I would be either Susan or Jill. I would be Susan if I were in the movies but Jill if I were in the books. Susan gets to fight in the movie and she doesn't in the books and I would definetly be out there fighting. I would never be the one who would willingly sit back home at the castle pacing and waiting for news. I would be like Shasta and Cor and sneak into the battle. Or like ...I think it was Arwen in LOTR who sneaked into the battle.
girl: Lucy
guy: Edmund
Narnian: Reepicheep!!!!!!!!!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Girl: Lucy. Guy: caspian Narnian: reepicheep.
For a girl, I'd want to be Jill Pole. I'd want to be her because of her personality. She acts just like me!
For a guy, I'd want to be Edmund. Even though he is a traitor in LWW, he really comes through in PC.
Narnian, probably Reepicheep. He is sooo cute in PC!
I Like: Your mischevious smile, your rather weird hair, your perverse mind, our occasional annoying conversations, the funny random noises you make, the burning touch of your fingetips on my skin, how you know most of the things on my mind...
If I could be any character: It's realy hard to choose!
Girl: Aravis because she's fiesty and strong but can admit when she's wrong
Boy: Edmund because he grows so much from when we first meet him and becomes such a great guy (It would be Peter but I find him a wee bit hard to relate to in the books because he's so 'magnificent' I admire him but don't think I could be him.
Narnian: Fledge - he gets to grow wings and fly! How cool is that!
Maybe Lucy, or even Polly because she was the first one to be in Narnia.
I would be Lucy. She loves Aslan and Narnia so much. For a Narnian ... I think it would be nice to be Mrs Beaver - she meets the children early on, and she's so calm and organized.
I would be like Shasta and Cor and sneak into the battle.
Or like ...I think it was Arwen in LOTR who sneaked into the battle.
It was Eowyn, actually She's a great character, too ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I'll pick Lucy. I love her sweet, trustworthy personality.
Avvy by Kate
"Argue against God & you argue against the power that makes you able to argue at all." -C.S. Lewis
I'd be Lucy because she's so loyal or Edmund because he's awesome!!
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
wow you guys...Thanks so much!! I hardly expected my thread to go so far. I agreee with alot of you...I see most of you want to be Lucy or Edmund
[b] Prince CaspianX I know you posted a couple of pages back but I agree with you best friend Caspian would be the guy I'd be. He was so...strong...but almost gentle at times. He's great.
Like I said at the begining I'd be Susan...she's my favorite girl. Even though she lost faith in Last battle..(which I like to pretend doesn't exist ) I still liek her. Beautiful, gentle....in love....I just like her
Thanks everyone for posting how you have...all you out there..We'd all still like to hear who you like to be
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I think Aslan would be a cool character to be, for obvious reasons.
As for regular characters, out of the girls, I'd like to be either Jill or Aravis because I think I'm most like those two. Out of the guys, I'd like to be Edmund, since he's my favorite character. And out of the Narnians, I'd like to be Jewel because I love unicorns and he's a great character.
Avy by Sarah from totallygeorgie.com
My movie counterpart: Susan
My book counterpart: probably Aravis
Hard choice! I know I would be a fighter, so I could be either Lucy or Jill too....but I happen to really like Aravis, so I chose her. As for Susan, she is pretty cool in the movie.
I would be Ed! Hes great!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Susan definetly. Second would be Jill.
If I could pick, I'd picky Lucy, because she seems to be the best character in the series.
However, the character most like me would be a mixture of Jill and Eustace. As much as I love them, their faults are like mine and that is not so good.
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