It's hard to say... I've always liked Edmund. He's really funny in PC. But I don't even own PC... it wasn't nearly as good. But over all I think I like him better in PC, mostly because he was so funny.
But one thing I didn't like about Edmund in PC is (they did this with all the characters) that his attitude was to modern. But I still really liked him.
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I like Edmund in both movies for different reasons. In LWW, Edmund is kind of a catalyst- someone that the majority of the human population can identify with. And Edmund was just a confused little boy at the beginning. He started growing up towards the end- after he learned that the White Witch wasn't going to kill him. At the battle, he seemed almost like a younger version of his character in PC. Like, he had the same attitude. He was confident and quieter and a big support to Peter. In PC, my opinion is that while the Pevensies reigned for fifteen years, Edmund obtained forgiveness for what he did to his siblings from said siblings. You notice that in PC, Edmund isn't exactly shy in his first few scenes. He's an aggressive fighter, an explorer, and although he's quieter, he's definitely the same tenacious Edmund- in the first few scenes. Then, once the Pevensies meet Trumpkin, he kind of withdraws. It's almost like he's starting over- he figures that Trumpkin knows all the old stories, and maybe hasn't forgiven him yet. He does stand up for Lucy, but it's almost like he's afraid of what Peter will do to him if he objects to what Peter is saying. For example, in the How, if Edmund had said, "Peter, I know that the best defense is a good offense, but carrying out guerrilla attacks on the Telmarines is a better idea than flat-out attacking their castle", Peter could have retorted, "You traitor! What do you know!" Edmund seems afraid of what other people think. He doesn't know them, and they haven't forgiven him (as far as he knows). But after the trees come and save the Old Narnians from the New Narnians, he kind of un-withdraws, if you know what I mean. When he's in front of Aslan and all. That's my take on his character!
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I enjoyed seeing Edmund in both movies. In LWW, it shows how Edmund's rebellion almost led Narnia into ruin and how he saw the error of his ways when he spoke with Aslan. On PC, Edmund is confident in his faith and does his duty as Aslan would expect from a King and defender of Narnia.
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Wow, that's an awesome perspective but what makes you think that Edmund thinks the Old Narnians havent forgiven him?
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I liked Edmund's character in LWW because of the lessons he learned and how he was changed for the better. In PC, Edmund is a steady, stabalizing presence to Peter's moody outbursts and does a great job delivering the challenge to Miraz; among other things.
So it is difficult for me to pick one over the other. But is a great role for a young actor and Skandar has done a great job of portraying Edmund so far. Can't wait to see King Edmund again in VDT.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
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I can only comment on the book--not the films. And I think this is a seemingly simple question that is actually very complex. Part of me wants to loathe and despise the Edmund I found in LWW--The one who taunts mercilessly Lucy for her make believe country, who is greedy and self serving, and really, truly worst of all--by lying about having got into Narnia. Truly--this must be the worst thing you can do to someone who loves you--Disappoint them. But Edmund was not entirely unsympathetic--he didn't really love the witch, he knew she was wicked and cruel--but the lure of greatness must have been very attractive to a middle child. He didn't really wish harm upon his siblings--just wanted them to be "taught a lesson". And perhaps Edmund's failings were not all his fault--When Lewis wrote about Edmund being "his old self again", as he was before going to his horrid school, and things began to go wrong, I think he was telling us precisely this. I saw Edmund as someone who had been victimized, by fellow students at his school (and I think English schools back then could be quite awful) and then again by the White Witch. I think Edmund's turning point actually came when he cried out at the injustice of turning innocent Narnians to stone--the first glimmer of the man he would eventually be.
Once we meet up with Edmund again in PC, he is already "King Edmund the Just"--Although he looks like a child, we all know that he is actually an adult (once a King or Queen in Narnia, always a King or Queen). Edmund would be difficult NOT to love in PC--he is brave, sage, and true.
He provides good counsel to his High King, and listens to his baby sister
But he is (to my mind) and adult in PC--so trying to compare the Edmund of LWW (a child) to the Edmund of PC is like apples and oranges...
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I like how they did his character in both. Yeah, there might be a couple things that i didn't like about him, but overall I liked him in both.
He seemed to more manly and grown up in PC. It was kinda neat to see him grow up.
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I like him better in PC because he has matured more, and he's very loyal to his family and the Narnians. He also redeems himself for past mistakes by sticking up for Lucy and breaking the spell that would allow Jadis to return to Narnia.
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Edmund has always been one of my favorite characters, and I thought that LWW did an awesome job of portraying him. I also really liked him in PC; you could tell that he had grown up and matured, and he seemed the most changed and progressive character to me. Peter and Susan's characters seemed to kind of move backwards from LWW, and Lucy stayed pretty much the same, but you can definitely tell that Edmund's character grew up in that year between visits to Narnia. I guess that I would have to say that I liked Edmund in PC better because of that.
I liked Edmund a lot better in PC. His features were more enlightened and he was the most mature one in the movie besides Lucy. He was focused on his duties to getting Prince Caspian on his throne without envy and glut which was Peter's and Susan's main downfalls to me. I also loved how he sticks up for Lucy. Edmund I will have to admit was my only favorite character in PC.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
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This is so hard for me.. Edmund is so great in both, although he's so minor in PC.
I think I'd have to say for the books, PC because you can really see how he's changed.
I can't decide for the movies, because he's great in different ways.
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I like Edmund better in Prince Caspian because he's more kingly this time and more mature. Also, I get the sense of feeling that he's not the jerk this time, Peter is (if you don't mind my saying so).
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
This is rather hard.... I like him more in the PC moive and more in the LWW book. hmm.....
For may final choice I'd say PC, hee is much more um lets say "grown up" (But not the "grown up" Like Susan in LB.) in PC.
memento mori
I prefered him in LWW. He had a meatier role in that one. I liked how he mocked against Lucy, even when he knew Narnia existed, and later had to say sorry. His transformation from bullie to hero was great in the film. I also loved how he said 'Peter isn't king yet' and confronts Jadis, the one who seduced him to betrayal. The look on his face when he is sitting on his trone in Cair Paravel, just very spontaneous.
In Prince Caspian, i liked his scene where he stabs the ice, containing the spirit of the WW and also his message to Miraz with a good dose of provocation. But it also had one scene that i don't like. Edmund who is playing with his Flashlight and accidently let's it fall. That's just not consistent with his character from the books. Why would he do such a thing when it is crucial for the succes of the Night Raid?