I have begun searching for Narnian jewelry similar to any of the seals or imagery of Aslan in the films. Does anyone have any pictures of things they have found?
I would prefer to find a seal or medallion similar to the seal on top of the standard in this photo.
http://www.narniaweb.com/wp-content/gal ... z/5841.jpg
When I saw this pendant on Etsy, I right away imagined Lucy finding this at a shop in our world and wearing it everywhere...
Is that kinda what you are looking for, too, StBrianofMinneapolis?
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
what a lovely thread! I'm always on the look out for vaguely narnian-themed jewellery, I'll post here if I find any
you're quite right adeona that does look very narnian, that's and interesting thought as well, I like to think lucy always kept an eye open for lion themed jewellery too
Grief for the movies made me abandon narniaweb...but I'm so glad to be back!
Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Eowyn for making my sig/av.
Would it be ok to share a picture of the version of Queen Susan's coronation crown that I constructed?
I love that replica! It looks almost like the real one!
I met a lady recently who does bead-sewing and she had a beautiful, absolutely beautiful, necklace that I thought would be PERFECT for a grown up Susan, maybe when she went to Calormen. It was gorgeous! (sorry, I don't think I have any pictures )
I've been thinking about this topic again recently. I was inspired by seeing a neat pair of earrings for another fandom...
I don't think I've seen anything that really screams Narnia! in the earring department. So, how overtly fannish would you go with earrings? Would you like small lions? Lamp-posts? Miniature books? Would you want a matched set of some sort?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
The lamp post earrings sound really cute. I also think Dawn Treader earrings and a pair of little Wardrobe earrings would be nice.
I think my favorite pair of earrings would be a pair that had Aravis and Hwin on one earring and Shasta and Bree on the other.
Avatar created by Valia
I would feel most of those things to be too fannish for earrings - miniature books would be the furthest I would go
I prefer stones or pearls for earrings. Is there a special kind of stone that would seem very Narnian?
Those other items could be very nice for pendants, though. Perhaps a lamp-post ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I think it would be so cool to have some kind of Narnian Charm Bracelet. Especially the kind of charms that have golden little pieces dangling from them, in the shape of things.
I would have an Aslan one, and one for each of the Friends of Narnia, some of the more famous props like the Lamp Post or Gifts to the Pevensies. And maybe some of the animal friends too.
SummerSnow, I love the idea for HHB earrings - they'd have to be super detailed, though. In other words, expensive. Small lion earrings might be more accessible but still a very Narnian motif.
This is the most Narnian looking necklace I've ever seen - a heirloom Victorian era (?) wedding necklace. So beautiful.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
That is gorgeous, Adeona! Who do you think would wear it?
I was trying to think of something you could do for earrings that would be overtly Narnian---a lot of the ideas that have been mentioned are great, but are more subtle. I suppose the Wardrobe and the Dawn Treader earrings SummerSnow mentioned are a little more overt. Lamppost earrings, or little silver chairs might be kind of distinctive as well. Otherwise, unless you did book covers or got really, really detailed, I'm not sure what sort of Narnian "symbols" you could use that would stand out completely.
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
That necklace is indeed gorgeous, Adeona. Very Narnian, indeed.
Lamppost earrings would be fantastic, Valia. They're more subtle, yes, but I think most people would be able to tell. I want a pair.
You could possibly do a lion emblem, but unless you were skilled in that area, that would be really hard to recreate, I think. O.o
(I can't resist a well-timed Veggie Tales reference: "You are a skilled metal-worker." )
I think it would be so cool to have some kind of Narnian Charm Bracelet.
It would be! You might know this already, but they made Narnia charm bracelets for both LWW and PC. I own the LWW one. It's one of my favorite things that I own, but I have a hard time bringing myself to wear it because it's so delicate and lovely.
Is there a special kind of stone that would seem very Narnian?
Hmm, good question. Pearls and emeralds come to mind, but not really for any specific reason. Rubies or garnets could work, since I've always seen Narnia's iconic color as a deep, beautiful red.
av by dot
You could possibly do a lion emblem, but unless you were skilled in that area, that would be really hard to recreate, I think. O.o
I didn't make this, and it isn't an earring. It's actually a tie tac, but I think it looks Narnian. I occasionally used it playing dress-up. The image shows its actual size.
I found it several years ago when my cousin and I were looking at all my grandfather's old tie tacs. My cousin found (and claimed and probably lost ) a tiny gold mouse that she named Reepicheep. The mouse was about 5/8" long and had a tail made out of mesh chain that was maybe 7/8". I think either the lion or the mouse would make darling earrings.
Well, if you come across or make a pair of lamppost earrings, I hope you'll share pictures, Mountie.
Oh, that's so neat, The Lady Arwen Undómiel! It does look very Narnian. The mouse tie tac sounds very neat as well, and it's too bad it's probably lost now.
I'm guessing it'd be pretty hard to find any sort of replacement---I haven't ever actually seen any tie tacs around (though I haven't particularly looked).
Do you all think any of the Narnian characters would wear broaches? I'm sure there could be some very Narnian ones, but I'm having a hard time picturing anyone actually wearing them. That's probably because I can never figure out how to wear broaches/pins, though.
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
That's lovely, Lady Arwen Undómiel! It has a similar shape to the coronation brooches in the movie (which I'm sure you already know). The mouse sounds lovely as well, much nicer than the cartoonish mice pins (which were larger in size) my grandmother has worn.
Valia, I sort of think anyone who wears a cloak in Narnia would have some sort of broach. But that reminds me that I was going to try and design a cloak pin that a marshwiggle might have made/worn... Ideas for gloomy and impending disasterish designs are welcome.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton