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[Closed] Great Pics of the Cast

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HM Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Nut

Hey everyone! I haven't been in here for ages - I've just been looking through but have only got up to pg 9. I was about to post the pic that is at the top of this page but never mind!

Kira My hair has changed as I've grown older from straight to really curly so Georgie may be the same! :)

Also, I loove the pics of Ben and Georgie together! So cute! :D :)

Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan

Posted : March 20, 2011 7:04 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Thanks to 220ChrisTian, here are some more:

<-made by nz_narnia_nut,avvie by Djeq can get cool prizes when you sign up for Swagbucks (like Starbucks gift cards)!

Posted : March 22, 2011 12:38 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Those are good pics.

Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
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Posted : March 22, 2011 1:56 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

oh I LOVE the first and second one! Georgie looks so pretty in the first one and I love Skandar in Georgie together in the second one! nice finds!

NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!

Posted : March 24, 2011 2:04 pm
HM Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Nut

Wow - I really love the second one of Georgie and Skandar! :) I may have seen it before though. I'm not too keen on his hair cut though, but as long as he looks good in the movie I'm all good! :p

This is off-topic but puddleglum32 could you please PM me the texture you used in your sig?

Now I shall return to perusing this thread (it's a treasure trove really!) :)

Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan

Posted : March 28, 2011 5:41 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Recent promotion for VDT DVD, video with Ben and Will:

... r_embedded

Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb

Posted : March 29, 2011 6:02 pm

Does anyone know the source of this photo = Skandar and Georgie together? The occasion is the Dawn Treader press conference at the Dorchester Hotel in London, December 5, 2010. But it's odd to have them both together in a single photo. This is the first of its nature for the VDT press conference photos. Check out my story on Aslan's Country to see what I mean.

Source: my Skandar/Georgie Tumblr account.

EDIT/UPDATE: I learned the source. The person I reblogged on Tumblr created this piece. It's two photos combined on some artsy program - GIMP, Photoshop, etc. So maybe it's not a "great pic of the cast." lol Well done, though!

Posted : April 14, 2011 2:52 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

220chrisTian, that is a really pretty picture!
here are some i found!


<-made by nz_narnia_nut,avvie by Djeq can get cool prizes when you sign up for Swagbucks (like Starbucks gift cards)!

Posted : April 30, 2011 5:49 am
NarniaWeb Guru

What's there to not love about Georgie? LOL

My book on Amazon Kindle ... 572&sr=8-1

Posted : April 30, 2011 5:21 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

eustacegirl, i know right! lol
Here are some more i found! I'm not quite sure what to think of her dress. ;) I do however love this dress! :D

<-made by nz_narnia_nut,avvie by Djeq can get cool prizes when you sign up for Swagbucks (like Starbucks gift cards)!

Posted : May 19, 2011 1:48 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Great pics everyone! Georgie sure has grown up alot since LWW!

Avatar by LucyPO104
Keeper of Jadis' Wolves

Posted : May 20, 2011 6:04 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Here's some cute pictures of Georgie (they're from a few weeks ago...she was visiting a school.)

More are here: ... nia&kpap=2

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : June 10, 2011 4:22 am
NarniaWeb Nut

WOW! Lucky school children :) Great pictures AslansChild!

Narnia is childhood...

Seriously, just give the kid the orange. He needs his vitamin C!

Posted : June 14, 2011 5:32 am
NarniaWeb Nut

thanks, I'm always looking for recent pics of the cast.

okay, I HAD to post this's hilarious:

thought this was sweet too (Georgie dancing):

they're all so small! :((

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : June 24, 2011 5:03 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Anyone know where/when/why this photo was taken?

It looks like it's from the 2004-2005 time period, Will looks like he did at the LWW premiere, but I don't recognize ever seeing Anna in that coat/dress/ I'm at a loss. It's a really sweet picture, but I'm just curious as to why they're together?

MAN is Anna SHORT! ;)) she does NOT seem that short in any other photo!

Also, I was wondering if someone could either post it here or PM me the original photo used in this avatar:

thank you! :D

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : July 4, 2011 4:24 am
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