PM me if you prefer.
Using a segment to get Loren and Cameron to the Emporium to talk to Lianna and Abby, and meet Erik, sounds good to me. We can always make adjustments later (if it's too short - or too long ) if we need to.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Sounds good to me! (course I doubt I'll do much of the actually writing. Just a bit of editing...) Anyways two thumbs and a big toe up. I shall begin working on a few new characters, so I can add more to the story then what I am currently doing.
If you ain't first, you're last.
Oh, it's on now.
This seg takes place quite a while after my last one; in fact, what the next several segs will be are segs that take place previous to this one, explaining the various events that lead up to the events here. So if there's anything you're wondering what's going on, stay tuned. The answer will be revealed in the past.
In fact, maybe more in the past than you'd think.
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.