Ben was very solid in VDT, and he didn't have as many cheesy lines. I think he performed really well. I really liked him in PC, better, though. But I'm not sure why. I like the beard, but I do miss the accent. Without it, you sometimes almost forgot PC, and all he went through in that one. But he was very kingly in VDT. Yeah, he did do a few stupid things.
Merry Christmas!
"I'm here to save Elizabeth!" ~ Will Turner
It's great! Like in PC, great. I love words"We'll find your lost citizens" and both Farewell Scenes. I
Lucy:Do you remember who really defeated the White Witch?
Peter: Yes.
Lucy:Do you both believe in Narnia?
Narnians, Caspian and Edmund:We believe.
Susan and Peter:Shut up.
New project for Ben = "The Words"! You can learn more about this project on IMDb and Ben's role in it on the news section of his IMDB profile (pages 1-2).
I heard about that! I really don't understand it though. Something about stealing someone's work or something like that. Oh and If y'all don't know he has a new agent too. Ok back to Narnia! I like how they kept that brotherly quality of Caspian in VDT. I like how he is everyone's brother!
Avie by:MissAdventure
siggy by:LucyP0104
Caspian + Lilliandil
"Love NEVER fails"
I think the biggest reason I liked him best in VotDT was that I can see, through Ben's performance, why the Pevensies like Caspian so much. he plays Caspian in such a way that I wish I knew someone like him.
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^ Yeah I cant wait to see Ben in The Words! Even though the story sounds a lot like Secret Window. Still I love Ben
Speaking of the new movies Ben Barnes is at it again with "Gently Down The Stream" alongside with Amanda Seyfried, Robert De Niro, Robin Williams, and oh my lanta this caast is huge!! Go Ben!!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
@Damsel: thanks for the link! But Ben hasn't been confirmed for the project. His name isn't listed in any of the 5 articles on IMDb. Proof: Ben's profile! We need something official for confirmation. It will be a tight squeeze since this project films in Greenwich, CT next month. Ben is filming "The Words" right now in Montreal....
I think Ben is casted in the new film because for one, it is with the same production company Ben's new agency in the USA hooked him up with. Plus Ben's role in The Words is supporting, and we do not know how much screentime his character might have. The film will also be shooting in New York and that is close to CT. Also GDTS wont be shooting until mid or late July. I think Ben is in the film.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I hope he is cast in the other would be great to see him get a bit more credit for being such a good actor!
Narnia is childhood...
Seriously, just give the kid the orange. He needs his vitamin C!
Update: just posted a tweet from one of the actresses in "Gently Down the Stream" which is now "Te Wedding" and she posted that Ben Barnes is indeed playing her son in the film and just met him and can not wait for them to film their scenes.
So yes i guess this is proof enough.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Oh my goodness! Thats great news and streight from the horses mouth! Thanks Damseljillpole
Narnia is childhood...
Seriously, just give the kid the orange. He needs his vitamin C!
Ben Barnes has done a great job in both PC and VDT, but in VDT, he really improved. He seemed much more relaxed, and was indeed Caspian.
Caspian's character in the VDT film is much what he is in the book. He has grown up since PC, but still has struggles. In the film, many people thought it was completely boneheaded of him to sleep on the Magician's Island with the crew, and having Drinian let him. In the book though, he and the kids decide to explore one of the Lone Islands themselves, and get captured. Caspian in the film is not perfect, nor is he in the books. He is learning to be a better king, and has become from his mistakes.
It also appears that Barnes has been negotiating with Warner Bros. to be cast in a fantasy film currently entitled "Seventh Son", based off a book series by Joseph Delaney for young adults. Nothing is on IMDb yet with Ben, but two other well known stars, Jeff Bridges and Julianne Moore, are currently cast, so we'll just have to wait and see. If so, this will be his third project within a month!
I just saw these pics today and I thought you'd all want to see them.
(sorry...too big to put in the post, so here's the link )
Question(s): 1.Would someone be willing to put a brief description of The Words in a post here? 2.Is Barnes playing a soldier?
weird... ... words.html
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
Thank you for posting these pictures AslansChild! And wow I hope Ben gets into another fantasy film too! That would be great!
I really love Ben's pictures, he's so handsome
He looks just like he did in Hyrise and The History Boys. Every look looks good on him I think.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Has anyone seen him in a play? I think that would be awesome! What was he like? Was he any good? Do you like him better as a film or stage actor?
(sorry, far to many questions )
Here's a good pic:
I didn't really like his whole appearance in VDT, but he looks better here, he seems...happier, younger... idk, maybe it's just me:
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
I think he was in History boys before PC but it was never on the stage because of his role in Narnia he had to back out. But I think that would have been good!
Also, I agree with you about the photo, he does look younger their, but maybe that was the idea in VDT- to make him look older (Despite the fact that it was only 3 years late ?!)
Narnia is childhood...
Seriously, just give the kid the orange. He needs his vitamin C!