Loved the interaction between Caspian and Edmund! Just loved the whole thing, even the scene at Goldwater. Skandar's acting may have been a little weird there, but I can overlook it; I just chalk it up to the fact that he's being tempted by insane wealth and power... who wouldn't be acting a little bit strange in a situation like that?
I agree. I think it was nice to see the tension build between the two during the Goldwater scene, and I personally enjoyed seeing Edmund kind of...well...explode. He's one of the few characters that I've always sympathized with; You know, the whole lost-in-the-shadow-of-my-older-brother thing. It was nice to see him actually speak up...even if he was merely being tempted by this "green" mist nonsense. But, what a brilliant scene!
Every since viewing LWW, I was interested to see how Skandar would handle having more of a leadership role in VDT. I didn't know if he could quite fill the shoes of Will by being the head honcho and the dependable older brother. But he did a fantastic job! It was great to see him be more of an action hero in this movie. Being the big (understatement) Edmund fan that I am, my opinion may be a little biast. But regardless, I think he really stepped up for this movie. This was clearly his best performance out of all of the Narnia movies. Kudos Skandar.
"If you're going through hell...keep going"
~Winston Churchill
Avatar by BuBbLyLu
I really found myself disappointed with Skandar. In LWW his performance shone, and in PC, he was just what Edmund ought to be. In VoDT, he was, honestly, the weakest of the main cast. His performance at Deathwater was embarassingly weak, and his show of grief at finding Eustace's clothes was poor. He had a lot of strong moments interspersed with entire scenes that were poorly done. He pulled it together during the battle (splendidly done), only to lose all his momentum during the end scene. His Aslan's Country dialogue was awkard and stilted.
Why? Of course, the script. It was poor in a lot of ways. I think one factor might be that Skandar simply lost interest; it appears he just was bored for some days on set and so decided to read his lines off, rather than act them. I can't blame him, he's been doing these films for eight years, and he's not even going into acting as a career. So I can sympathise with his loss of interest, while at the same time I wish he had tried to make more of an effort to go out with a bang, as Georgie did.
Obviously, this is all my opinion, and a lot of you will disagree; I don't want to offend anyone...
I am a GINORMOUS torch fan, too.
I completely agree with you guys on the disappointment when there was no Ed-Eustace scene.
And Skandar's acting was AMAZINGLY convincing throughout the entire movie.
I really didn't like EXACTLY how they portrayed his character in the Deathwater scene, but he pulled it off well.
Remember that time when we Edmund was mean and changed in LWW? Boy, both him and Skandar have grown and matured! Skandar's performance was perfect and great! Whether it was him being tempted on Goldwater, desperate to find Lucy on Magician's, or even crying at Aslan's Country, he was superb! I do miss that scene between Edmund and Eustace, but besides that, I really thought Edmund's character arch was devine, and I hope that Skandar returns for HHB when the time comes!
His performance was definitely affected by the poor writing and character development. He and Georgie really tried their best, but they weren't given dialogue or strongly developed scenes that suited their characters. It sort of made sense though that he shouldn't have been in the limelight as much for this movie because it's actually introducing Eustace into the Chronicles.
I also did so much miss the lack of an Ed and Eustace scene after the undragoning, now that would have been some meaty material for Skandar to sink his acting teeth into because Ed and Eustace have something in common where they're both redeemed. Missed opportunity!
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Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
I didn't really have anything wrong with his acting, but the role was too much like Peter in Prince Caspian. I would rather have had Caspian be tempted by the gold, and Edmund say "no, I'm still the king here." And of course, Aslan should have appeared.
I also would have liked to see the relationship between him and Caspian developed more. It just gets kind of boring seeing them argue--its like Caspian is the Pevensie brothers' resident Narnian punching bag. I liked it that they were close at the end, but I wished we'd seen a little more of how that happened. Also, I think Edmund did come off as immature at the beginning.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
Poor Skandar...he's so talented, but the script he had to work with was ATROCIOUS. My friend and I actually burst out laughing when he said, "I'm tired of playing second fiddle!" What a horrible line...and yet...funny
Forever a proud Belieber
Live life with the ultimate joy and freedom.
The script he got was pretty bad. I felt he was the best actor out of the Pevensies, so I was dissapointed he got so little to work with. MoonlightDancer, the second fiddle line had me laughing as well. I don't think we were supposed to laugh.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Well, he DEFINITELY got MORE lines/screentime to work with in this movie than the last, but the majority of his lines were just... NOT Edmund. I understand him being tempted at Deathwater, but the amusing second fiddle line makes it look like it's been jealousy for him all his life! And then in the beginning with him enlisting for the army... "I'm a king!" Ugh, just like they ruined Peter in Prince Caspian.
I'm going to join the ranks of people that laughed when Edmund said the "Second Fiddle" line...because I did. I've had a bit more time to mull over the movie now, and that still sticks out as one of the few lines that really annoyed me...yet it made me laugh with how silly it was.
By saying that, it seems like Edmund felt like he was inferior all his life, when he would have been treated with equal respect to Peter during the Golden Age, and nobody ever picked favourites. It was just so...not Edmund.
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Avatar by MissAdventure
I agree with everyone when they say he should've had better dialouge! It wasnt fair to him as an actor, espicially since he has been part of the series so long(like Georgie). I was hoping so much for a scene that truly showed his acting. Though I must say i really enjoyed his acting when hes like "whoever has accesss to this pool could become the most powerful person in the world" his eyes were so...powerful But then how he gets all mad at Caspian just didnt feel like...him.... =/
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
I am rather disappointed by Edmund's portrayal in VDT as well. The goldwater scene's so cringe-worthy for me to the point that I couldn't bear to watch it after the first viewing. I agree that it's mainly because of the terrible script, I just felt sorry for Skandar to have to perform some of the lines because he's incredibly talented.
I have never felt so strong against a change they made but I actually dislike their change on VDT's Ed even more so than PC's Peter because Ed has already redeemed himself in LWW and his character was very loyal and modest in PC, for the character to go this way in VDT (after all the character growth in the two previous films) just didn't make any sense at all.
I agree with the script problem as well. As far as acting, I really didn't see much of a difference between Skandar's acting in Prince Caspian and this film, just that he had more screen time (thank God!!). Maybe I'm biast because Edmund is my favorite character in the series, but I've always been impressed with Skandar's acting. He's always reminded me of how Edmund was in my mind as I was reading the books. However, some of the lines in VoDT were just downright terrible, like the one to Lucy in the beginning, when he says something about them being the youngest, and that they didn't matter as much? Totally slaughtered the character building for me there. I really wish that he would've had a little more to work with...his eyes alone work acting miracles that those in Hollywood would kill for, in my opinion! (And that's not dreamy fangirl banter, either...tis truth!)
proud new owner of a shiny silver torch. beholding the wonder as you read this.
I loved Edmund in VDT and I think that Skandar did a great job. This movie shows just how much Edmund has changed. The transformation of the Edmund in LWW to the Edmund in VDT was great. In LWW he was obviously quite a pain and cared only for himself but now he has grown up and cares for others. He is especially protective over Lucy. And also in LWW and PC he did not like to show his emotions (remember in PC when he did not want to hold Peter's hand). But in VDT he is open about how he cares for his friends. I loved how after the battle with the sea serpent Ed had his arm around Lucy. And the hug at the end with him and Caspian told it all and showed how much he had matured.
I am so glad that Edmund was finally one of the main characters in VDT. In PC I felt as though he wasn't in it at all. But I was so glad that we finally get to know more of who Edmund is in the VDT.
And the whole thing with the WW. I think that it worked out really well bringing her back as Ed's nightmares. I understand that many people do not like the fact that she was brought back again but I think it suited. True the books do not make such a big deal about her after LWW but she scared Ed so much and it makes sense that he is still at times reminded of her.
I think that Skandar did a great job in his role of Edmund. He portrayed his character really well. I don't think that anyone else could have done him as well as Skandar did.
I know Alsan by his other name
The "second fiddle" line was cringe worthy for me also. I didn't mind much that they switched roles in that scene--giving Caspian's line to Edmund. In the book, it was Caspian who first became enchanted by the pool. But, no biggie, the fight was well done (if too rushed) except for that one part.
Its hard to watch movies that ignore the Golden Age when all I can think of is Edmund being a "quiet and grave man, wise in council and judgement" and the confident, experienced leader that leads the Narnians (with Lucy by his side) against Rabadash at the Battle of Anvard. You kind of have to forget all that when watching the script they gave him in this movie. I love Emund and I love Skandar. I agree with the previous poster about his eyes. I really admire actors that can portray emotion with just the expression on their face and the look in their eyes. Skandar is really good at this. He has some really good scenes in the movie--I wish they had given him more scenes like the challenge to Miraz scene in PC. Something to let him be King Edmund instead of "whiny-nobody-loves-me" boy.