That's one thing I like a lot about my eReader, Wren; it's stealthy-quiet. No fluttering pages when you're in a room with someone else who's trying to sleep! And the eInk screen is so much easier on the eyes compared to a regular backlit screen.
You getting left behind at the airport feels like a chapter in your supervillain backstory. And understandably so; that's awful.
And boo about the cancelled trip to the Caribbean.
Ooh, that's such a good question about what kind of bender I'd be, Valia! I feel like "personality-wise" I'd probably be a waterbender, but I love the idea of being a firebender... you could heat water for tea so quickly and it would be so useful for all sorts of things in the kitchen. But then, I've always been a bit scared of fire, so that would be awkward.
What element do you think you would bend? And what about you, Booky?
I volunteer for assisting with the Pan's maiden voyage! *feels like she's talking about the one and only Peter Pan, but no, it's a baking pan*
... *checks to make sure that the Pan is, in fact, casting a shadow*
My brother and I have been trying to watch The Empire Strikes Back for a couple of weeks now, Mel, but we've had trouble getting around to it as well. I think there's just too much to do this time of year!
Happy New Year's Eve, by the way! Do you guys have any New Years' resolutions? I know that I'm going to make a point to try to build some muscle. Since having a back problem over the summer and then having trouble knowing what to eat the past couple of months and having pain from that, I've hardly been exercising at all and I feel like all my muscle is gone. My mom and I had to move a really heavy armoire earlier this month and I felt like I was flailing myself against the thing to get it to move.
So I guess one of my main goals, along with the pursuit of general good health, is to increase overall body strength, but I'm sure I'll come up with some other goals as well... I always do, even if I fall short of most of 'em.
* Hugh stands in the doorway, handing out coats and waving goodbye *
Unfortunately, I'm afraid our holiday festivities must come to an end. It was wonderful having all of you back, and I do hope you will visit on a regular basis! While the Cup and Platter is closing, I'm sure Abe and a few of his friends are hanging out in the Town Square, so feel free to to continue your conversations there. If you've never visited before, be assured that there is absolutely no need to read through all of the pages already posted--you can just pop to the 133rd page and continue your conversation there. I'd recommend taking a quick look at the rules, though! Either way, I hope to see you all around Ditto Town soon, and I hope you have a most very jolly New Year.
Happy 2017!
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