In my humble opinon, the Suspian romance more complete, more developed and more realistic. It was very subtle, with hints here and there and finally leading to a climax (the kiss). Why I am not a supporter of Suspian (although I didn't mind it that much either) I still think that it was better made. With Caspian and Lilliandil it was for one very rushed, also it was sort of slapped in your face that Caspian is falling in love with Lilliandil and that they are IN LOVE. Also I didn't like the way Caspian said "you are a star, you are most beautiful" to me it was a corny and extra line. I would rather he didn't say anything but rather have their eyes meet and then have Lilliandil lower her gaze while Caspian is trying to catch her eye again. There wasn't really any depth in that part. While I am glad that they kept their meeting nice and short (it is after all not a main point in the book or movie) I think they could have made it a bit better. It somehow seemed.....a bit childish to me.....I don't know. Also there wasn't much response from Lilliandil side. She's to busy talking about the great darkness, at least that is the way it seemed to me.
Again I am talking about this all from a purly movie standpoint. I think that in the movie (not the book) the Caspian and Lilliandil romance was a bit undeveloped
always be humble and kind
First of all I want to point out that all of this Suspian and lilpsian, Susan vs lilliandil mess has gone far quite enough, now I am offended!!!
Of course i am a lilspian fan but to be honest both romances are the same from a film perspective! I agree that this crew should have done more with Caspian and Lilliandil but seriously. Enough is enough already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silver Chair is not out yet so why are we to judge now? Hopely it'll be thought out more carefully next time between Caspian and Lilliandil.
Caspiandil was far more shallow. It consisted of Caspian ogling her and outright saying she's beautiful - leaping in headfirst and being quite bold. He gets a flustered and awkward response from Lilliandil. Then, less than 5 minutes later, he tells her he wants to meet her again. She smiles at him, but that's it.
Well what did you really expect if they were only planning to show Lilliandil for five minutes and had to throw in an attraction somewhere? What did you want Lilliandil to do, grab Caspian like Susan did and kiss him? Most romantic pairs start out like this in the real world. Suspian was fairytale, as Caspiandil is very much realistic.
Co-Founder of Jilrian Club, Jill/Tirian. PM DamselJillPole or me to join.
A proud Supporter of the Caspian/Lilliandil Romance!
I support Laura Brent!
I'm with DamselJill and D_O_R! I am offended and greatly saddened by most of you on here. Suspian was the most underdeveloped and was described by both Ben Barnes and Douglas Gresham as spontaneous, not romantic and nonsense.
So what, big deal if Caspian and RD were only shown for about five minutes. The moment felt right because they felt something like true love between each other. And so what if Caspian called Lilliandil "Most beautiful" upon meeting her, it is clear in the book that that was how he felt about her instead of it not being in the book like dreadful Suspian!!!!! He said they will meet again. That is what they will do.
PS A kiss doesn't automatically make a situation romantic. Have any of you geniuses seen Sky High!?
A Proud Supporter for a Jilrian Jill/Tirian Romance.-PM DamselJillPole.
I don't like Susan (never have or will) so sue me!
Well what did you really expect if they were only planning to show Lilliandil for five minutes and had to throw in an attraction somewhere? What did you want Lilliandil to do, grab Caspian like Susan did and kiss him? Most romantic pairs start out like this in the real world. Suspian was fairytale, as Caspiandil is very much realistic.
Well, it doesn't matter what we expected them to do with Caspiandil or what is going to happen in the future, what matters is what we saw in the film.
In PC in the first time they met Susan was blushing at Caspian and all through the movie they were making eye contact and all kinds of flirtatious things. and in the end Caspian says that he wished they could have had more time together and they kiss.
In VDT He say she is beautiful(but then so does Ed) and says he hopes they meet again. The staring at her doesn't really count because everyone else was also staring at her in awe(how often to you see a pretty girl glowing).
The moment felt right because they felt something like true love between each other.
The only reason it felt right is because you know what is going to happen
^ Correction, Susan kisses Caspian not Caspian and was mad at him for an entire day in the film. Caspian only hugged her. Oh and he hugs Lucy and Edmund too, maybe they had a secret romance after all!
Co-Founder of Jilrian Club, Jill/Tirian. PM DamselJillPole or me to join.
A proud Supporter of the Caspian/Lilliandil Romance!
I support Laura Brent!
The attraction was subtle but it was there. Lilliandil gave King Caspian a lovely smile as if to say, "I will wait for you." There was definite chemistry between the two.
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This is how I see it caspian and Lil would be the obvious choice if we were choosing on how faithful it was to the book, but from the viewing of the movies Susan and caspian made more sense to me. In PC The relationship was developed well and even on VOTD the way caspian says no queen to compare to Susan .. Or something along those lines.. Makes it seem to me that he still longs for susan. The whole Lil moment in the movie was awkward almost for me that strange goofy smile Edmund had when she started speaking .. Idk I wasn't a fan. The way I could tell the most that the whole Lil thing didn't come out well is my friend who has seen the movie three times with me .. After seeing it the third time I told her that caspian ended up marrying the star and she couldn't believe it. She said she couldn't tell from even watching the film that there was anything there.
So film wise i choose Susan. But if they had filmed it differently
And gone more into the relationship it might be a different answer.
" We have nothing if not belief"
I agree will have to agree with the Caspiandil supporters on here. I voted Caspiandil. I'm perfectly aware that Suspian had more flirtation and more glances in PC, but Susan was mostly starting that and lead Caspian on more then she possibly intended at first. And yes she kissed him, not Caspian.
Most of all speaking in realistic terms, I was recently in a situation like Caspian. I'm in my twenties, I was in a relationship with someone almost four years ago until that person broke up with me, for those three years I mopped around, thought it was the end of the world and I wanted my partner back so bad. So yeah I was pretty much like movie verse Caspian for a while. Just recently a few months ago one of my friends told me that I needed to let go and that holding on to something that never would have worked out was being very irrational. I met someone recently who I was very much attracted to like Caspian is with Lilliandil and now we're dating.
So yes I find Caspian and Lilliandil's relationship realistic because real relationships experience it like that.
Think about it, Caspian went all those years without finding a queen, yet when he meets Lilliandil, he has a sudden change in heart. That's because he listened to it and the moment was definitely right and realistic!
To be honest at firstI thought opening up this forum was just asking for trouble and creating more nonsense and conflict that had already stirred up. It truly breaks my heart and makes me feel embarassed to even be a Caspiandil fan anymore. I guess for a while I'll stick to my Jilrian fandom because this really does break my heart and decreases my love for VDT.
For all it's worth i hope a big crew memeber on these films or Michael Apted sees this and has a jolly heart to add romantic flashbacks between Caspian and Lilliand. if he doesn't then the only real romance that ever existed in these books is screwed. Excuse me i think I'm going to go and cry.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I may be biased, but I still felt that the Caspian/Lilliandil relationship was better done. Maybe not the most developed, but that's not what the poll asks. I *cringe* everytime I was PC because the lines and obvious 'you're hot' glances between Susan and Caspian. Not because they are uncanon but because they are cheesy and forced. It is obvious, to me at least, that neither Anna nor Ben are comfortable with the situation. The relationship may have more screentime, but the lack of chemistry shows.
As for Lilliandil and Caspian, I was disappointed at the lack of screentime and actually would have preferred the whole leaked script bit with Caspian having dreams of Lilliandil from the beginning. However, Laura Brent especially did a good job at showing through facial expressions that Lilliandil was intrigued by Caspian - and honestly, it felt like less a physical attraction than an interest in someone willing to go fight the dark island. Putting aside the 'No' bit, even 'you are most beautiful' seemed more out of a sense of awe than physical attraction. Ben did a better job with showing attraction as well - in PC he seemed more bewildered and awkward than anything (probably fitting as a teenager, but it give a little more depth to his mature attraction to Lilliandil).
So yah, maybe I'm biased, but even the five seconds of Lilliandil/Caspian was better done than the five minutes of Susan/Caspian.
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My overview of VODT:
I didn't vote mostly because I couldn't decide what to go with. And they are definitely not about the same. People on either side have had very valid points. So, I just wanted to put my two cents in. Suspian was a two sided romance. Both Caspian and Susan liked each other. Maybe Caspian a little more than Susan( he can't find anyone to replace her but she is moving on.) but it was two sided. Ramandu's Daughter romance was a one sided romance in the film. You didn't see that she actually cared or not if Caspian thought she was beautiful. You only saw that Caspian thought she was.
^^Well it is very obvious Lilliandil was attracted to Caspian as well. I think first meeting Caspian was a surprise to her because I don't think she associates much with human beings. But yes she glances at Caspian too and smiles when Caspian tells her he hopes they meet again.
Co-Founder of Jilrian Club, Jill/Tirian. PM DamselJillPole or me to join.
A proud Supporter of the Caspian/Lilliandil Romance!
I support Laura Brent!
I don't want to offend, accuse, or side with anyone here. I respect everyone's opinions, even if I may not agree with them.
I voted Suspian--not because I like Suspian. I don't really like it and think it was a bit extra; however, I do think it was more developed than Caspian and Lilliandil, purely from the cinematographic point of view. The thing is, in Prince Caspian, we didn't have to be told there was an attraction between Caspian and Susan. Caspian didn't say, "Susan, you are the most beautiful." or "I think Susan is the most beautiful!", and visa-versa. I do agree, the acting may have been a little poor, and perhaps a bit strained, but it was still well presented. It wasn't told, it was shown.
The art of movies, and even of books, is "show, not tell". Of course, certain things have to be said, but not everything. The majortity of things need to be shown. I personally don't like it when I have to be told two people are in love with each other. I like to see it. I like to feel it. In VDT, we had to be told, and I didn't like that very much.
That is just me and my opinion.
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I for one thought Susapian was a bid awkward, but from an acting standpoint (which wasn't PC's strong point). If Susan had been able to stay, they probably would have gotten married or at least pursued it further. He met her, was attracted to her, but she left. It happens a lot.
I think when he meets Lilliandil he's going head-over-heels. He can't keep his eyes off her. He's star-struck (haha!). I just wish they had explored it a bit more, fleshed it out. I like how they expanded on Lucy wanting to be beautiful and look like Susan, how they expanded Ed's character arc. They could have expanded that part a bit more. Cut a minute from the sea serpent
Filmwise Susaspian was better set up. But Caspian/Lilliandil seemed a lot more natural, even if it was SO short. :'( Caspian/Susan had half a movie to look at each other, Lilliandil has about half a minute
And I have to ask: is king caspian and damseljillpole the same person? Or BFFs joined-at-the-hip? Twins separated at birth?
avy by narniagirl90
I for one thought Susapian was a bid awkward, but from an acting standpoint (which wasn't PC's strong point). If Susan had been able to stay, they probably would have gotten married or at least pursued it further. He met her, was attracted to her, but she left. It happens a lot.
And I have to ask: is king caspian and damseljillpole the same person? Or BFFs joined-at-the-hip? Twins separated at birth?
I wouldn't say Caspian and Susan would have married if she stayed in Narnia. She came up with every excuse not to do so for many years in the Golden Age, plus Caspian and Susan would soon sere their romance was only built up by physical attraction.
Anyways I want to stop bickering about this vrs this like we're creating a Twilight fanbase in way. Caspian marrys lilliandil and loves her more, end of story. I don't care about film perspectives.
On me and king caspian we've been best friends since middle school, that's almost nine years we've been close. We just always have each others backs and we always will. In way we are kind of like twins because we are both the same zodiac, have same interests and we look like we can be related.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!