I am currently trying to make Peter's armor from LWW. I have the maille done and am working and his helmet and gauntlet at the moment. I will post pics as soon as I can but my hard drive did something weird and I had to reformat it and lost all my bookmarks . The reason for this post however is to ask for help in finding the pattern that goes around the helmet. It's also on most of the rest of his armor as well so I was wondering if anyone else had stumbled across the site that had the template because I can't seem to find it anymore.
addaon40, welcome to NarniaWeb!
Here are some shots that might help as reference for you:
made by katherine
Thank you for the welcome and thanks for the awesome links! I may be able to put them in some sort of editing software and get a stencil made. I remember a page that already had the patterrn as a stencil with some centaur armor on the site as well. A sort of behind the scenes deal maybe a weta thing. Every time I try and find it all I get is the $30 book as a result though
Ok haven't ever used deviantart before and I am unsure whether or not this link will work but...
maybe if you copy and paste it you can see my progress so far. I know the helmet's visor isn't exactly the same but it's close and I like the way it looks . I have Sunday and Monday off so I plan to finish sanding painting the helmet and hopefully get some work done with the gauntlet or pauldrons.
The shape looks great! I'm not all that familiar with armour making, what are you using to create the helmet?
The Weta book has fantastic pictures of the motifs, so even if you can't afford it maybe you could look into getting it from your local library.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Thanks! I am using a thin cardboard pieces to and try and get the shape I want then I use hot glue to tack them together to get the shape I need. I then coat it with fiberglass resin and sand it down to a get a smooth surface. I saw a chrome spray paint at walmart and I am hoping it turns out well lol
Anyone have some ideas to make the gold trim around the edges of the helmet? I was originally thinking about using hot glue to raise it up and then using a gold paint pen to mask the glue, but yesterday I had something hhot glued in the car and the heat basically ruined the project. I saw something called puffy paint in the craft section, anyone used it?
I've used the puffy paint... If you have a steady hand, and pick the right color it should look OK. The pictures here aren't the greatest... but hopefully you can get an idea of the effect.
There's also wax as applied with a gluegun; I'm not sure if that'd be useful to you or not.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Thanks for the great examples, nice work there! I'm still wondering how ima embroider the lion on the tunic . I think ima go with the puffy paint then go back over it with the paint pen so it's a solid gold and not glittery.
Sorry about the long delay but I have been busy doing things. You know how it is I'm sure . Well here is the helmet painted with a hot glue painted trim but I was sloppy with both the hot glue and the gold paint because i was just throwing it on to see how it would look. I plan to peel off the glue and sand down the helmet again with a finer paper because the chrome paint is very unforgiving of flaws. Oh, and I wore my coif for effect haha
New update! Started on the shoulders to give myself a break from that helmet. Just banging out the shape of them at this point but I thought it may be good to give an update if anyone wanted to see.