Obviously an idea for adding a romance to Price Caspian was unavoidable because Disney wanted/or always has to have one in their stories
Adding the Susan/Caspian admittingly is the biggest deal in character change in these films. They are not meant to be inevitable to each other and had forgotten that Caspian's first love was supposed to be with Ramandu's Daughter. Thus we have what we call a "Twilight Team Base" now with Narnia couples. Seriously I don't think that CS Lewis ever wanted or asked for this. He wrote Caspian's and Ramandu's Daughter with meaning inside of him as to why he wrote it that way and now that's obviously ruined.
However, if there was to be an unavoidable romance added in the film I think that they should have made Caspian's nurses' niece a bigger role than in the book. Have her skip a day of school and follows her beliefs in Narnia, came upon Aslan's How and met Peter. It wouldn't have been a drastic change to the stories for one thing, another it could have been a great and better sub plot without awkward glances leading up to an impetuous kiss. Out of all of the Pevensie's I think Peter is the one who needs to be loved, especially the way he was brought out in the film, Susan seemed to have been insecure and wanted to run away from it.
I voted Peter/Gwendolen should have been the romantic pairing, not Suspian.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
i agree with you and saying that they should have added a romance for peter. it would be a good twist. in fact i recently wrote a story about that. only with different characters.
iHeart Georgie!
sig: Awel Prince avy: me!
member of The Missing club! PM me to join!
Its obvious we dont have enough news when a third of the movie topics are on romances, haha.
Anyway, I dont remember a Gwendelon. But I do know if they added that in, then Susan fans would go "Its not fair that only Peter gets to be kissed. Susan could have gone out with Caspian or something!"
Winter Is Coming
I voted other.
One, because Caspian doesn't belong with Susan. He belongs to Lilliandil.
Two, I always pictured Gwendolyn as just a little girl who was too young for Peter. I could be wrong on that -- it's been awhile since I read it.
If there had to be a romance, I would have preferred they just showed more of Glenstorm and his wife or something.
Romance didn't really belong in PC, I don't think.
*sigh* I was upset when Gwendolyn, and the Romp as a whole for that matter, but at least this didn't happen. Small comfort.
I voted other. I'm not really sure who. I'll write as soon as i think of something
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
I voted other.
One, because Caspian doesn't belong with Susan. He belongs to Lilliandil.
Two, I always pictured Gwendolyn as just a little girl who was too young for Peter. I could be wrong on that -- it's been awhile since I read it.
Gwendolen was about the age of 13, a year younger then Peter. But the ages in the books doesn't exactly matter in the films whenever they are very much older anyways. I just think Gwendolen would have made a very nice edition with Peter.
If there had to be a romance, I would have preferred they just showed more of Glenstorm and his wife or something.
Romance didn't really belong in PC, I don't think.~Riella
I wouldn't want to argue with you there! I really wish that their story was shown a lot more in the movie. One thing I do have to say is that obviously Disney wanted the crew to do a younger couple that would appeal to the younger hopeless romantic teenage girls. However, this is why I opened this forum because if they had thought deeper into the books Peter would have been a much better choice for Gwendolen, point being that if there were shippers for this couple rather then Suspian, people around the world wouldn't dare argue "Team Caspian/Lilliandil no Team Caspian/Susan" like crazy Twilight fans. Plus if Peter/Gwendolen had happened then the rest of the stories would be safe instead of terrorized by non fans idicating that CS Lewis was stupid for not adding a Susan/Caspian romance in his books.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I actually really like that idea about Gwendolyn/Peter, now that I think about it. A lot of fangirls really liked William Mosely, I'm surprised they didn't have a romance involving him.
(BTW, I noticed you called Gwendolyn the niece of Caspian's nurse. Was she really? Or is that just what you think she should have been? I thought the niece of the nurse was just "a little girl in the doorway", and a different girl from Gwendolyn. Or am I remembering wrong? It's been a while since I read PC.)
It is unfortunate that the filmmakers did what they did with Suspian. It has gotten a little twilight-ish on the boards. Plus, it's sad because I always pictured Caspian as that kind of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" kind of figure, who didn't date anyone until he met Ramandu's Daughter. Now the movies have made him look more like a "dating type" who had girlfriends before he found her. It was very disappointing...
Plus, I actually really liked the Centaur family. I wish we could have seen more of them. I almost cried when I saw Glenstorm come back missing one son, and his wife sees that the son is gone. It would have made an even better story if we had gotten to know those characters more. (Plus a lot of other characters, too. *Still upset PC was turned into a battle story instead of a character story)
It would have been interesting if they had done some kind of relationship with Edmund. Maybe they still will in VDT. I don't know who it would be though. (Gael, haha Just kidding.) Who knows... maybe he'll fall in love with a mermaid or something...
Not sure if I like that idea or not, lol....