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[Closed] Susan vs. Lilliandil

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NarniaWeb Nut

I'm just going to agree with all of stardf29's post and call it a day. :P

I always thought the Caspian/RD romance in the book was pretty silly, honestly. He meets a beautiful woman on an island and pow! They end up married. I mean, it's cute, but it's not much better than Caspian/Susan, when you really think about it. They were both spontaneous and had pretty much no basis in getting to know the other person -- if anything, Caspian gets to know Susan more than he did Lilliandil.

Please realize that I am NOT supporting the Suspian romance. But, when you really think about it, it's a bit silly to compare it with Caspian/RD when they're quite similar (sadly).

Now Shasta/Aravis -- there's a romance that CSL did right. :D

For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday, and along the way, lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you. - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Posted : December 14, 2010 4:25 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Besides obviously being a fan of Suspian, I do think it was handled much better. I was quite alright with Lilliandil coming in - I had known it was coming all along, and since it was in the book - yay for it!
But I was disappointed how it was in the movie. She wasn't all that like able (and the blue glow didn't help), and it was too short. They didn't even talk about her anymore.
And Suspian really did build up the entire movie, and everyone watching could see what was happening - the kiss was nothing unexpected.
My opinion. :)

NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
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Posted : December 14, 2010 5:51 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Though the film did slightly condense the romance between Caspian's and RD, it wasn't much larger in the book. The difference however is that in the book it was executed well. Lewis wrote it in a way which was much more beautiful that the screenplay in the movie. I thought RD's " change form" line was cheesy. The "no" line made it look like both Ed and Caspian had a crush on her ( but no more.) As well RD seemed to concentrate more on Dark Island. Therefore my attention was focused more on DI.

Suspian got more time than RD/Caspian, but it wasn't executed much better. However the fact that it got more time made it more obvious. While I am not satisfied with either romance, I think Suspian was developed better since it got more time.

Now I am not a supporter of Suspian. In fact I don't really like romance at all. However I liked that Lewis wrote RD/Caspian well. I wish they had done that in the

On a side note, I can't wait to see Cor/Aravis either. :P

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Posted : December 14, 2010 6:06 am
NarniaWeb Regular

In my opinion, I think the Suspian romance in PC was a longer, more drawn-out (and all together, a better done) romance than the Caspiandill, which was VERY short and could hardly be called a 'romance' at all.
I don't like the Suspian romance at all; it went totally against C.S. Lewis' intentions. But I think that in VotDT, they should have emphasized the Caspiandill relationship a bit more. I mean, they in the book, they get married! I don't see a little "You are most beautiful..." from Caspian going instantly to marriage. And for others who don't know the books, I highly doubt they will either.
I know in the book there isn't much about Caspian and Lilliandill, but they do talk to each other a bit more than "I hope to see you again."
All in all I was kind of disapointed with the way the Caspiandill romance went in the movie, but maybe they will show more in SC. (If it is made.) :)

Narnia Fan For Life

Posted : December 14, 2010 10:33 am
NarniaWeb Nut

I felt like they didn't even take the time to develop Lilliandil and Caspian's relationship...for crying out loud, they only saw each other once! Right now I'm liking Suspian better, but if they take the time to develop Caspian and Lilliandil's relationship in SC, I might change my mind.

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Posted : December 14, 2010 11:27 am
NarniaWeb Newbie

I don't know if I would call Caspian and RD a romance in the movie, the start of something definitely, but not a romance. I saw the movie with my brother and his friend, when I enlightened them about Caspian and RD's marriage they were both confused, and I can honestly see why. If you haven't read the books then I imagine the small screen time Caspian and Lilliandil get, as well as the cheesy lines and the way both Caspian and Edmund react to her beauty, would make it seem unimportant. Was it more natural than Suspian? Well yes, but if you aren't expecting anything, or reading into things like a lot of casual movie goers aren't it's going to go over your head and seem insignifigant compared to the very forced and obvious Suspian (which was developed, if not awfully, through the movie)

With more screen time the relationship could have been so nice. Sad :(

Posted : December 14, 2010 3:54 pm
Fire Fairy
NarniaWeb Junkie

As much as I dislike the whole Susan/Caspian relationship, I think they handled it much better onscreen. It was so much more subtle, well-developed, well-thought-out, and it had some sort of closure to it. In VDT, it was almost like the filmakers thought "oops, we made a mistake in PC with Suspian. We better not make that mistake again." Wrong! I really thought they didn't do Caspiandil enough justice. Like much of the movie, it was kind of slapped in there and rushed over. And Lilliandil didn't seem interested in Caspian at all. Oh, well....

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Posted : December 14, 2010 8:30 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Definitely Caspian and Lilliandil's. I felt like a sudden flutter in me when they met. Too bad they just met for a while.

"Two sides of the same coin"

Posted : December 14, 2010 11:26 pm
Sherlock Holmes
NarniaWeb Regular

My vote goes to they're both the same.

Both romances were underdeveloped, and thoughtless. I'll permit that Caspian and the star's daughter seemed to have more chemistry and felt more genuine considering the attraction bit, but it could have been more handled thoughtfully then what was shown.

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Posted : December 15, 2010 9:00 am
NarniaWeb Nut

I support Caspiandill obviously, because that is the way it was originally written. I think Susaspian was pretty much a pointless thing they put in to attract a certain crowd. I think the Caspiandill romance in the movies was a bit shallow, but hey i guess they didn't have time for a whole big deep thing.

signature by Beginte

Posted : December 16, 2010 5:22 am
Member Hospitality Committee

The difference between Susaspian and Caspiandil is that the former was a pure reflection on teenage hormones and interests. Whereas the latter was fairly portrayed as the beginning of a lifetime's commitment.

VDT is the story of Eustace, Edmund and Lucy in Narnia. Caspian was their friend for the duration of that voyage. But Eustace, Edmund and Lucy returned to their own place, leaving Caspian to return to Narnia with a battered ship in need of repair, not to mention a whole heap of people in rowboats needing to be returned to the Lone Islands. I expect that there was considerable interaction between Caspian and Lilliandil in organizing what was to be done with this, and in doing so, they had ample opportunity to get to know each other and to decide whether they wanted to get married or not.

In any case, I don't see how Caspiandill was badly done as a relationship. There was the blue star that had its own importance as it guided the Dawn Treader towards its destiny. When that blue star materialised into a gorgeous-looking girl, at Aslan's table, I thought, why not? Eat your heart out Harry Potter with those veela girls. Lilliandil is the real thing. :D It also didn't hurt that both Edmund and Caspian were both so impressed with her.

And lastly, please don't call the relationship Caspiandill. Dill is a herb to be used with fishy products and which is a synonym for those who are not sage, let alone sagacious. Caspiandil is good enough for me. #:-s

Posted : December 16, 2010 8:56 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

All of that about Rabadash is very true PrincessMia, but I'm talking about all of her suitors in general, I mean I like Susan and all, don't get me wrong, I like her because she has huge flaws while at the same time compared to being beautiful and I like that in characters. It also makes me think if in her own world she does the same with young men, at least that was how it looked in the movie when Lucy started to have that vision about being Susan.

I am not sure what you are talking about. First you saying that Susan sees love as a game because she doesn't marry an evil man that latter tries to violently overthrow her country. Also just because she has a lot of suitors doesn't mean she is playing with them. She is a queen after all and she is beautiful. We have no idea those situations. Maybe it was as simple as she wasn't in love with any of those because she was never going to stay in Narnia forever. Just because Susan had multiple people ask her to marry her doesn't mean that she somehow lead them on.

Also the vision in VotDT was of Lucy being Susan, so it was not in anyway real.

The answer to the question of this thread though is very simple. There is no romance in the film between Caspian and Ramandu's daughter. He thinks she is beautiful and that's it. There is flirting and supporting and staring between Caspian and Susan from the very moment they meet until the end when they kiss. I hate the Caspian/Susan romance. It almost ruins the film for me, but it is the only romance that so far exists in the film. I have never cared much about the Caspian/Ramandu's daughter romance and if they just show her get killed in a flashback in SC, if there is a Silver Chair, then that will be fine with me.

Posted : December 17, 2010 1:27 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I agree with everything you said waggawerewolf, that was neatly said!

All of that about Rabadash is very true PrincessMia, but I'm talking about all of her suitors in general, I mean I like Susan and all, don't get me wrong, I like her because she has huge flaws while at the same time compared to being beautiful and I like that in characters. It also makes me think if in her own world she does the same with young men, at least that was how it looked in the movie when Lucy started to have that vision about being Susan.

I am not sure what you are talking about. First you saying that Susan sees love as a game because she doesn't marry an evil man that latter tries to violently overthrow her country. Also just because she has a lot of suitors doesn't mean she is playing with them. She is a queen after all and she is beautiful. We have no idea those situations. Maybe it was as simple as she wasn't in love with any of those because she was never going to stay in Narnia forever. Just because Susan had multiple people ask her to marry her doesn't mean that she somehow lead them on.

It's obvious that she did with many of them. If Susan had stayed in Narnia with PC I bet she would have wanted to throw this party to see if she was compatible with other men, I don't think that she would have committed herself to Caspian like he would have to her. It would have been another cycle to her and yes I believe she's kissed and felt attracted to other suitors in the past before and led them on perhaps because she was scared of marriage and enjoyed the attention more (hence her being so much into nylons and makeup and Lucy's vision as Susan) It also shows that she is scared of commitment when the geek boy began talking to Susan in PC and she wanted no part of his friendship because she was obviously scared with what this boy wanted from her but she wasn't going to return it, she could have easily became a friend or talked friendly back but instead she ignored his befriending and placed the judgment first. The reason why I know that is because I've done it to guys plenty of times before.

I also bet that Rabadash would not have done that if Susan were not to run away.

IDK it's been years since I've read HHB so I could be wrong. ;)

Also the vision in VotDT was of Lucy being Susan, so it was not in anyway real.

I know that but my point was she saw the attention Susan got from boys and popularity.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : December 17, 2010 9:59 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

It sounds a little bit like you're writing a fanfiction right now, about Susan, DamselJillPole. Why do you believe she's kissed and been attracted to suitors before? It certainly isn't out of the book or movie! :p
I don't think many girls would have encouraged the geeky boy - both because he was a geek, and it would have been rude, because he obviously wanted something more than friendship. lol . .
And Rabadash definitely was going to take Susan no matter what happened. He invaded Archenland and Narnia to do it!!!!! lol . .
But this is a bit of subject.

NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
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Posted : December 17, 2010 10:03 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Elanor that's the big impression i got by reading the books in the early 90's and the impressions I got from her in the books. I'm not going to come down on you but do not come down on me like that. You can believe what ever you want.

Yes she had to of had suitors in her 15 years of reigning in Narnia, especially when she was asked to be married a lot.

Also who cares if the geeky boy looked geeky, he was being friendly and wasn't coming off to her like Caspian was,. The least Susan could have done was be a friend back and shouldn't worry about liking him back the same way. That's a serious problem with people, people judge first before jumping into the water. It's down right shallow.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : December 17, 2010 10:13 am
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