It was the first time she had spoken, and from the thrill in her voice, Tirian now knew why. She was drinking everthing in even more deeply than the others. She had been too happy to speak. He wanted to hear her speak again, so he said:
"Of your courtesy, Madam, tell on. Tell me your whole adventure."
And later, when Eustace interrupts Lucy:
"Friend," said Tirian softly, "you hinder the lady in her tale."
And then, when the Lucy tries to convince the Dwarfs of where they were, and a dwarf asks "and who are you anyway?":
"Earth-man," said Tirian, "she is the Queen Lucy, sent hither by Aslan out of the deep past. And it is for her sake alone that I, Tirian your lawful King, do not cut all your heads from your shoulders, proved and twice-proved traitors that you are."
Anyways, that's my opinion, and I'm really curious to know yours and your reasoning behind your opinion!
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
I voted other. Why? Because I don't think anyone should be with anyone. My reasoning behind that? If C. S. Lewis did not say that there was a romance, then I don't think there was one. Anything that appears to be romance but is not specifically called romance is simply the characters acting heroic, chivalrous, and courteous (the way knights and kings were supposed to act ).
My first would be Tirian and Jill. I don't know...Edmund never seems to be set up with anyone, so maybe he should be with someone...maybe even Jill?
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
Fire Fairy I really don't think Tirian meant to be romantic at all with Lucy when he was doing that. He could have done what he did because he knew Eustace was the type to interrupt and he didn't like that a Narnian legend especially someone like Queen Lucy herself. They barely have any dialogue either and it's so close to the end of the story that it wouldn't work. Another reason is that once Lucy got to Aslan's Country she was far too consumed with seeing Tumnas again anyways. I don't think Lucy/Tirian will or should work out, it'll be like Suspian again. No.
If the production company do decide to put a romance in where it is good and fresh in the second and third act of the film it should be Jill/Eustace or Jill/Tirian. But I don't want a romance either way. It's just not Narnian.
A Proud Supporter for a Jilrian Jill/Tirian Romance.-PM DamselJillPole.
I don't like Susan (never have or will) so sue me!
I've been a what you call a Jilrian fan, Jill/Tirian going on 15 years now.
Like Queen Lilliandil stated above about the Lucy/Tirian thing, it wont work as you probably plan it on film. It's too close towards the end of the book until they see each other, swap four sentences to each other and that's it after that Lucy is too busy catching up with Mr. Tumnas. Also wanting to hear a voice again isn't really interpreted as being romantic. Guys tell me to talk all the time because they tell me my voice is unique. Doesn't mean that they like me in that way. Sounds again like Supian if you ask me. If you ask me, Lucy would go very well with Emeth in Aslan's Country.
In films if you are going to have a romance story like QL said once agian you always need to begin it in act 2 and that is 30 minutes into a film. I say Jill/Tirian because there's a lot you can take from the book about them, also because these are the very first characters I've shipped in my life. I'd love to see my long life dream come true.
I guess Jill and Eustace could work but I'd rather a Jill/Tirian.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Tirian/Jill all the way for me. I think Eustace and Jill are too much like Aravis and Cor that people will go "We've seen this character developed romance before!"
and Lucy and Tirian? When did that happen? No indeed.
I liked how she reacted seeing Tumnus again that I think they would be rather adorable!
Co-Founder of Jilrian Club, Jill/Tirian. PM DamselJillPole or me to join.
A proud Supporter of the Caspian/Lilliandil Romance!
I support Laura Brent!
Oh, NO! Please let there not be any romances between any of the characters! The Caspian/Susan romance really wasn't nessecary in PC, and I was nuetral to it. But if they tried it again with Jill and Eustace, Tirian and Lucy, or anyone that C.S. Lewis hadn't written in the books, I would go insane!
I doubt Lewis ever meant to hint at crushes, and all those kind interactions between male and female characters was because they were friends, not even close to anything more. I wouldn't mind seeing hints of something between Shasta and Aravis and Caspian and Lilliandil, but that's because they were meant to be. Ahhhhh!
Alright, I better stop before I pass out, and sorry if I'm a bit over the top about this. But I voted other, for I am strongly against any created romances.
Tirian/Jill all the way for me.
I think Eustace and Jill are too much like Aravis and Cor that people will go "We've seen this character developed romance before!"
and Lucy and Tirian? When did that happen? No indeed.
You're right. If Jill and Eustace were to have something it would be like Aravis and Cor all over agian. I'm also tired of seeing good friends that become something more if films. it's so cliche now because that rarely happens in romantic relationships. I came to the conclusion that Eustace and Jill's friendship should remain pure. Also Lucy and Emeth reminds me of each other. They both take an unknown plunge to adventure fearlessly. I like them better.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I really wouldn't like any type of of romance to take place in these films if it is not canon. Unfortunately however, if I had to choose, it would have to be Jill and Tirian. *ducks head from flying tomatoes* Don't throw them at me throw them at DamselJillPole. She's the reason why I got into it because her different opinions do make sense, also role-playing Tirian has gotten me day by day to like Jill/Tir even more. Jill and Tirian are more appealing in a sense when you read The Last Battle and I've always looked at Jill and Eustace as just friends, guys and girls can be friends, I wouldn't want them to lose that. As for Lucy she is the pureness and the innocence of these stories. People in my opinion shouldn't ship her with anyone. Her only undying love is for Aslan, her family and her friendship with Mr. Tumnus.
Not Suspian!
Avatar: DamselJillpole Sig: Tarkheena
I vote "other" because there is no romance in LB.
A Tirian/Lucy combination would be a complete repeat of Susan/Caspian. Tirian should have nothing but respect for Lucy when he sees her -- which, in fact, is all he has. She is a queen who reigned long before he, and thus when he first sees her he should not suddenly get a crush. Sound familiar?
I think any romance in LB would detract from the solemnity of the book. Tirian has more important things on his mind than romantic feelings.
king caspian wrote: As for Lucy she is the pureness and the innocence of these stories. People in my opinion shouldn't ship her with anyone. Her only undying love is for Aslan, her family and her friendship with Mr. Tumnus.
I totally agree with king caspian!!! Lucy is the purness and the innocence of the whole story, it wouldn't be right for her to be with Tirian! She could maybe be with Emeth but that's because he is also pure as it says that he has forever believed and worshiped Tash, which as Aslan says, is actually worshiping Aslan himself!!!! So yeah but I wouldn't say no to Jill/Tirian!!!!!
~ N.Dreamer <3
Sig/Avatar made by the awesome opposom Eustace+Jill!!
Check the gate, Watch yourself! Check the gate, show m' what ya got! And check! Love it Skandar and Georgie!
I voted "Other" as in "None". But if I had to choose, it would definitely be Jill/Tirian. Jill/Eustace would ruin their relationship, make it completely typical. Lucy/anyone is completely out of the question, as king caspian so beautifully put it.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
I am a Eustace/Jill shipper. He goes from bullying her to really good friends with her and is so protective of her. He confides in her and she got shy when he killed the bad guy. I think a romance between them would be romantic, going from enemies to loving each other.
My book on Amazon Kindle ... 572&sr=8-1
The more I thought about this and skimmed through Last Battle again last night. The more I can see why most of you on here would rather ship Jill/Tirian then the others. I myself sort of grew on them trying to decide if a romance would occur. Tirian seems chivalrous of Jill, yes but like King Caspian said, there's something very appealing about them and original. Their auras practically go together, they are both impulsive in a bravery way, I love the way he compliments her, and is very over protective. Instead of answering the question about Tash to the others when they saw him Tirian was more concerned about Jill and he really deeply cares for her safety. They even have an archery practice together, which can go into the movie for development.
I have to say that I'm sorry to the Jilstace shippers but I think Eustace and Jill should only be friends and yes if they were to get together it would be 100% like Cor and Aravis's romance and it wouldn't take place until the very end because if Eustace really had feelings for Jill I don't think Jill would give back his feelings at all. Romance in long time friendships is a very awkward thing and I can't see that working all the way towards the end of the story.
A Proud Supporter for a Jilrian Jill/Tirian Romance.-PM DamselJillPole.
I don't like Susan (never have or will) so sue me!
Thanks everybody for your opinions!
I can see why everyone thinks Jill and Tirian would go well together. I can also see why it would make more sense cinematically. I still like the idea of Tirian and Lucy, especially since that was my first impression, but I can see why a lot of you think of it being a lot like Suspian.
What I don't get is the idea that Lucy is too pure to be in a relationship. In my opinion, that is all the more reason to have a companion!! Does a relationship jeporadize her purity or something? See, my religion believes that the only way to get the highest degree of glory after death is to be married to someone for eternity. That's why I have a hard time believing that Lucy should not have a companion. I think she needs someone all the more, someone who completes her (which is why the Lucy/Emeth idea is kind of appealing, although I don't see any signs of it in the book). I guess I just haven't ever liked it that everyone kind of "ignores" Lucy. And some like the idea of Tumnus and Lucy, but I just see them as good friends (like some people see Jill and Eustace). But, anyways, I'll get off my soap box now.
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.