Well, here is a new poll pertaining to the main characters that will appear in the 4 remaining Narnia Movies: The Silver Chair, The Magicians Nephew, The Horse and His Boy, and The Last Battle.
I tried to select what I thought were the 2 main new characters from each remaining story. These are characters that have not yet been filmed for the big screen. There is an "Other" option if you think of another character that was overlooked or you think equal to the two chosen.
You may choose up to 4 characters; that allows at least 1 from each story. You may change your vote(s) in this poll.
Let's hope that the remaining movies all get made some day.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
I voted King Tirian, Jewel, Jill, and Araivs.
I think seeing Jewel and Tirian would be awesome on the big screen, him and Tirian are one of the best ex. of friendship, I love the part in LB when Tirian said
"Kiss me, Jewel, for certainly this is our last night on earth. And if I ever offened against you in any matter great or small forgive me now."
that is a TRUE friend right there.
And I'd love to see Jill, she's always stuck out to me for no apprent reason, I hope they do well in casting (if they ever do)
last but not least Araivs, she is a bold character with a lot of spirit, she's brave, yet sensible.
I hope that we all see these characters on the big screen eventually, and that they reach expections too.
Jill Pole always has been and likely always will be my favorite character in the series. She's the one I'd look forward to seeing the most.
Puddleglum is a close second.
But the fact of the matter remains, I'd love to see ALL of them. Cause that means all of the movies were being made.
Jill is my favorite human from our world to visit Narnia.
So I voted for Jill Pole, King Tirian, Shasta/Cor, and Digory. I voted for one from each story because I too would like to see all four remaining stories made.
All those characters are great and the ones I did not vote for would be a close second.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
I had to go with Digory for one. Mainly because we see his character in LWW and it would be really interesting to be introduced to his younger self. Not that it matters at this point, but would they cast someone who could potentially look or could become the older Digory? Would a next batch of Narnia movies start with MN and therefore look for an older Digory that could match the looks of his younger self? It's certainly something to think about.
Next would be Jewel. I'm interested to see how they would achieve his character technically. I know, I can hear you saying, Jewel's a unicorn- a horse, how hard can it be? But, I'm wondering, would he be CG for some parts... obviously the lip sync would not be "real", but what about some of his actions- not to mention the horn itself.
Same thing goes for Puddleglum. I would really like to see what method (or methods) is used to achieve his character. It could go a lot of different ways, or it could just be kept really simple. Oh the speculation.
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NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Puddleglum. One of my absolute favorite character from the books.
I think the greatest shame of not having SC made, would be never seeing Puddleglum on the big screen.
I totally agree with Riella
I am (assuming they make all the movies...fingers crossed!) most excited to see Puddleglum. I want to know if he matches the picture in my head, but I'll be happy regardless, of course. Of the humans, I most want to see Shasta - he was the main reason I enjoyed reading The Horse and His Boy.
I didn't vote other, but I should have because I am also very interested in the adaptation of Hwin. I know she isn't absolutely vital to the advancement of the story, but I REALLY hope they don't cut her out...she is such a fantastic character, and Aravis has to have a horse anyway, right?
"Daughter, I have now lived a hundred and nine winters in this world and have never yet met any such thing as Luck. There is something about all this that I do not understand: but if ever we need to know it, you may be sure that we shall."
I've always loved Aravis in the illustrations in the book; so, I really want to see her as an actual person. Her character is so colorful and interesting.
Polly and Digory have also always captured my imagination.
I chose other as well because I really want to see Rillian. This time it's the opposite; I cannot imagine a cross between Caspian and Lilliandil. I can't wait to see how he looks.
I voted Jill, Puddleglum, Polly, and Digory. Apparently I can't decide between SC and MN.
Like most people, I can hardly wait until Puddleglum is hopefully cast. That's why I voted for him.
I voted for Jill and Puddleglum. SC is my favorite chronicle, and Jill is the new human character in that - it will be interesting to see her development through the story.
Puddleglum is my favorite Narnian. His pessimistic optimism is such a great part of his charm - and is also very useful for the adventure. It would be very sad if the movie was never made so we wouldn't meet him.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
From each film, in order of preference:
Puddleglum - Other posts on the forum should give you a clue as to how much I love this guy. He's the part I'll miss the most during Narnia's hiatus. We need a marshwiggle on the big screen!
Digory - We've already met his character as an adult, but kid Digory is such a charming little fellow, so it'd be a shame for him to not get his spot in the limelight.
Jewel the Unicorn - Jewel was my favourite part of LB, and I'm always interested in a talking horse--and this one's a unicorn to boot!
Aravis - I'm not entirely sure why I want Aravis more than Shasta, as it's quite the toss-up. I suppose I'm interested to see if they'd manage to get her feisty, stuck-up personality right.
I'd really like to see Aravis. She's one of my favorite characters. I'd also like to see her friend, Lasaraleen, because I remember her from the radio dramatization, where she was always talking. I would love to see her portrayed on film.
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My choices:
Puddleglum - such a fun character. And the Doctor (oops, I mean Tom Baker ) had a pretty humorous portrayal in the BBC.
Aravis - HHB is my favorite Chronicle and I'd love to see a good adaptation. Narnian_Badger describes her well: feisty and stuck-up.
Shasta - to see his journey from slave boy to future king of Archenland, and his interactions with Aslan, the lion who guided his life from infancy.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Puddleglum - Other posts on the forum should give you a clue as to how much I love this guy.
He's the part I'll miss the most during Narnia's hiatus. We need a marshwiggle on the big screen!
I totally agree with you, I still have some trouble imagining a marshwiggle, and I was sooooo looking forward to seeing Puddleglum to kind of give me a real life picture. Oh well, it looks like we'll have to wait. So yes, my first vote is for Puddleglum
Second is for Aravis. She is my favorite female character in the Chronicles and so I naturally really want to see her on screen. I also really like the Calormine culture and I just wanted to see how they would play everything out.
And last, but not least ShastaCor. I really wanted to see if they would use one actor or if they would actually use twins. If they ever make HHB I think it would be really cool if they could use twin actors...if they ever make HHB
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