Hey guys, so, just bringing the topic of Lucy's costumes in VDT up again. Since we have a few production pictures, we know that one of you costumes looks like this:
I'm thinking this is when she first boards the ship and is wearing Caspian's clothes. I hope she gets some girl clothes at the Lone Islands
av / sig by me, PM if you want one
saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!
I'm sure she will...does it not say that they went shopping for supplies before they got back on board the ship after their kidnapping/slavery piece? Still, I think it would be difficult to do all the things Lucy does in the book with an costume like she had in the last two movies??
Remember/// He longs to be with us more than we long to be with Him !!!..Wally
true NarniaWally, I hope her dress (if she wears a dress) is different from the ones in the past 2 movies, it just wouldnt be practical and I think look pretty foolish on the Dawn Treader
av / sig by me, PM if you want one
saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!
I don't think she would wear a dress on the dawn treader. I don't wear dresses much let alone on ships.
I really like this outfit. It's obvious that it's pulled from the crew uniforms and/or Caspian's clothes, but it's also feminine and free.
It'd also be pretty easy to costume. There are a lot of patterns out there that would work for this...
Butterick 5008, or McCalls 4952. Or you could even do a small size in a men's pattern, like Butterick 4574, Butterick 3072, Simplicity 4923, Simplicity 4059,
I'm guessing this is the kind of thing she'll wear throughout the movie, but I wouldn't mind seeing her wear a jumper over the shirt at some point... something like the one the woman at the bottom right corner of this shot is wearing. It looks a little bit like Telmarine "peasant" clothes from PC.
I really like the Butterick 5008 pattern. i hope that is what she wears
av / sig by me, PM if you want one
saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!
i'm so glad she gets to wear caspians clothes!(at least thats what it looks like) I really, really hope she gets to wear dresses though.
Q: do we want to repost old ideas to get the new discussion going or do we want to have all new stuff?
"Come," said Aslan ," let me breathe on you. Are you brave again?"
Now, that we have a lot of other pictures and videos did anyone see any that have Lucy wearing a dress? I was wondering if maybe in this movie they don't have her wear dresses in this one.
Well, all the pictures we have are pretty much from the same filming location aboard the Dawn Treader, so it makes sense that we've only seen Lucy in one outfit so far. Who knows, she may wear this most of the time, but it's quite likely she has other outfits in different places throughout the film.
There are two more pictures of this outfit, though, from MundoNarnia. In the second one it looks like she wears a brown or gold tunic/vest over the white shirt!
(I love the expression on her face here!)
Those are wonderful pictures!! Thanks so much for finding them! I really love the way her hair looks.
So she has two outfits fo far, right? Or does the gold vest simply go over this outfit? I am sure that they will give her a dress, but it may not be till later on. And, as Lady Eowyn pointed out, they have only filmed at one location.
Lovely pics, princess_of_narnia. Didn't they come from that site where you had to pay to use a pic, though? I'd love to put them up on the costume site if not.
More pics! These are from Kerrie Gurney's blog. It's not close-up or high-rez, but it's a nice full shot of her costume. I think she's definitely just wearing the red vest/tunic over the white shirt and blue trousers we've already seen. Notice she's wearing her cordial belt! I like her side-swept ponytail.
I was thinking, though... Lucy wouldn't have been able to wear trousers in England or as a queen. It would be totally understandable and like her character, I think, if she wears them throughout the whole movie. Unless she changes to something more formal on one of the islands, like Coriakin's island.
ETA: This shot shows a glimpse at the second goldish brown vest, on Georgie's double on the stairs to the left, partially obscured. I thought at first that the first vest in the pic I posted and the vest in the pictures princess_of_narnia posted were the same, just under different lighting, but they're obviously not.
So we're at two vests (or tunics... the red one is definitely a long tunic length) and one shirt and trousers.
I never realized how particular you guys are about this stuff! You keep track of ALL the costumes?!
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I think that it would be appropriate for Lucy to change into a dress once they got to the Lone Islands. But something simple and practical like this dress from Lord of the rings. It would have to be something she could move around in nicely though. But my, my hasn't Georgie grown up!!!
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I get the impression that she is going to stay in the tunic for the entire film...which is fine, but I'd also like to see her in a simple dress like the ones recommended above.
NW sibs: Windsong and Lucy Took
I never realized how particular you guys are about this stuff! You keep track of ALL the costumes?!
Ohh yes!
Here is another outfit:
Same pants, looks like. Short sword, cordial. Same red vest? New brown shirt.
It looks like she is still wearing the white shirt underneath.
I would like to see her in a simple dress at least once. Maybe just for a couple scenes while they are in Narrowhaven? Lord Bern might have a daughter Lucy's size. She could wear one of her outfits while there. Or maybe the slavers would put her in an old dress so she would look less odd by Narrowhaven standards. Looks like all the women there wear dresses. Maybe they wouldn't bother, though.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
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