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[Closed] Ramandu's daughter/Lilliandil - Laura Brent

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NarniaWeb Nut

Since I heard about this last night, I've been trying to reconcile RD and Lilliandil in my mind. Somehow it just doesn't fit. I don't like the name Lily or Lillian. I'm hoping they have some cool pronunciation. And yes, the first thing I thought of when I heard the name was the lilies at the Utter East. Just not a very star-like name, imo. But I'm hoping it'll grow on me.

Sig by ski_hi_flier Avvy by campgirl

Posted : June 2, 2010 4:14 am
NarniaWeb Nut

It will only be Lillian+dill if that's exactly how they'll pronounce it. I doubt it.

And sometimes I wish LotR never happened because sooooo many things with even the smattering of an unusual name is branded elvish and "from LotR!" Not just Narnia, lots of things. (little pet peeve there lol) Besides, the only name (in the movies, that I can think of) that ends with "dil" is the light of Elendil, it's not quite as popular an ending. I doubt the normal movie goer will make a connection. And if they do, they can get over it :p Now we don't count as the normal movie-goer, we're obsessed. So compare away haha!

Just no Stargirl lol Somehow that's irritating. Star's Daughter is cool and awesome, but Stargirl is just ech. My opinion totally :)

avy by narniagirl90

Posted : June 2, 2010 5:53 am
Glenstorm the Great
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I don't love it. I don't hate it. I don't like it either. It's just blah. I won't die if they mention her name in the movie, but I won't be the happiest camper either. Her not having a name added to the mystery. If Jack thought she needed a name, he would have named her! I just hope they come up with a cool way to pronounce this.

Just no Stargirl lol Somehow that's irritating. Star's Daughter is cool and awesome, but Stargirl is just ech. My opinion totally :)

oh I totally agree.

Posted : June 2, 2010 6:30 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

If Douglas Gresham thought it would be a great idea to have the Lady of the Green Kirtle in VDT, the fact that he did wouldn't make me feel any more comfortable either.

I agree. I have no idea why Doug Gresham coming up with the name makes everyone feel better. Susan and Caspian kissed in the last film. If that can happen then any sort of nonsense can happen.

Posted : June 2, 2010 9:18 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I agree. I have no idea why Doug Gresham coming up with the name makes everyone feel better. Susan and Caspian kissed in the last film. If that can happen then any sort of nonsense can happen.

Susan initiated the kiss not Caspian.

Furthermore I'm just happy that Douglas didn't think about giving RD a starlike name, it would have been very chiche and too obvious. Yes I agree that he could have done better with the name but this is what we will get. We may not completely like it now but we may like how it's going to be used in the film. I say don't worry. At least Caspian gets to call her by name Lady Lilliandil or Princess Lilliandil. That's going to be so sweet :D ;)

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : June 2, 2010 11:06 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

I don't really care who initiated the kiss. It is still nonsense and regardless Caspian initiated the flirtation with Susan throughout the entire film.

It is true though that a name that was star like would have been worse. Though it is sort of the idea of a name that is weird more then that it is this name. I don't know.

Posted : June 2, 2010 1:21 pm
Member Moderator

Let's stick to Laura Brent and Lilliandil and Ramandu's Daughter please. No more off-topic Caspian/Susan references. Thank you. :|

There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.

Posted : June 2, 2010 1:31 pm
HM Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Nut

Well, we often wondered if she would get a name and we were right. I remember I started a thread on this topic, I'm sure we had a name similar too that. The first thing I thought when I heard Lilliandil was that it sounds rather elven though it could definitely be a stars name. I'm not too fussed on it as it is too like the name Lillian (which is of course very obvious ;) )!

In my opinion they definitely needed a name because Caspian has to call her something and 'Ramandu's Daughter' just doesn't work. Can you imagine it? :p

I imagine it being said Lil - e - in - dell. (Hope you can understand that.)

Go Marina Erakovic!
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Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan

Posted : June 2, 2010 3:20 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Well, we often wondered if she would get a name and we were right. I remember I started a thread on this topic, I'm sure we had a name similar too that.

Here 'tis, if anyone cares to reminisce.

My opinion hasn't changed. It's a nice name, not something I'm in love with, but not something that I wince at hearing either.

Avatar and sig by hyaline12

Posted : June 2, 2010 3:57 pm
Amira Tair
NarniaWeb Regular

It reminds me too much of some sort of faux-Elvish name that a LOTR fanfic author might name their Mary Sue.

That is exactly the same I thought when I saw the name for the first time.
I rather liked the idea of her not having a name, for me it gave a mystery which suited her character. However, I thought it was pretty sure that she was going to have one, so this is not such a great surprise. I don't like it, but, anyway, I'm not going to make a big fuss about it.
What I dislike more is Douglas Gresham's role. For me, it is not relevant who created the name. However, many of those who like the name find it cool that he made it up. It would seem that the movie makers wanted to make sure that the name was going to be successful and told him to invent it.

Posted : June 2, 2010 11:35 pm
Fire Fairy
NarniaWeb Junkie

It's funny how much controversy this action has brought up. Personally, I think Lilliandil is a very beautiful name that rolls easily off the tongue (I tend to prefer names that do that :) ). If you say it over and over too many times, it does start to sound like Lillian + dill, but then again, anything said over and over starts to sound weird after a while ;) .

I also must say that I'm very glad Doug Gresham was the one to name her. In Jack's absence, he is, in my opinion, the authority on Narnia matters. He knew Jack personally and has the best idea as to the sort of things Jack would have wanted. I'm very pleased he was the one to name her.

On the subject of whether RD should have even been named at all, I am on the fence. I can see the logic behind giving her a name, since leaving her unnamed in a major motion picture makes no sense at all. But I can also see why a lot of people would have preferred she remained unnamed, since that is the way Jack wrote it and it added to her "mysteriousness" B-) . But I think C.S. Lewis left her unnamed for another reason. I think it is partially because he felt that her name was sacred and that she was a sacred individual O:) . And to me, that is reason enough.

Btw, for those of you that don't like "Lilliandil", just be glad it isn't "Prunaprisma"!! ;) :p

Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.

Posted : June 3, 2010 12:05 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

My own personal opinion on this news about RD having a name should have been kept secret upon a few days to the movies release or not mentioned at all. I think a lot of you are confused and not liking how the named is spelled when it could sound a lot better when pronounced on screen and we'll all think oh that's pretty I wonder how it is spelled. Instead we rely on its' spelling.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : June 3, 2010 12:19 pm
Thursday's Wayfaring Child Hospitality Committee

I dislike the name. I expected them to give Ramda a name, and I didn't expect it to be a perfect name, but this is just - ewww. It smacks of an incompetent imagination. I'm glad they're consulting Mr. Gresham for the movies, but as he obviously lacks great inspiration in name-crafting, the production should have chosen someone else, or a team of some-ones, to do the job.

I suppose it certainly could have been worse - Stargirl, Celeste, Selene, other "Starry" or "Fantasy" sounding names would have been very wrong, as well as any other "Normal" or English name.
And I must admit a grudging liking of the Lillian-Rillian connection.

As we are now stuck with it, let me just say that I much prefer the
Lilly-on-dil pronunciation.

"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau

Posted : June 3, 2010 2:58 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

I have to agree more with Adeona on this. The name isn't really that creative but I like it a little bit better then a typical star name. I think Douglas could have done better.

I would like it if it were pronounced Lilly-on-dale or Lillian-dale. I suppose it'll sound pretty rather then looking at how it's spelled. :p

Co-Founder of Jilrian Club, Jill/Tirian. PM DamselJillPole or me to join.
A proud Supporter of the Caspian/Lilliandil Romance!
I support Laura Brent!

Posted : June 3, 2010 4:23 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

How do you impale someone with a tomato? :p

Well if one throws them hard enough they are bound to pierce the person and, believe me, angry grammarians are extremely brutal when it comes to grammar mistakes. ;)

I'm quite surprised to see that no one was mentioned this, but did anyone else find Lilliandil's stand in to look more like how you had imagined Ramandu's Daughter to look than Laura Brent does? Perhaps it's just me.

I'll always be a,
NL101 :)

Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb

Posted : June 4, 2010 5:05 am
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