Wait, C. S. Lewis wrote something on Wikipedia? Cool, never knew heaven had internet before. C. S. Lewis DID say that the witches were different people. Go back and re-read SC. There are several references to Northern witches and the LotGK being of the same crew as the WW. There is nothing in the book to indicate that the two characters are the same. It's like claiming Rabadash and Tash are the same because they're both from Calormene and their names in in ash.
But still the line "Though Under Earth and Throneless now I be, While I lived All Earth Was Under Me" makes me sometimes wonder if that was the WW speaking in the form of LotGK. Becausse LotGK is under earth, and throneless (though she plans to overthrow Narnia). But in her previous life, all earth was under her when she ruled Narnia in the 100 years of winter.
Josh, as I have mentioned several times, we had an official comment from Mr Gresham several years ago, in which he made it totally clear that Jadis (aka the White Witch) is a different person from the Lady of the Green Kirtle. He said that the same evil spirit may influence both of them.
This no more makes them the same than Nero and Hitler were the same because of being driven by the same sort of evil.
WW never spoke as LOTGK, because she was NOT her. Except in Hollywood (including the summoning scene in PC) people do not return from the dead etc.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
I wouldnt consider Gresham's statement on LotGK and WW official since it was Lewis who wrote the books and since Gresham may have just wanted to settle a heated debate.
I DONT think they are the same. But playing devil's advocate, that quote is the one thing that could give me a pause.
Winter Is Coming
Um, the fact that the WW is called Jadis in LWW?
And there is no contradiction between the books as to Jadis' origin. There's absolutely no reason why she can't be a descendant of Lilith and be from Charn.
The WW is called Jadis in LWW? Where? I don't remember seeing it but it's been awhile since I read it.
She is called Jadis in Tumnus' arrest warrant.
OF COURSE THEY SHOULD BE DIFFERENT CHARACTERS! JUST READ THE BOOKS, THE WHITE WITCH IS DEAD! ASLAN KILLED HER HIMSELF! In fact I think they should cast someone who looks nothing like Tilda Swinton in the part of the Lady of the Green Kirtle just to drive this point home.
Frankly I blame the BBC for all of this confusion, they should have never cast the same actress in both movies.
That's why I'm going to stand by the play world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia. -Puddleglum
Maybe to clarify the confusion further, they should include a line like this...
Glimfeather "We believe that she is of the same crew!"
Eustace: "Wait...she's the White Witch?"
Glimfeather: "No you idiot, I said she's of the same crew as the White Witch. As in working for the same cause. How on earth did you come to the assumption that being of the same crew means they are the same person?"
Eustace: "I...I..."
Glimfeather: "Oh shut up! We don't have time to discuss your flawed theories. Let me finish my story!"
Winter Is Coming
Glimfeather didn't tell the story, another owl did
Its been awhile. But now that you mention it I think the owl that told the story was unnamed. I'll have to look it up.
Winter Is Coming
My view is that even if the White Witch and the Lady are supposed to be the same entity, they are clearly not the same "body" or appearance and so they should be played by different actresses.
I find it odd that Lewis mentioned Lilith. She's not from the Bible, so I don't know what religion believes in her. I never even knew who Lilith was until last year.
Lilith appears in Jewish texts.
I think Kate Beckinsale would make a good LOTGK. Need a different actress for Silver Chair.
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
I wouldnt mind Kate Beckinsale being in the movie
Winter Is Coming
I think the Lady of the Green Kirtle is an insidious, addictive sort of being. As a green snake she might be done just like the dryads etc in Narnia, sort of materialising, breaking up and vanishing. Maybe the lady herself might have some of the same quality, whoever plays her.
The White Witch isn't necessary until MN, especially as Eustace wouldn't recognise her. Though I agree Tilda Swinton might have a bit part in SC, maybe stray lady at court, or one of the giantesses at Harfang.
Considering the fact that I have heard from many people that they are tired of/annoyed by the WW at this point (including people i know who are not book fans), I don't think Tilda Swinton should play the LotGK. Even if they think they are one and the same character, I think it will actually hurt the SC film, simply because she has already appeared too many times unnecessarly.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I voted that they should be different. I don't think Lewis ever intended them to be the same being. In the books their personalities are just too different.
Their personalities may appear to be different on the exterior, but their intentions are obviously the same: evil. Evil takes on many different forms and the most evil beings have the ability to assume different incarnations, which i believe what C.S Lewis was trying to get across in the Silver Chair. I actually believe that the LoGK and the White Witch are at the least from the same clan, if not one in the same being. After all, we know there are extensive threads of Christianity woven troughout the Narnia books and in Christianity there is not several Satan's, but only one, who takes on different forms throughout the Bible.