The word wigwam was borrowed from North America; English has borrowed a huge number of words from other countries, including names of types of dwellings.
Back on topic!!
There are plenty of tall, thin people about, but to get that gloomy long-faced look will require someone special. I wouldn't like to see his face altered by CGI as his role is major and he has so many lines that will mean close-up shots.
This suggests an older actor whose face is somewhat saggier around the mouth. He needs to look tall and thin but can be doubled for size comparison shots or longer ones. The agency I am with has a good number of extra-tall people on its books.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Adam McKay for Puddleglum! He's only 27 years old, but he's extraordinary.
He's got a long, sallow face with a cautious charisma. By the time SC is ready to be filmed, he'll be in his 30's. So. PLEASE PICK ADAM McKAY.
Bringing Posts over from the old forum.
Posted by JFG II
George McKay (b. 1992) who was in 1917. I meant George. Why the heck did I say Adam? Oh yeah - Adam is a screenwriter/director. Puddleglum deserves better.
Ugh, anyway I stand by McKay as a creative, younger take on Puddleglum; In 1917 he was (26-27) like a young Tolkien in WWI, and a solumn, steadfast soldier. Endearing. I'm trusting he'll be around 35 by the time Silver Chair is ready to be made.
But after hearing Doug Gresham talk about his gardner/housekeeper in that interview video, an older actor may be best for Puddleglum. Especially an actor who is VERY English of a certain kind. "That's all very well govner, but, if the world were to come to an end, where would we be with five pounds of sugar?" 😉
Posted by coracle
I was a bit confused for a while, wondering if you meant 2017! I didn't know there was a movie called '1917'. (quote marks are usef lol)
Posted by JFG II
I'm surprised. You didn't know there was a movie called 1917? 😮 😮
It was kind of a big deal a few months ago. Made some money, won some awards.
Ugh, but I suppose few on NarniaWeb have seen that movie yet. :-\ :-\
It's only been out since Christmas. And no one is going out to buy movies.
So I guess you didn't know the actor or characters I was referring to. 😐 😐
At least my post wasn't boring.
Posted by coracle
Correct. I have had other things to deal with this year.
Do you have a link to a photo of George McKay looking just the way he could as Puddleglum?[/quote]
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Coracle, I don’t think there’s a photo in existence of this young actor that’ll convince you. Especially if you want an older, more respected actor in the role of Puddleglum when Narnia: Silver Chair arrives. It’s something I saw in his face in one of his movies - a solemn, sallow quality - that interested me. And he’s a great young actor to boot. Not just a boy’s-boy hunk. A touch eccentric too, which is terrific for this Puddleglum.
Please hear me out: Right now, 28-year-old George McKay looks like just another young hunk, and would LOOK suitable for the roles of Adult King Peter or King Tirian/PrinceRilian. However, when Narnia: Silver Chair it ready to be filmed (in like, 6-9 years, if adaptations are done in chronological order) he’ll likely be in his mid-to-late thirties. I’d reckon that by then, he’d have established himself as a respected actor, who no longer has a baby-face, and who’s long-faced look will be apparent to all.
So: Narnia Silver Chair (2027) 35-year-old George McKay for Puddleglum.
He certainly sounds promising!
I looked at his photos - it is a lovely long face!
Some young men have thin sallow faces in their later teens and 20s, then fill out a bit. Hope he won't be like that. Of course, the thin faces of the earlier 20th century were usually due to poor nutrition, poverty, shortages, related poorer health etc.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
How about Adam Driver?
Oooh, Adam Driver is an interesting thought, @Fantasia. I don't know if he could pull off a British accent, or if he'd be able to handle wearing heavy prosthetic makeup (I don't think he's ever done a role like that?), but he's renowned for his acting ability and I'd be very intrigued to see what he would do with the character. I don't think we'd get a Puddleglum that's just a comedic Eeyore if he were cast.
For Puddleglum, I was kind of thinking Andy Serkis (who played Gollum in the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Trilogy)... he could be both in the Lord of the Rings and Narnia universe. As he brought the hissing voice of Gollum, he could bring to life Puddleglum. It would be a great tribute for the close friendship of Lewis and Tolkien.
"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me beloved."
(Emeth, The Last Battle)