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[Closed] Prince Rilian

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NarniaWeb Junkie

I disagree. If he can act the part well enough, you can seperate Rillian from Boone or Damon.

Winter Is Coming

Posted : June 23, 2010 5:34 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

You're true on that Josh, but to me it's a type cast. If he didn't play Damon then I can see him doing it. For now, I just can't. Sorry.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Topic starter Posted : June 23, 2010 6:46 pm
king caspian
NarniaWeb Nut

Harry Lloyd wouldn't be such a bad idea. I did have a thought on someone and he did play Ben Barnes's son in Stardust. What about Charlie Cox?

He looks a lot like Ben Barnes then some people do and still in between of being unknown and not. I think he would make a perfect candidate for Rilian.

Not Suspian!
Avatar: DamselJillpole Sig: Tarkheena

Posted : June 25, 2010 11:19 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Charlie Cox would make a very perfect Rilian. IDK there's something about him that is just so innocent. :) but I have seen pictures of him looking fierce. I know Daughter_of_Ramandu would seriously love you for pulling Charlie Cox up.

But yes he is now one of my favorites! ;)

Also welcome to narniaweb king caspian! :D

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Topic starter Posted : June 26, 2010 12:44 am
king caspian
NarniaWeb Nut


Doesn't the Daughter of Ramandu love King Caspian already? =)) That's ironic in a cool way and I just happen to get that in a Rilian forum :D

Anyways it would be pretty awesome if Charlie played Ben Barnes's son again.

Not Suspian!
Avatar: DamselJillpole Sig: Tarkheena

Posted : June 27, 2010 4:08 am
Member Admin

Ok, I'm gonna have to be mean here and say I hate the idea of Charlie Cox as Rilian. ;))

Charlie Cox = Cute, fun-loving, adventurous, playful, a bit immature, silly

Rilian = Dark, mysterious, tired, moody, worn from years of enchantment

I just cannot envision Charlie Cox in that role. Sorry!

Posted : June 28, 2010 10:16 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

fantasia_kitty: I might have to disagree a little with you. Sure Charlie is those things in real life and sometimes in some of his movies. One thing for sure is that he is an actor, I'm sure for the very reason he is in the business in movies and theatre is because he can act and can portray different personalities. That is what actors do.

I only thought at first that Ben Barnes since he's a funny guy in real life can only do funny stuff and family things, but look at his many works and pictures of him looking far more different then what you can compare him in real life. It's called good acting.

I'm sure Charlie Cox can measure it up as well. Especially not to mention Rilian was a very laughable guy in the book, so I don't know what you mean by him being dark, his behavior is, not his looks.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Topic starter Posted : June 30, 2010 9:48 am
Member Admin

You are always more than welcome to disagree with me. I can take it. ;) And I know he's an actor and that's what actors do. But I just can't see him in that role.

It'd be kind of like asking Robin Williams to play Puddleglum. Robin Williams is a good actor (imho) but his style just doesn't match the character of Puddleglum. The same is true for Charlie Cox and Rilian for me. (And for the record, that was a really extreme example. I'd be far more open to the idea of Charlie Cox as Rilian than I would be Robin Williams as Puddleglum. ;) )

so I don't know what you mean by him being dark, his behavior is, not his looks.

Yeah, I meant his behavior. Sorry for not being clear.

Posted : June 30, 2010 10:13 am
NarniaWeb Guru

What is the betting that in the scene where Rilian appears on horseback as the Black Knight alongside LOTGK, that the actor inside the suit will be Shane Rangi? :)

Sure they might want to get the actor playing Rilian himself to do the Black Knight sections, so he could add his own performance style to those sections as well (and doubtless the movie will add in additional subplots to feature more scenes with LOTGK and the Black Knight) but i could very much see that faced with the choice of who to stick inside a big uncomfortable fully-closed sweaty suit of armour for hours on end, they will probably turn to Shane ;) lol.

Besides, having the Black Knight as a larger physical presence than the naturally smaller framed Rilian would help somewhat in the deception of his true identity. That is definitely something that is much easier to do in the book (as the descriptions can tell you as little or as much about a characters appearence as it wants you to know) but much harder to on-screen, hence Rilian in the BBC version wearing a "Man In The Iron Mask" style metal faceplate and a full beard at the end (though even in the book its still fairly obvious who he is, as there aren't any major misdirections in the plot to make you think otherwise).

A Silver Chair movie may end up having to do a similar thing as the BBC version in that regard - that, or cast a different actor as the younger Rilian, though i always find such a thing means that the link between the two versions of the characters isn't as strong and its harder for the audience to build that emotional connection necessary to empathise with the rescued character in relation to his earlier self.

Posted : August 8, 2010 4:08 am
wild rose
Member Moderator Emeritus

I'd go with Gaspard Ulliel or Charlie Cox, to me either one seems like a good Rilian, I can't make up my mind which I like more. Somehow I always imagined Rilian with dark hair even though according to the book both his parents have light hair, and I think it even mentions him having light hair as well, haven't read the Silver Chair in a while so my memory is vague. I guess it had to do with him being in the black armour and all that made me think of him with dark hair. I hope they make him with dark hair if and when they make Silver Chair

always be humble and kind

Posted : August 8, 2010 7:53 am
NarniaWeb Guru

One thing for sure is that he is an actor, I'm sure for the very reason he is in the business in movies and theatre is because he can act and can portray different personalities. That is what actors do.

Hahaha, funny, DamselJillPole! You were just arguing against the guy from Lost and The Vampire Diaries because he only played a type of character that didn't suit Rilian. Now you're arguing for Cox because actors are meant to be versatile?

I totally agree with the versatile thing, by the way. However, you do have to take the roles that actors play in with who you cast. It matters because of how the audience sees them. It also matters because they may simply be better at playing a certain kind of role.

And by the way, the guy who played Boone is positively creepy in how he fulfills the parameters of my idea of a RD & Caspian son. Weird!

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : August 10, 2010 8:57 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

^Wow, I'm grateful to be able to humor you, you're pretty funny yourself! Well people argue with me all the time when i suggest 'Johnny Depp would be a great choice for Puddleglum' and they tell me all the reasons why he shouldn't because he's too known, and every movie he's in it becomes a Depp movie.

I'm the same way about Ian S.

To me if he played Rilian it would ruin the mystery and magic for me. I love this actor too and I'm not trying to contradict myself. I just dont want to see this huge actor in the role of Rilian. 8-|

What I said before had a complete different message then what you're getting at with me. Perhaps you should read that again. ;)

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Topic starter Posted : August 10, 2010 9:14 am
Member Admin

What is the betting that in the scene where Rilian appears on horseback as the Black Knight alongside LOTGK, that the actor inside the suit will be Shane Rangi? :)

Personally I think Shane Rangi would make a smashing Mullugutherum. ;)) But that's besides the point.
It's very likely they'll at least have a stunt double in the suit of armor, but Shane's a big guy. Depending on who they cast for Rilian, he might be too big.

Posted : August 10, 2010 10:04 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Charlie Cox is a great choice, I wouldn't mind him being Rilian. :)

Yes icarus, Shane Rangi is a big muscled guy so it really depends on who they cast as Rilian, I hope he is very tall and slender like Ben. ;)

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Posted : August 10, 2010 12:03 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

That was kind of my point - if the Black Knight first appears as this big, tall, impressive looking soldier, whilst Rilian is already known to be a small slender and much more Barnesian looking Prince, then it would help fool the audience as to the Black Knights true identity (something which is painfully too obvious in the book).

Changing a small and most irrelevant detail like that would be a good way to perhaps throw the audience of the scent a bit. Even it only makes them doubt who the Black Knight is for a few seconds it would be worth it.

Either way though, Shane's got to play someone! ;) and they sure better not try and cram another Minotaur into this movie :)

Posted : August 21, 2010 1:05 pm
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