Since I'm a girl- Polly or Jill or Ramandu's daughter!
If I was a guy- Caspian!
Avie by:MissAdventure
siggy by:LucyP0104
Caspian + Lilliandil
"Love NEVER fails"
1st Place: FM - Jill M - Edmund
2nd Place: FM - Avris M - Eustace
3rd Place: FM - Polly M - Peter
And the others IDK.
Hmm.. hard to decide... I suppose Lucy. I have always liked her and assosiated with her most. But then... KI also want to be Lilliandil... she other-wordly, mysterious, beautiful, and marries caspian.
signature by Beginte
Since I'm a girl, I would be Lucy. I love her relationship with Aslan, and her childlike faith. I love the way she relates to those around her; her compassionate heart; and her valiant soul.
Need I say more?
Runners-up are Eustace, Edmund, Jill, and Aravis. I don't think I would really care who I was in Narnia, as long as I got there in the first place!
av by dot
Girl: Gwendolyn
Guy: Caspian
Narnian: A centaur or A talking mouse
Im not inactive just very very busy
-Katana, Member of the Midnight Society, Weapons afficionado of the castle of Ivory&Gold, esteemed owner of a flying pickle
Are we talking about playing a part in a movie or actually ceasing to be ourselves and becoming another person?
Ok, never mind. After reading other posts I figured it out.
I'd be Queen Helen; or maybe Digory's mother, Mabel; or Swanwhite the Queen mentioned in LB. Mabel got to eat the apple, and her husband came home after inheriting a big house in the English countryside....
I would be Jill, she's the one I relate to the most.
made by katherine