Since the old Narnian Jewelry thread had gathered quite a lot of dust and broken image links, Meltintalle gave me the go-ahead to just reboot the thread.
The crowns in the Walden version of Narnia were lovely, but what will the Narnian royal finery look like in the upcoming Netflix adaptation? What other kinds of jewelry and shiny things might we see?
One thing that comes to my mind is how popular LotR-inspired jewelry was following the success of those films... I'm not exactly sure what the Narnian equivalent of an Evenstar necklace would be, but I am sure that Netflix would like to sell one. The the nearest thing in the books that I can think of is Lucy's cordial, but that's more of a cosplaying item than a piece of jewelry.
Considering that they sold at least a necklace with Peter's shield as a pendant, I don't think they would need to go too far to come up with some jewelry replica to promote. I imagine they could easily add necklaces and rings and such to the queens' outfits, and perhaps something like the Evenstar necklace for Ramandu's Daughter. I suppose they could do something with Lord Octesian's armring, but I'm not entirely sure what.
Posted by: @Rose
The the nearest thing in the books that I can think of is Lucy's cordial, but that's more of a cosplaying item than a piece of jewelry.
Not if you can fill it with hand sanitizer. (Okay, maybe still not jewelry, but a lot more than a cosplay item!)
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
That's a neat idea for an everyday use for Lucy's cordial, Valia! I know in the BBC version, she carries it on a chain around her neck, which I would find handy...
As far as merchandizing a Narnian design goes, my thought was designing 'the great seal of Narnia' which would be worn/used by the various kings. Or a pen and ink set would be neat; though not necessarily jewelry.
Or, speaking of rings, what if Dr. Cornelius had a ring that turns into a miniature astrolabe?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Not if you can fill it with hand sanitizer.
(Okay, maybe still not jewelry, but a lot more than a cosplay item!)
Queen Lucy's Magic Hand Sanitizer, the must-have accessory of the season!
Or, speaking of rings, what if Dr. Cornelius had a ring that turns into a miniature astrolabe?
Oooh, I love that.
I've been thinking a bit more about crowns, and according to my research crowns in Narnia (and Archenland) are generally described as a golden circlet. I think this seems very on point because Narnian royalty isn't uppity and who wants to wear a heavy crown anyway.
Looking around Google, circlets can vary a lot in shape and design.
This one is a golden garland:
And this one has some Celtic knot vibes and drapes across the forehead in a slight V shape:
I think what I would like best, though (and find nearest to what is described in the book), is something very simple like this:
I think what could also be really fun about a simple golden circlet is that leaves and flowers could easily be woven around them, depending on the time of year and whatever the festivity may be, with the gold of the crown still shining through. In many ways I associate leaf crowns more with Narnia than I do golden crowns, and I can imagine the Narnian subjects bringing fresh flowers to weave around the queens' crowns. Real flowers/greenery + metallic crowns is not a look that I've seen very much, either, which could help give them a distinctive "Narnian" aesthetic.
Back in the day, they released a watch based on Lucy's cordial. It was pretty cool, but the faux leather fell apart pretty quickly.
made by katherine
Oh come on, isn't it obvious? Green and yellow rings! 😀
Okay, seriously though, there are more than enough beautiful women in Narnia that they can think of something; maybe not anything of huge significance to the stories, but there are definitely some characters people will want to dress up as (or at least borrow some pretty style from). They could put a star necklace on Ramandu's daughter, for example (I think someone said something similar on here about Coriakin, but IMO she's a better pick for jewelry 😀 ). Beyond her, we have Queen Helen, Queen Lucy, Queen Susan, and even the witches (which, though they were villains, some people may still like the fancy things they're wearing); not to mention nymphs and other creatures.
Yes, I'm a mouse... I mean, a geek!