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[Closed] Poll: LB Romances--who should be with whom?

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Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

honestly, I am sick of romance in the Narnia movies so I voted that there shouldn't be any at all.
the only true romance in the Narnia books is Caspian and Lilliandil.....and that one was nice.
I think Suspian just ruined all of it for me sadly.

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Posted : September 8, 2010 10:13 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

^ Because Fire Fairy, Lucy never placed romantic relationships as a mandatory thing. The only reason why I and some people can see the point on why Lucy/Emeth would be cute is because they have the same purity and faith in Aslan. They are one opinion to be exact. It doesn't have to hint a romance between them to make that judgment.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : September 8, 2010 10:32 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

I went for voting for Eustace and Jill. I don't really wamt a romance in LB it would be kind of distracting, but I would rather have Jill and Eustace than other romance.

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Posted : September 8, 2010 8:52 pm
NarniaWeb Zealot

I voted for Eustace and Jill. :)

I'm not sure they should become an "Official couple", because the fast movement of the plot and story pace doesn't allow for it. It might look awkward and out of place when so many other things are happening in the story -- dangerous and tragic things. It would be hard, in those circumstances, for anyone to really start an official romance.
But I do think the filmmakers should make it clear that Jill and Eustace are starting to like eachother, and that Jill is starting to see Eustace in a different light -- she is starting to see him as a hero. This is only being accurate to the book. In the book, after seeing Eustace as an annoyance for so long, her opinion of him suddenly changes drastically after she sees him fight and defeat some of the enemy, and even feels "strangely shy" around him. That's how all girls feel when they start to get "Hero-romance" feelings for a boy they've never thought much of before.
It will also make it much more emotional and dramatic for Jill when it comes to the part where Eustace is thrown into the stable... :((

As for the others, Lucy doesn't meet either Tirian or Emeth until after they've "crossed over" into the after life, and I don't think anyone feels romantic feelings for each other there. Only spiritual love.

And Tirian is a lot older than Jill. If they were a couple, it might look wrong...
Jill having a crush on Tirian might be cute (especially if Eustace gets a little jealous). But if Tirian, who is much older, likes her, well, that might even upset parents if the age difference is too large. Tirian is a man. Jill is a teenage girl.

I don't think Eustace and Jill getting together would be like Shasta and Aravis. Their characters, and the relationships between them, are extremely different. Shasta and Aravis hated eachother passionately through a lot of HHB. Whereas Eustace liked Jill quite a lot at the opening of SC, and Jill trusted him -- even though she wasn't quite sure of him at first.
And besides, Eustace and Jill would never actually marry, the way Shasta and Aravis did. It would just be a change of feelings, for which there is some evidence in the books.


Posted : September 8, 2010 11:50 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

First of all I shall say this, there should be no romantic pairings once we get into Aslan's country. That means no Digory/Polly, no Lucy/Emmeth, no Lucy/Tirian, no Bree/Hwinn....this is Narnia, not LOST. Which means the joy of the afterlife is in the reunion with Aslan, not romantic interests.

Second of all, Eustace and Jill should not be paired. They are just friends and I whatever relationship they had I never got a romantic vibe from it.

Now I actually wouldnt oppose a Jill/Tirian romance. In the books he's in his mid twenties and she's in her late teens so its not perverted or anything (like Rillian and Jill would be). And since they are going to film the Magician's Nephew and HaHB inbetween the Silver Chair and the Last Battle, the actress who plays Jill is going to age a lot. So she's probably look like she is in her early 20s. So the romance wouldnt be innapropriate.

Also Jill seemed to have a bit of a crush on him and he was very protective of her. It probably isnt what Lewis was thinking of, but its not something I would ever have a problem with (unlike Susaspian). I wouldnt mind a brief kiss before the battle.

Winter Is Coming

Posted : September 9, 2010 11:09 am

I'm not gonna read all the responses just yet. Running out of time. :p

I said 1) Jill + Eustace and (2) I don't care. I probably should have said "there shouldn't be any romance at all" instead. Because there isn't any in LB! :-s

Posted : September 9, 2010 1:48 pm
Fire Fairy
NarniaWeb Junkie

Wow, sounds like there are a lot of strong opinions on this subject!

Because Fire Fairy, Lucy never placed romantic relationships as a mandatory thing. The only reason why I and some people can see the point on why Lucy/Emeth would be cute is because they have the same purity and faith in Aslan. They are one opinion to be exact. It doesn't have to hint a romance between them to make that judgment.

Yeah, but she was a lot younger in most of the books anyways. And just because she doesn't view it as important at first doesn't mean she never will. (Sorry if that sounds weird, but I'm just weird because I view characters as actual people, with real personalities and actual depth to them, and a life beyond what is actually written. What some people see as your "story" in life doesn't always define who you are, does it? /:) )

And Tirian is a lot older than Jill. If they were a couple, it might look wrong...
Jill having a crush on Tirian might be cute (especially if Eustace gets a little jealous). But if Tirian, who is much older, likes her, well, that might even upset parents if the age difference is too large. Tirian is a man. Jill is a teenage girl.

My sentiments exactly. :)

First of all I shall say this, there should be no romantic pairings once we get into Aslan's country. That means no Digory/Polly, no Lucy/Emmeth, no Lucy/Tirian, no Bree/Hwinn....this is Narnia, not LOST. Which means the joy of the afterlife is in the reunion with Aslan, not romantic interests.

And why not? :- What's wrong with finding your companion after you die? I'd think it'd be unfair if there was no such thing as romance in life after death. After all, think of all the people who had arranged marriages, abusive marriages, or never got to marry at all. Are you saying that they should never have the chance for love? (As you can tell, I also consider this a very real subject, rather than just a story. )

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Topic starter Posted : September 9, 2010 3:49 pm
Queen Lilliandil
NarniaWeb Regular

Tirian is not much older then Jill at all. In England the age of 16 is adult appropriate and Tirian is explaind in the book to being around 20-25. To even that out, he's just 23. Movie Jill will probably be around the age of 18 or 19. That's an appropriate age. Let's have Jill and Tirian!! :D

A Proud Supporter for a Jilrian Jill/Tirian Romance.-PM DamselJillPole.
I don't like Susan (never have or will) so sue me!

Posted : September 9, 2010 4:02 pm
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

I think any romance in LB would detract from the solemnity of the book. Tirian has more important things on his mind than romantic feelings.

Ditto. Romance would be the last thing that Tirian would think about.

He goes from bullying her to really good friends with her and is so protective of her.

When does Eustace bully her? Yes, he used to be a tale-bearer for Them, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he bullied Jill personally. And how is he protective of her?

Instead of answering the question about Tash to the others when they saw him Tirian was more concerned about Jill and he really deeply cares for her safety.

Huh. I don't think so. Tirian didn't answer the question because he didn't need to answer it. Everyone knew it was Tash. He was concerned about Jill because she was a lady (and being a lady has nothing to do with age) and she had a worse reaction to Tash than the others (well, except for Puzzle :p ).

Lucy never placed romantic relationships as a mandatory thing.

And the others did? :-

In the book, after seeing Eustace as an annoyance for so long, her opinion of him suddenly changes drastically after she sees him fight and defeat some of the enemy, and even feels "strangely shy" around him. That's how all girls feel when they start to get "Hero-romance" feelings for a boy they've never thought much of before.

Her opinion does not change drastically. Her thinking that he wasn't annoying any more starts at the very beginning of Silver Chair. As for her feeling strangely shy around him, he had just killed someone; she had never seen him do that. Her feelings do not have to imply that she is getting a crush.

I wouldnt mind a brief kiss before the battle.

But where would it lead? Where would it go? What would happen when they met again in Aslan's Country?

What's wrong with finding your companion after you die? I'd think it'd be unfair if there was no such thing as romance in life after death.

Well, it might be, but if Aslan's Country is anything like heaven there is no marriage there. I understand you probably believe differently from that.

To even that out, he's just 23. Movie Jill will probably be around the age of 18 or 19. That's an appropriate age.

Um, no. A modern-day equivalent of that would be a college senior dating a high-school senior. That's really looked down upon by most people. And I know these are not modern-day stories, but modern-day audiences are the ones who will be watching them.

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : September 10, 2010 2:49 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

Well, it might be, but if Aslan's Country is anything like heaven there is no marriage there. I understand you probably believe differently from that.

Just pointing out that Lewis's stories weren't meant to be an exact parallel to the Bible. So while Aslan's Country is pretty obviously a sort of "heaven", there's absolutly nothing that says it's going to have all the same "rules" as the Bible's heaven does. So we really can't say whether or not there would be marrying and giving of marriage in Aslan's Country or not. Personally, I don't see any reason why there shouldn't be continuation of life in the New Narnia just as much as the old Narnia.

Also, I don't really like this whole "Lucy is too pure to think of romance" thought :P Loving someone isn't going to take away from Lucy's devotion to Aslan. She's not a child. Admiring someone (I'm just using Tirian as an example) and being attracted to someone is not a "bad" or "unreligious" thing.

I agree with the poster above me who said that she felt Tirian was more concerned for Jill, her being a lady. Like in the SC when Rilian asks her if she's alright after they deal with the serpent. It was drilled into kings (and the time that the CoN were written) that women were something to be taken care of.

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe

Posted : September 10, 2010 5:51 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Queen Lilliandil wrote:To even that out, he's just 23. Movie Jill will probably be around the age of 18 or 19. That's an appropriate age.

Um, no. A modern-day equivalent of that would be a college senior dating a high-school senior. That's really looked down upon by most people. And I know these are not modern-day stories, but modern-day audiences are the ones who will be watching them.

daughter of the king, it's great that you have your opinion and all, but your just dead wrong on the age thing. Once you're eighteen people are considered as adults, you have a right to move out from parents, go to college, drive, enlist in army, date whoever you want to above your age. It's an age where people decide to take their priorities freely. I was 18 when i briefly dated some one in my college theater class and he was 23. No one frowned upon us. We were legal adults in their eyes, and in our parents and family members eyes. Now I'm 21 and currently dating some one who is 20. Is anyone frowning upon me? People do it, and they have been for many decades now. I have no idea how you thought about that.

Glad to see that there's a greater portion of people on these boards who love or prefer Jill/Tirian. So I'm not the only one who loves them :D

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : September 10, 2010 8:41 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Your right DamselJillPole.

Even my cousin, when she was a senior in high school, dated a sohpomore or junior from college. It was about a 3-4 year age difference. NO ONE CARED!

So 19, and 23 isnt a big deal.

Winter Is Coming

Posted : September 10, 2010 10:42 am
Lady Galadriel
NarniaWeb Junkie

While the ages of 19 and 23 may be plausible, that's similar to the ages of the actors in 'Suspian'. The two actors looked old enough that something could be going on between them, so why not? (Wasn't that what Andrew Adamson said?)

I really don't think C.S. Lewis intended any romances between these characters in LB. After all, while the actors may end up being older than their characters' ages, I'm pretty certain Lewis had Jill and Eustace at 16 at oldest. And I find a romance between a 16-year-old and Tirian (20-25) to be a little odd.

Posted : September 10, 2010 12:40 pm
Fire Fairy
NarniaWeb Junkie

Well, it might be, but if Aslan's Country is anything like heaven there is no marriage there. I understand you probably believe differently from that.

Yes, I do believe differently. And instead of getting into a religious disagreement, I'll just leave it at that. ;)

Personally, I don't see any reason why there shouldn't be continuation of life in the New Narnia just as much as the old Narnia.

Also, I don't really like this whole "Lucy is too pure to think of romance" thought. Loving someone isn't going to take away from Lucy's devotion to Aslan.

Hmm, all I can say is...ditto! In fact, I think loving someone would add to her devotion to Aslan, IMO.

After all, while the actors may end up being older than their characters' ages, I'm pretty certain Lewis had Jill and Eustace at 16 at oldest.

I'm pretty sure that's right, since LB Lucy is 17, and she's one year older than Eustace and Jill, right? :-??

Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.

Topic starter Posted : September 10, 2010 1:52 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Fire Fairy, I do not believe that Aslan's country/heaven doesnt allow marriages or romance. My point is that after just dying and ending up in Aslan's country, they should be happy about reuiting with Aslan and their narnian friends...not suddenlly falling in love. It would cause the audience to loose focus on the themes of the story.

But if Tirian/Jill were to develop a romance in the movie, I wouldnt mind in Aslan's country showing them as a couple, holding hands and all.

Winter Is Coming

Posted : September 10, 2010 5:36 pm
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