*shrugs* That's okay! We all have our own images of what Jill pole would look like!
Anyway, what about what I said about their ages in LB and SC? I don't think they'll be that much older in LB than SC. By they I mean Jill and Eustace.
According to the Guide to Narnia by Rodger Ford, Jill is 9 in SC and 16 in LB. I disagree with him though.That's a very major change in ages between SC and LB. I believe Jill should be 14-15 in SC and 16-17 in LB. But they never mention the pevensies ages in either movie, so I think Jills appearence(looking old or young) is really all we need to worry about. Will(eustace) already looks a lot younger than he is, so I would'nt really worry about that.
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
I saw an actress in a commercial in one of my DVR recordings, she has American accent but I have seen her in 3 pther commercials with different accents including an English accent, it sounded authentic to me. Not sure what her name is but I do know she is about to turn 14 in December.
Yes, I agree. I don't think Jill Pole should be too young. Will Poulter and the new actress should be somewhat close in age.
We don't want it to look like they're brother and sister.
I don't think that would be good.
But, that is in my opinion.
I was thinking 13 or 14 in the Silver Chair, and 15 or 16 in the Last Battle.
What do you think?
I Like: Your mischevious smile, your rather weird hair, your perverse mind, our occasional annoying conversations, the funny random noises you make, the burning touch of your fingetips on my skin, how you know most of the things on my mind...
I think early teens for SC and late teens for LB. Its plain to see that the actress will most likely be in her early twenties any way by the time LB comes around so late teens is the only age I can see Jill at during that film. And since girls change alot from there early/mid teen years to their late teens/adulthood I don't see a problem in her being around Will P's age. I think the actress should be about 15 or Will's age since they are in the same class, it won't matter.Too young wouldn't be a good idea.
*We three kings of Orient are; bearing gifts we traverse afar, field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star...*
~Merry Christmas From Lostin1800~
hmmmm, that girl doesn't seem to scream "Jill" to me, but the age is right
av / sig by me, PM if you want one
saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!
You're right NothinButNarnia, Sammi just doesn't look quite right for the part.
We talked a lot about Jill's characteristics in Silver Chair, but we haven't talked about them in Last Battle. Do you think she still has the stubborness we knew her for in Silver Chair?
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
NothinButNarnia, What girl are you talking about? The one I posted or Sammi?
@ Jill pole. your picture doesn't fit the way I imagined Jill. I always pictured her as more of a tomboy if you know what I mean. Do you know more about her than just "she can do a very good British accent"? Some people may not look the part but look incredibly like it when they are playing it. Is she that kind of girl?
Sig by greenleaf23.
Jill Pole, I was talking about the one you posted
@ a narnian ship - I think Jill did a lot of growing up between the books, she is much more mature (ex willing to fight for Narnia, even if she looses her life)
av / sig by me, PM if you want one
saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!
I have seen her often on the streets and I have talked to her a couple of times since we go to the same school. She is actually very tomboyish she never likes wearing skirts, shorts or dresses. I have noticed her being kind of a show off and she told me that she was bullied in elementary school. She is that kind of girl in my opinion, she is very innocent looking and really nice. She got the part of Rizzo in Grease. Rizzo is the meanest of the lead characters and she was really convincing and many people praised her by really turning into that character. People told her nobody could have play the role better ( I went to see the play myself).
@NothinButNarnia- thanks for clearing that up
Ah see, now we are getting somewhere. That sounds like a girl that could play Jill at that.
Sig by greenleaf23.
About Jill's personality in the Last Battle...
I don't think Jill should lose her spunkiness, (is that a word?) and her bossiness. I just think she should grow up... Her personality shouldn't be cut out, and you should still be able to see who she was in the Silver Chair. If she's grown up too much, then I don't think the movie will be as good. I could be wrong, but I still want to see the Jill we saw in the Silver Chair.
What do you think?
I Like: Your mischevious smile, your rather weird hair, your perverse mind, our occasional annoying conversations, the funny random noises you make, the burning touch of your fingetips on my skin, how you know most of the things on my mind...
Definitetly, JillPoleWannabe123. She still needs to be stubborn, but she uses her "stubborness" for good. She seems to develop into quite a leader(leading Tirian and Eustace through the forest is not the only way she leads). I do agree grown up would be bad; i seem to remember jill criticizing susan in the end of LB for being "such a grown up and only caring about nylons and lipstick". That also gives us a hint of her tomboyishness(quite the word, eh?), which I agree is part of her personality, Watziznehm.
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
You're right. Jill is a big leader. There are people who follow people, and wait for other to take the lead. Then there are people who would like to lead, but everyone else seems to beat them to it. Jill would not be either of those. Talk about taking the lead!
I hope the casting directors don't choose a girly-girl to play the part. Actually, the actor's personality rubs off on their character. If they pick a girly-girl, then Jill will be portayed like that. Not all actors show their true personality that much, well, enough to alter the performance. I just don't want her to be into, "nylons and lipstick"!
You know what I mean??
I Like: Your mischevious smile, your rather weird hair, your perverse mind, our occasional annoying conversations, the funny random noises you make, the burning touch of your fingetips on my skin, how you know most of the things on my mind...