Exactly! Tirian seeing Lucy in LB is as if King Arthur had appeared in front of you or some other equally legendary royal figure. The last thing you're going to be doing is going "Omigosh! You're hawt! Can we haz a romance?"
I voted Jill/Tirian and Lucy/Emeth, but I don't really want either of those romances to be in the film. We have fanfiction for stuff like that, after all.
Frankly, I would love for LB to be done very similarly to the book in terms of relationships. That way, if viewers so choose, they can perceive friendships—such as Jill and Eustace, or Jill and Tirian, or whatever—as the beginnings of romantic relationships if they please, as some of the people who have posted here have done, or just as close friendships, as others have done. So no declarations of love, or kissing (other than a friendly kiss on the cheek, or a courteous kiss on the hand), or anything along those lines.
Obviously, some people (including myself, I'm afraid, regarding Jill and Tirian; specifically, when he sees her in Aslan's Country in chapter twelve ) see some of the character interactions as possibly romantic, and plenty of people don't. So if the film follows the book closely in terms of these interactions, then theoretically, wouldn't everyone be happy? (If that even makes any sense to anyone but myself.
I'd really love for LB to be done well, and as close to everybody's liking as possible, since it's the last in the series and what we'll be left going away with. I don't mind the romances in the other films being played up as much, because I'd love for all of the Narnia films to get made if possible, and romance definitely helps in selling a film. But since LB is the last film and we don't have to worry about any more getting made or not, I want it to be made just as the NarniaWebbers would like: very, very faithful to C.S. Lewis's masterpiece.
I really hate the idea of Jill/Tirian. It's Susaspian all over again.
I totally agree. C.S Lewis didn't even suggest anything between them, even if you are trying to read between the lines like some are with Tirian and Lucy. I personally think it would be revolting. And why do we need a romance in LB anyway?! Isn't the world ending and getting to live with Aslan forever enough?!
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
Frankly, I would love for LB to be done very similarly to the book in terms of relationships. That way, if viewers so choose, they can perceive friendships—such as Jill and Eustace, or Jill and Tirian, or whatever—as the beginnings of romantic relationships if they please, as some of the people who have posted here have done, or just as close friendships, as others have done. So no declarations of love, or kissing
I think that is the best suggestion that anyone could make. That way, no matter how you percieve the books, the way you percieve it will happen on screen, as it will for everyone else along with you. Everybody wins. There would be no more these-shippers against those-shippers. Only Narnia fans and friends all enjoying the movie together exactly the way each of them picture it.
^^^You make it sound so easy....I have never personally seen "everybody win". But I do agree with Rose Tree Dryad about LB; the relationships done in accordance to the book...everyone just all around good friends.
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
Well, if it was set up right, like the book, everybody would win, because each would see what they saw in the book, since the movie and the book would be the same. People could still cause fights if they wanted to. I suppose anyone can fight about anything if they really try, so I suppose they could fight when if LB came out, if that's what you mean.
But the point is, everyone saw something different in the book. And if the movie is handled the same way, when they watch it, everyone will see what they pictured when they read it. I don't know what else anyone could wish for.
Oh, I definitely think there would be a few people who would be upset that full-blown romances hadn't been inserted into the film, and there would probably be some who would say that the gazes and ways in which lines were delivered seemed too amorous or something, but as long as the movie follows what happens in the book, they don't have as much of an argument. At any rate, at least those minor quibbles will be contained amongst ourselves, instead of a large chunk of the NarniaWeb population taking up arms and going after the filmmakers with torches.
And what Eustace+Jill said. She explained the idea better than I did in my original post.
I wish that the crew could follow everything by the book, but in Hollywood that is 99.9% unlikely that they'll go word for word that's in the book. I really hope they do Jill/Tirian!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
^^^ Where do you even get the idea that there could be even a remote possibility of a romance between Jill and Tirian? Just curious.
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
^^ The real question to your question is why does it matter? The way how things unfolded in The Last Battle between Jill and Tirian was the way how I perceived it by Jill's and Tirian's body language descriptions in certain areas, the way they treated each other, etc. I guess when I first read it I imagined myself as Jill and found Tirian more appealing for her in my imagination,(I was 6 or 7 so it was like rooting for your favorite animated Disney couples like how Caspian/RD is portrayed) just like how others perceive that Jill and Eustace's friendship could be something more. That's where my opinion on Jilstace is different. I believe that when you are friends with someone for a long time the more it's hard and risky to become something more without ruining a friendship. I see Jill and Eustace as the perfect best friends and Jill and Tirian as the perfect couple. Could this opinion of mine change the opinion of Jilstace shippers? No and I'm not meaning to. Jill/Tiran is my opinion and six others votes on this forum so I'm not the only one, neither on my fanfiction and youtube. Others love Jill/Tirian as well.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
^^ I was certainly not "condemning" your want of the relationship between Jill and Tirian, and I believe the question does matter. I strongly disliked that the director/writers of Prince Caspian said "oh why does it matter? Let's just put a little kiss there between Caspian and Susan!" And I am not vying for a Jillstace either. I simply want the films to be semi true to the relationships in the book and I'm thoroughly prepared to have my hopes dashed again and again, but that's the way it goes with the conversion from book to film. Please understand though that I am in no way being critical of your opinion. I merely asked the above question so I could better understand your view and perhaps by better understanding it, agree with it.
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
I personally think that with the exception of the obvious relationship between Caspian and Ramandu's daughter, romances have no place in these movies.
This is one issue where I am a "book purist." C.S Lewis never wrote in romance between Eustace and Jill or Jill and Tirian, and so on. Adapting these novels into movies is a hard enough task already, and there is already so much going on that the screenwriters have to cut or add to make the stories work cinematically, that adding unneeded romances would only serve to clutter the films.
Think of everything that happens in The Last Battle. Whoever ends up adapting this novel to fit the big screen is going to have to work to try to keep all of that intact. What would adding a romance, or multiple romances, that have nothing to do with the story do other than appease a few fangirls who want Narnia to be more like the Twilight series than what it actually is.
I wish it was possible to "like" a post, bkey! I agree; with all that is going on in LB, it would only detract from the "epic-ness" to push a romance. Though I must say, some of those that wish for romance are in no way wanting for Narnia to be like Twilight; many of the romantics would in fact be offended at that remark
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
^ There's just a few things you didn't catch on or probably misunderstood. Sometimes you're just going to have to excuse me because I am a bit sarcastic and can't help it so I don't feel as if you are condemning me. As for the Jilstace part I was trying to example that I wouldn't ask a Jilstace how they perceive it in their minds when I already know how they do. They saw it in their imagination and how they perceived the lines in the books, Eustace's affection and understandings for Jill, and Jill feeling shy around Eustace after killing someone before they were thrown into stable in LB. Of course in my head Jilstace is played out as a strong friendship, Eustace may be having some feelings for Jill it's just I believe Jill will not feel the same way as Eustace does because I feel her friendship with him is more important. That's how I perceive Jill with Eustace. Again Jilstace fans I mean no offense on your opinions, it's just an opinion I wanted to use as an example.
As far as Suspian and Jilrian goes, those are two different matters. For Suspian the crew could careless about adding a real love story in the movie, just throw in a geek and a hottie that Susan can choose from add the glances, the flirting and kiss and boom, it's a romance for the hopeless ones! I mean if you think about it, before Suspian no one was really rooting for it because what did they have in the book? only one action with no dialogue. Yet I think some people like my friend whose never read these books saw the April's Fool's joke about Susan/Caspian and believed there would be a romance, that's when my friend began to read the chronicles but started with Prince Caspian first and was mad about them not having an attraction in the book. I had to tell her that the news was fake being on April first and all. I wasn't going to say anything because I was glad she read a Narnia book. Though the way she perceived that one moment of Susan telling Caspian to keep her horn for trying to find romance in the book she perceived it as sweet because she was looking for it.
With Jilrian there's many things you can get or expand in the book to make it a real romance without having them kiss. I perceived about 5 areas in the book where Tirian and Jill seemed to have been flirting in the way how I perceived how the lines were probably said and how the body language could have been done. That's a huge difference and it doesn't really matter if done right.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Thanks, DamselJillPole! I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree! You express yourself very compellingly though! I do want to point out, I voted I don't know, so there's still a chance I'll come to see as you do!
I saw the movie....and was disappointed